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Team Devil
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Topic: DUEL TIER Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 9:34am |
Originally posted by Iuckshot
Lol dark old news, and there's no one confirming anything about an Unreal in that article |
I just wanted to cheer this thread up abit. But you completly ruined it again Dro. Thanks :(
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 9:50am |
It's what I do :D
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 9:53am |
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by Iuckshot
What tier were they from? :o | LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Cs from my experience you and the others flak. Or do better with low ping or are sound wh0res.
There's a different between a sound wh0re and someone who has headphones. A sound wh0re will sit there for a good amount of time with a stombo or flak ready.
your such a douche bro, holier than though attitude. I have my tritton's for a few different reasons:
1- they support 5.1 which is great for films and so I dont wake my girlfriend up when watching them.
2- I can hear all you motherfu ckers, and you are gonna bash on me for that, you don't deserver an opinion if thats is your opinion. what do you want me to do? I hear someone spawn at rocket launcher on sentinel and I just ignore it and dont bother, you a a hypocrite, you sound whore your self but bash on others for doing it.
I'm always on the move and my headphones are good enough that I dont need to stand still and listen for footsteps coz my headphones dull the sound of my own. you have no proof of what your saying at all.
I dont care about this list but it annoys me how someone can just lie and make random sh it up that isnt true.
Christian my ass, liar and hypocrite. |
I'm not referring to that loooool Theres no point in argueing with you, you won't stop until we proclaim you the best. There's a difference in how you or war use headphones compared to someone like penguin. If you think I'm crazy oh well.
Colossus go watch the video of you vs Mikey Brennan before you call me a liar.
Colossus after every game and before every tournament you complain/complained about lag.
You told penguin you would out do him if your ping was reversed. (me and you ping the same on east coast server -_-)
Watch the mikeybrennan video and theres all the proof I need.
If the community made a list of soundwh0res I guarantee you'd have more votes than I would. (don't get me wrong I use the flak at times, but that's not what I'm known for.)
I've been playing wit triple digit ping my whole career so I'm not a pinger.
I don't brag about every win every day.
I don't think I've ever been called a soundwh0re.
Take ya rage somewhere else.
from what I've just read, your not liking the truth.
I agree I'm a B-Lister in duel so not argument there, that's not what I'm saying. I don't agree with the description.
what I'm saying is that you are calling all the B-Listers flak spamming sound whoring noobs which is such a negative thing to say about players that have amazing hitscan skills.
dude everyone uses the flak, doesnt matter who you are and what your skill level is. you use the flak all the time bro but do I call you a flak spammer?
why don't you just admit that your wrong? go and look at my stats on Ut3 on the leaderboards, infact I will do it for you and list them here compared to yours:
Rocket Launcher kills - 33,220 Shock Rifle - 5237 Shock Rifle Combo - 5868 Sniper Rifle - 6381 FLAK CANNON - 9063
Rocket Launcher Kills - 30,763 Shock Rifle - 9513 Shock Rifle Combo - 5402 Sniper Rifle - 9789 FLAK CANNON - 14,197
we both have about the same amount of kills and as you can see you have 1000's more kills with the flak cannon than me and I have more rocket kills than you.
by the look of the stats we both use alot of hitscan but it seems you use the flak more than me and I use the Rocket Launcher alot more.
So there it is, hard fact that your wrong. like I said Im happy with my place but the description is wrong.
EDIT: There is nothing wrong with using headphones, infact you gave it as a tip in your UT3 interview so get over and stop trollin on good players. and as for putting Hunt4Ams in B-List your even more of an idiot, he is deffo A-List.
Look at the bold. me+flak= result of higher ping yet I still have a lot of hitscan kills :o
I never said they spam flak, they use it more than other players.
Playing against B listers its OBVIOUS they have headphones. More obvious than any other class. Your liyng if you disagree.
The majority of B listers lose when they have anything more than 80 ping. (except war, war is good its just he flaks hard sometimes and soundwh0res. war however has my respect due to him living in california)
Hunt fits the B list description as a pinger and bragging about all wins.
CS true or false?
When colossusslayer beats someone he's known to tell EVERYONE about it.
phantaci you and I are similar, we have spent most of our UT3 careers with lag, infact I have my own server and still spend 80% of my time in U.S servers, so dont bring lag in to this coz we have both had our far share.
I'm a social person on UT3 and in the real and like general chit chat so if I had an amazing game and beat someone better than me yeah I will brag about it, why do you think people buy HDPVR'S ? because it gives them bragging rights. they can show it instead of saying it. so you cruddy definition montages are away of you bragging without saying it.
Im not gonna get you to change that description but I have voiced my opinion and I dont see how you can deny my last post.
I have beat all the players on U.S server's on that b-list several times each and I'm sure I will again.
does it not say in the bible " Treat others the way you would like to be treated" ??? yet you sh it on people like you are god.
this is the same as racism, like some people would say (I'M not saying this) "Your Black so you must be scum". well your saying your a B-lister so you must be a flakking noob.
re-think what your saying phantaci and try again. If you decide your been a douche and your wrong I would respect you more than acting like a lying hypocrite.
Nope I'm saying a B-lister either sound whores, flaks, or is a pinger. Colossus you sound wh0re dog just accept it. My beliefs would compel me to tell the truth. I'm not at all being condescending. It's my opinion of players lol. Everytime I've played you on a EU server you've tried to flak me to win. EVERYTIME Watch the mikey brennan viideo and you'll see I'm telling the truth. I have no idea why you are raging so hard lol. If somebody called me a flak wh0re which I can be in duels, I wouldn't care. It all depends on your image of yourself. I obviously hit a soft spot somehow. CS if you don't care don't post. B list doesn't mean you suck, it just means that how I would describe your playing style. Pawweezy has a gay playing style sometimes and I/'ve told him that lol & I think most of the legends with HPs can be annoying as well. So quit crying like I'm singling only you out. I'm just keeping how I feel in the open, it's better I do it this way then say it behind your back.
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:12am |
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by Iuckshot
What tier were they from? :o | LOOOOOOOOOOOOL Cs from my experience you and the others flak. Or do better with low ping or are sound wh0res.
There's a different between a sound wh0re and someone who has headphones. A sound wh0re will sit there for a good amount of time with a stombo or flak ready.
your such a douche bro, holier than though attitude. I have my tritton's for a few different reasons:
1- they support 5.1 which is great for films and so I dont wake my girlfriend up when watching them.
2- I can hear all you motherfu ckers, and you are gonna bash on me for that, you don't deserver an opinion if thats is your opinion. what do you want me to do? I hear someone spawn at rocket launcher on sentinel and I just ignore it and dont bother, you a a hypocrite, you sound whore your self but bash on others for doing it.
I'm always on the move and my headphones are good enough that I dont need to stand still and listen for footsteps coz my headphones dull the sound of my own. you have no proof of what your saying at all.
I dont care about this list but it annoys me how someone can just lie and make random sh it up that isnt true.
Christian my ass, liar and hypocrite. |
I'm not referring to that loooool Theres no point in argueing with you, you won't stop until we proclaim you the best. There's a difference in how you or war use headphones compared to someone like penguin. If you think I'm crazy oh well.
Colossus go watch the video of you vs Mikey Brennan before you call me a liar.
Colossus after every game and before every tournament you complain/complained about lag.
You told penguin you would out do him if your ping was reversed. (me and you ping the same on east coast server -_-)
Watch the mikeybrennan video and theres all the proof I need.
If the community made a list of soundwh0res I guarantee you'd have more votes than I would. (don't get me wrong I use the flak at times, but that's not what I'm known for.)
I've been playing wit triple digit ping my whole career so I'm not a pinger.
I don't brag about every win every day.
I don't think I've ever been called a soundwh0re.
Take ya rage somewhere else.
from what I've just read, your not liking the truth.
I agree I'm a B-Lister in duel so not argument there, that's not what I'm saying. I don't agree with the description.
what I'm saying is that you are calling all the B-Listers flak spamming sound whoring noobs which is such a negative thing to say about players that have amazing hitscan skills.
dude everyone uses the flak, doesnt matter who you are and what your skill level is. you use the flak all the time bro but do I call you a flak spammer?
why don't you just admit that your wrong? go and look at my stats on Ut3 on the leaderboards, infact I will do it for you and list them here compared to yours:
Rocket Launcher kills - 33,220 Shock Rifle - 5237 Shock Rifle Combo - 5868 Sniper Rifle - 6381 FLAK CANNON - 9063
Rocket Launcher Kills - 30,763 Shock Rifle - 9513 Shock Rifle Combo - 5402 Sniper Rifle - 9789 FLAK CANNON - 14,197
we both have about the same amount of kills and as you can see you have 1000's more kills with the flak cannon than me and I have more rocket kills than you.
by the look of the stats we both use alot of hitscan but it seems you use the flak more than me and I use the Rocket Launcher alot more.
So there it is, hard fact that your wrong. like I said Im happy with my place but the description is wrong.
EDIT: There is nothing wrong with using headphones, infact you gave it as a tip in your UT3 interview so get over and stop trollin on good players. and as for putting Hunt4Ams in B-List your even more of an idiot, he is deffo A-List.
Look at the bold. me+flak= result of higher ping yet I still have a lot of hitscan kills :o
I never said they spam flak, they use it more than other players.
Playing against B listers its OBVIOUS they have headphones. More obvious than any other class. Your liyng if you disagree.
The majority of B listers lose when they have anything more than 80 ping. (except war, war is good its just he flaks hard sometimes and soundwh0res. war however has my respect due to him living in california)
Hunt fits the B list description as a pinger and bragging about all wins.
CS true or false?
When colossusslayer beats someone he's known to tell EVERYONE about it.
phantaci you and I are similar, we have spent most of our UT3 careers with lag, infact I have my own server and still spend 80% of my time in U.S servers, so dont bring lag in to this coz we have both had our far share.
I'm a social person on UT3 and in the real and like general chit chat so if I had an amazing game and beat someone better than me yeah I will brag about it, why do you think people buy HDPVR'S ? because it gives them bragging rights. they can show it instead of saying it. so you cruddy definition montages are away of you bragging without saying it.
Im not gonna get you to change that description but I have voiced my opinion and I dont see how you can deny my last post.
I have beat all the players on U.S server's on that b-list several times each and I'm sure I will again.
does it not say in the bible " Treat others the way you would like to be treated" ??? yet you sh it on people like you are god.
this is the same as racism, like some people would say (I'M not saying this) "Your Black so you must be scum". well your saying your a B-lister so you must be a flakking noob.
re-think what your saying phantaci and try again. If you decide your been a douche and your wrong I would respect you more than acting like a lying hypocrite.
Nope I'm saying a B-lister either sound whores, flaks, or is a pinger.
Colossus you sound wh0re dog just accept it.
My beliefs would compel me to tell the truth.
I'm not at all being condescending. It's my opinion of players lol.
Everytime I've played you on a EU server you've tried to flak me to win. EVERYTIME
Watch the mikey brennan viideo and you'll see I'm telling the truth. I have no idea why you are raging so hard lol.
If somebody called me a flak wh0re which I can be in duels, I wouldn't care. It all depends on your image of yourself.
I obviously hit a soft spot somehow. CS if you don't care don't post. B list doesn't mean you suck, it just means that how I would describe your playing style.
Pawweezy has a gay playing style sometimes and I/'ve told him that lol & I think most of the legends with HPs can be annoying as well. So quit crying like I'm singling only you out.
I'm just keeping how I feel in the open, it's better I do it this way then say it behind your back.
| think about everything I've just said.... Im saying this for all the players in the B-list not just myself. I will say it one more time so maybe you will understand what I'm saying. everyone in that B-List deserves to be there so I agree with you where you have put me and carlagas and so on but the description is not true. I'm not raging at all, its called a debate, I dont agree with what your saying and I was talking to veda last night and he agreed with me that the description was wrong. I think I have dueled you about 4 or 5 times ever and that was on U.S and you destroyed me but I remember the last time we played on EU on I was beating you on shangrila and you rage quit and sent me a message saying :  so you cant always overcome lag. I'm not saying that the people in B-List are better, I know my place and know that you are 10 x better than me at duel and everyone else in B-List, Im just simply saying that your description of B-List is harsh and not true thats all.
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:20am |
phant u a real dumb mofo at times i cant even be arsed to break it down for you so u can grasp a understanding of ping! some of yr absolute BS comments on ping beggar belief!
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:24am |
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by Iuckshot
What tier were they from? :o | LOOOOOOOOOOOOLCs from my experience you and the others flak. Or do better with low ping or are sound wh0res.There's a different between a sound wh0re and someone who has headphones. A sound wh0re will sit there for a good amount of time with a stombo or flak ready. | your such a douche bro, holier than though attitude. I have my tritton's for a few different reasons:1- they support 5.1 which is great for films and so I dont wake my girlfriend up when watching them.2- I can hear all you motherfu ckers, and you are gonna bash on me for that, you don't deserver an opinion if thats is your opinion. what do you want me to do? I hear someone spawn at rocket launcher on sentinel and I just ignore it and dont bother, you a a hypocrite, you sound whore your self but bash on others for doing it.I'm always on the move and my headphones are good enough that I dont need to stand still and listen for footsteps coz my headphones dull the sound of my own. you have no proof of what your saying at all.I dont care about this list but it annoys me how someone can just lie and make random sh it up that isnt true.Christian my ass, liar and hypocrite. | I'm not referring to that looooolTheres no point in argueing with you, you won't stop until we proclaim you the best. There's a difference in how you or war use headphones compared to someone like penguin. If you think I'm crazy oh well.Colossus go watch the video of you vs Mikey Brennan before you call me a liar. Colossus after every game and before every tournament you complain/complained about lag.You told penguin you would out do him if your ping was reversed. (me and you ping the same on east coast server -_-)Watch the mikeybrennan video and theres all the proof I need.If the community made a list of soundwh0res I guarantee you'd have more votes than I would. (don't get me wrong I use the flak at times, but that's not what I'm known for.)I've been playing wit triple digit ping my whole career so I'm not a pinger.I don't brag about every win every day.I don't think I've ever been called a soundwh0re.Take ya rage somewhere else. | from what I've just read, your not liking the truth.I agree I'm a B-Lister in duel so not argument there, that's not what I'm saying. I don't agree with the description.what I'm saying is that you are calling all the B-Listers flak spamming sound whoring noobs which is such a negative thing to say about players that have amazing hitscan skills.dude everyone uses the flak, doesnt matter who you are and what your skill level is. you use the flak all the time bro but do I call you a flak spammer?why don't you just admit that your wrong? go and look at my stats on Ut3 on the leaderboards, infact I will do it for you and list them here compared to yours:CSRocket Launcher kills - 33,220Shock Rifle - 5237Shock Rifle Combo - 5868Sniper Rifle - 6381FLAK CANNON - 9063PhantaciRocket Launcher Kills - 30,763Shock Rifle - 9513Shock Rifle Combo - 5402Sniper Rifle - 9789FLAK CANNON - 14,197we both have about the same amount of kills and as you can see you have 1000's more kills with the flak cannon than me and I have more rocket kills than the look of the stats we both use alot of hitscan but it seems you use the flak more than me and I use the Rocket Launcher alot more.So there it is, hard fact that your wrong. like I said Im happy with my place but the description is wrong.EDIT: There is nothing wrong with using headphones, infact you gave it as a tip in your UT3 interview so get over and stop trollin on good players. and as for putting Hunt4Ams in B-List your even more of an idiot, he is deffo A-List. | Look at the result of higher ping yet I still have a lot of hitscan kills :oI never said they spam flak, they use it more than other players.Playing against B listers its OBVIOUS they have headphones. More obvious than any other class. Your liyng if you disagree. The majority of B listers lose when they have anything more than 80 ping. (except war, war is good its just he flaks hard sometimes and soundwh0res. war however has my respect due to him living in california)Hunt fits the B list description as a pinger and bragging about all wins.CS true or false?When colossusslayer beats someone he's known to tell EVERYONE about it. | phantaci you and I are similar, we have spent most of our UT3 careers with lag, infact I have my own server and still spend 80% of my time in U.S servers, so dont bring lag in to this coz we have both had our far share.I'm a social person on UT3 and in the real and like general chit chat so if I had an amazing game and beat someone better than me yeah I will brag about it, why do you think people buy HDPVR'S ? because it gives them bragging rights. they can show it instead of saying it. so you cruddy definition montages are away of you bragging without saying it.Im not gonna get you to change that description but I have voiced my opinion and I dont see how you can deny my last post.I have beat all the players on U.S server's on that b-list several times each and I'm sure I will again.does it not say in the bible " Treat others the way you would like to be treated" ??? yet you sh it on people like you are god.this is the same as racism, like some people would say (I'M not saying this) "Your Black so you must be scum". well your saying your a B-lister so you must be a flakking what your saying phantaci and try again. If you decide your been a douche and your wrong I would respect you more than acting like a lying hypocrite. | Nope I'm saying a B-lister either sound whores, flaks, or is a pinger.Colossus you sound wh0re dog just accept it.My beliefs would compel me to tell the truth.I'm not at all being condescending. It's my opinion of players lol.Everytime I've played you on a EU server you've tried to flak me to win. EVERYTIMEWatch the mikey brennan viideo and you'll see I'm telling the truth.I have no idea why you are raging so hard lol.If somebody called me a flak wh0re which I can be in duels, I wouldn't care. It all depends on your image of yourself.I obviously hit a soft spot somehow. CS if you don't care don't post. B list doesn't mean you suck, it just means that how I would describe your playing style.Pawweezy has a gay playing style sometimes and I/'ve told him that lol & I think most of the legends with HPs can be annoying as well. So quit crying like I'm singling only you out.I'm just keeping how I feel in the open, it's better I do it this way then say it behind your back. | think about everything I've just said.... Im saying this for all the players in the B-list not just myself.I will say it one more time so maybe you will understand what I'm saying. everyone in that B-List deserves to be there so I agree with you where you have put me and carlagas and so on but the description is not true. I'm not raging at all, its called a debate, I dont agree with what your saying and I was talking to veda last night and he agreed with me that the description was wrong.I think I have dueled you about 4 or 5 times ever and that was on U.S and you destroyed me but I remember the last time we played on EU on I was beating you on shangrila and you rage quit and sent me a message saying : so you cant always overcome lag.I'm not saying that the people in B-List are better, I know my place and know that you are 10 x better than me at duel and everyone else in B-List, Im just simply saying that your description of B-List is harsh and not true thats all. |
the fact that u kept that message along with posting it on here shows what a butt hurt dueler you are! seriously think about how retarded you are to even bother posting it here! you have 0 skill vehicle modes n yr not that hot at tdm either
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:24am |
Dang son you took a picture loooool, thats all the proof I need of the description.
You brag about any and ALL wins.
I quit that game because I was having girl problems and while dueling you... #1 it was EU 2. you were running #3. it was shangri la
So no motivation was my reason/excuse.
Everybody loses CS I don't overcome lag 100% of the time, but I do it more than everybody else.
You keep proving my point.
Carlangas great dueler, but his dominance diminishes as his ping exceeds 100.
The average B lister is either a bragger, flak user, pinger, and/or sound abuser.
Colossus you already admitted to being a bragger.
I am colossus slayer my skill level is that of a B-lister and I brag about all wins therefore I am B-list.
Tourmentor is my friend and he admits to flaking hard, therefore he is B-list. (skillwise and habit wise, he always brings up the 2x hes beat me lol)
Me? I at times flak hard but don't meet the other requirements and my skills are a bit better therefore I am not B List.
Its simple logic.
@ Strider people consider me with 200 ping a bigger threat than you could ever be on host. So please leave the the duel thread, this is big boy talk.
edit: That is not the last time we dueled LOL. That duel was with my other ex lol. Last time we dueled was on subterrane and I won (eu) and you complained about the custom maps. Selective memory much? We played sub, devolve, bone atleast once and I won every time so stop.
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:26am |
no wonder why ut3 is dead
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:29am |
Worth taking a picture indeed haha..
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:30am |
Originally posted by Iuckshot
It's what I do :D |
Haha <3
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:30am |
it cant be big boy talk if u BS about ping!
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:30am |
Originally posted by ax412
Dang son you took a picture loooool, thats all the proof I need of the description.
You brag about any and ALL wins.
I quit that game because I was having girl problems and while dueling you... #1 it was EU 2. you were running #3. it was shangri la
So no motivation was my reason/excuse.
Everybody loses CS I don't overcome lag 100% of the time, but I do it more than everybody else.
You keep proving my point.
Carlangas great dueler, but his dominance diminishes as his ping exceeds 100.
The average B lister is either a bragger, flak user, pinger, and/or sound abuser.
Colossus you already admitted to being a bragger.
I am colossus slayer my skill level is that of a B-lister and I brag about all wins therefore I am B-list.
Tourmentor is my friend and he admits to flaking hard, therefore he is B-list. (skillwise and habit wise, he always brings up the 2x hes beat me lol)
Me? I at times flak hard but don't meet the other requirements and my skills are a bit better therefore I am not B List.
Its simple logic.
@ Strider people consider me with 200 ping a bigger threat than you could ever be on host. So please leave the the duel thread, this is big boy talk.
| this list should not be about bragging or sound or what weapon you use at all, It should be about straight up skill and survival/killing technique. phantaci you have headphones and you flak hard so there for you have some B-lister in your play style, thats your opinion on your self according to what you have said. My opinion is that you are a great player and I am a good player and its that simple. you dont need to insult people and bring flak and headphones into it, it is what it is and like I said Im a good dueler but your better. Im right your wrong. dont change the description takes them all of. the A B and C all speak for them selves.
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:31am |
Originally posted by ut3lve
it cant be big boy talk if u BS about ping! |
me vs hunt 200 ping vs 50 ping (eu) who has the advantage? me vs rico 130 ping vs 30 (ny server) who has the advantage? just stop.
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:33am |
Colossus I'm not changing my list and opinion because you don't like it lol.
I have headphones but never abuse them smh.
I've won countless duels with only my tv sound or with no tv sound at all.
Argument over. You are B list and your posts/playing style match the description.
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:33am |
your not a great vehicle mode player phant, only good in a sh1t hot team! dominated all of qm vehicle modes! what happened to EU vs US war bro??
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:34am |
Originally posted by ax412
Dang son you took a picture loooool, thats all the proof I need of the description.
You brag about any and ALL wins.
I quit that game because I was having girl problems and while dueling you... #1 it was EU 2. you were running #3. it was shangri la
So no motivation was my reason/excuse.
Everybody loses CS I don't overcome lag 100% of the time, but I do it more than everybody else.
You keep proving my point.
Carlangas great dueler, but his dominance diminishes as his ping exceeds 100.
The average B lister is either a bragger, flak user, pinger, and/or sound abuser.
Colossus you already admitted to being a bragger.
I am colossus slayer my skill level is that of a B-lister and I brag about all wins therefore I am B-list.
Tourmentor is my friend and he admits to flaking hard, therefore he is B-list. (skillwise and habit wise, he always brings up the 2x hes beat me lol)
Me? I at times flak hard but don't meet the other requirements and my skills are a bit better therefore I am not B List.
Its simple logic.
@ Strider people consider me with 200 ping a bigger threat than you could ever be on host. So please leave the the duel thread, this is big boy talk.
<font size="7">edit: That is not the last time we dueled LOL. That duel was with my other ex lol. Last time we dueled was on subterrane and I won (eu) and you complained about the custom maps. Selective memory much? We played sub, devolve, bone atleast once and I won every time so stop.
| @ your edit. yeah but you were helping me get to know the maps, that was the 1st time I had ever played sub and devolve.
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:37am |
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ut3lve
it cant be big boy talk if u BS about ping! |
me vs hunt 200 ping vs 50 ping (eu) who has the advantage?
me vs rico 130 ping vs 30 (ny server)
who has the advantage?
just stop.
| hahahahahahahahahahahaha who is complaining about lag now bro???? ok so you are a flakker, which I have proved you have headphones and you just made a post complaning about lag. ITS OFFICIAL PHANTACI IS A B-LISTERACCORDING TO HIS OWN OPINIONS
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:38am |
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ut3lve
it cant be big boy talk if u BS about ping! | me vs hunt200 ping vs 50 ping (eu)who has the advantage?me vs rico130 ping vs 30 (ny server)who has the advantage?just stop. |
dude you are exactly right so u obviously knw what i done in warfare US hosts was no easy task! your tryin to tell me something but yr forgetting i done exactly the same as you but i done it against stacked teams n vehicles! peace
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 10:47am |
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer
Originally posted by ax412
Originally posted by ut3lve
it cant be big boy talk if u BS about ping! |
me vs hunt 200 ping vs 50 ping (eu) who has the advantage?
me vs rico 130 ping vs 30 (ny server)
who has the advantage?
just stop.
hahahahahahahahahahahaha who is complaining about lag now bro????
ok so you are a flakker, which I have proved
you have headphones
and you just made a post complaning about lag.
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 12:29pm |
lmao Bet the whole EU will be in here eventually. :) CS you get no respect at all, but you DO GOT SKILLZ!
CS=Rodney Dangerfeld of ut3 :(
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 12:51pm |
holy **** when was that pic taken. a win is a win WHO CARES LOL
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 1:51pm |
Originally posted by SIZZLE
lmao Bet the whole EU will be in here eventually. |
Man, too bad there isn't some other tier thread with predominantly US players complaining about it :o
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 3:40pm |
some people can't just accept when they suck );
feels bad mon.jpg
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 4:11pm |
Move over "forever B-list." I'm forever F-List.
Originally posted by MEGA_DRoNE
this thread is stupid and a waste of time im glad im not a part of it |
Oh the irony..
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Posted: 20 Oct 2011 at 4:20pm |
Originally posted by Iuckshot
Originally posted by SIZZLE
lmao Bet the whole EU will be in here eventually. | Man, too bad there isn't some other tier thread with predominantly US players complaining about it :o | lol
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