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Category: Off Topic Forums
Forum Name: Old Banned Topics
Forum Discription: Reminiscing the good ol' days
Printed Date: 03 Oct 2024 at 3:16am
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Topic: untitled
Posted By: Pinnacle
Subject: untitled
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2012 at 6:24pm
ckc would like to welcome the following players to our BF3 team:
CONGRATS TO THESE PLAYERS FOR MAKING THE TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY GAYMING. 12 More players on the way for BF3 and 12 more for MW3! More ckc for everyone! Recruiting is heavily in progress. Can't wait to invite these players to this site. cck will be reppin' hardcore.


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2012 at 6:29pm
Originally posted by Sk-iller

is ckc code for kkk?
LOL! Skillz, that's the new regime.


Date Posted: 02 Jul 2012 at 8:29pm
posts to be deleted and any other clans that impersonate ckc might want to realize they are only making our name more popular and not making their own stronger as they should be! so why they want to be ckc so bad when their loyal followers and new members should be proud to wear their tag is beyond me. also these new supposed tags are not registered with ps3 and are in no way valid. it seems to be a sad testament that the rules of this forum set forth by wopr1 are so blatantly disregarded by friends that have mods in their inner circle. these few that cause drama should be banned as it is clear it is hard for us to bring new people into a good forum where they are welcomed with prejudice and small town attitude so go ahead pinnacle break the rules, lie and don't live and let live, however this battle is long over and i am proud to see kma members back you up, just as ckc will back me up. i hope this answers the question


Posted By: jesse
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2012 at 9:59pm
lol. they jus makin fun trip dont take it so serious

shine on you crazy diamond

Date Posted: 02 Jul 2012 at 10:13pm
Originally posted by jesse

lol. they jus makin fun trip dont take it so serious

sorry but i do and its cool just follow the rules of the forum and stay off ckc threads as we stay off yours thx, 


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2012 at 10:53pm
and here i was just going to leave this thread alone, but i expect ur referring to the Unreal Soldiers? cool ur ego down son, we dont need to impersonate anyone, and if we wanted itd at least be someone worth impersonating like TotalEnvy, i know u like to think everyone is out to get u so u can keep ur 'ima victim' thing going but u need to understand that ckc (not ur spoof version of the name) is part of the teams history, and it was alive well before u made your grand re-entry so deal with it.

on a side note & something u may want to consider....i find it funny that u call for a ban for all the people causing drama when ur first two weeks on this forum were nothing but causing drama. also u claim to want to grow this site & yet banning all the drama people would effectively kill this site but if thats what u want & seeing as how u fit into the category ill be starting with u b4 getting to the othe 95% of the people here. or is it only people causing drama for u that should go? thats just bias and ull hv to live with it like every1 else here does, no pity no special treatment for u.

now then, as i know how u are & how u get on here, like trainwreck said pinn is just fvcking around, if u browse through the history of this site ull see plenty of people before u have endured worse for longer periods of time... for example look at qM...look at any1 strider happens to get mad ur a big boy, im sure ull survive to post another day on the internet.

with all that in mind, good day to u sir

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Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 02 Jul 2012 at 11:00pm
Originally posted by CKC_TRIPHOP

Originally posted by jesse

lol. they jus makin fun trip dont take it so serious

sorry but i do and its cool just follow the rules of the forum and stay off ckc threads as we stay off yours thx, 
What rules? Point them out. Everyone can post wherever they want. If anyone needs to be banned, it's you for all of your pointless posts about people that don't exist. Where are all these ckc players to back you up? Bring them here.
Also, this is a UT3 clan section. Why are you on here if you and your people don't play UT3? Go to a BF3 forum and make your announcements. Happy Gayming!


Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 12:15am
Originally posted by TX2k7

and here i was just going to leave this thread alone, but i expect ur referring to the Unreal Soldiers? cool ur ego down son, we dont need to impersonate anyone, and if we wanted itd at least be someone worth impersonating like TotalEnvy, i know u like to think everyone is out to get u so u can keep ur 'ima victim' thing going but u need to understand that ckc (not ur spoof version of the name) is part of the teams history, and it was alive well before u made your grand re-entry so deal with it.

on a side note & something u may want to consider....i find it funny that u call for a ban for all the people causing drama when ur first two weeks on this forum were nothing but causing drama. also u claim to want to grow this site & yet banning all the drama people would effectively kill this site but if thats what u want & seeing as how u fit into the category ill be starting with u b4 getting to the othe 95% of the people here. or is it only people causing drama for u that should go? thats just bias and ull hv to live with it like every1 else here does, no pity no special treatment for u.

now then, as i know how u are & how u get on here, like trainwreck said pinn is just fvcking around, if u browse through the history of this site ull see plenty of people before u have endured worse for longer periods of time... for example look at qM...look at any1 strider happens to get mad ur a big boy, im sure ull survive to post another day on the internet.

with all that in mind, good day to u sir

actually once again your offbase unreal soldiers is fine by us and i actually didn't even know they existed till this post. I  made no mention of it lmao. i simply made reference to members of kma posting in our area and the bogus ckc tags your clan has been posting as well as the ckc tag hijacking you guys seem to not be able to let go of. lmao also no one will come here if you guys continue to be jerks by changing the name of our threads and causing anyone who posts here to really not wanna be here. you give the real gamers here a bad name with small town tactics. also i give all the kma members props for abiding the peace but we ALL know pinnacle isn't playing or joking. If he is I don't think its funny. if your seriously a mod here then delete all kma posts in our area and stop making me go to other mods that are impartial, change the name of our thread back as it belongs and abide the agreement the forum administrator put into affect and advise your clan to stop "joking with us" as you claim. Also don't include trainwreck in pinnacles actions because in three years I haven't seen him or anyone else from kma do anything bad enough to start it all back up. 


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 12:21am

You are way too easy to fvck with. And you sound dumber by the minute. "abiding the peace". WTF is this a tree hugging website? Dude, you must not have a damn thing in your life other that this clan you keep remaking. I'm actually starting to feel pity for you.

BTW, Trainwreck thinks you're a moron.


Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 12:30am
whatever I'm not the one that after three years can't keep from posting on our threads, and can't leave it alone.  


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 2:34am
actually we all know he is joking except u it seems because ur taking it personally. he could give a **** about what happens on the internet, its not the end of the world. idk about ckc tag hijacking since u referred to it separately of the fake ones posted, and regardless u have absolutely no right to tell anyone what the can & cannot use as their psn tag and furthermore that has absolutely nothing to do in any way with this site or its forums.

'we' give 'real gamers' here a bad name huh, let me tell u a little something about the real gamers here...of these people u mention, 95% have been involved in some form of drama since the birth of this site. furthermore a small group of about 10-20% have at least 1 alt on this site which they have used for the express purpose of trolling. most drama is usually started by some very well known people who are generally in top clans and would be 1 of your 'real gamers'. the real gamers here also realise that drama is a part of daily life here & on the internet in general and NO ONE gives a crap like u seem to. the real gamers here have almost all broken the rules at least 1 time...including the leadership & also urself. hell the guy who led the original team whose site this was, faked his own death to a group of people who both trusted & respected him, nothing else here really measures up to that.

now then im going to be completely honest with u here even thought u probably wont listen to me because u think me impartial just because of my 1) i dont need to be told how to perform my duties as a moderator by anyone outside of the admins. the fact that u (a person of bias in this case) thinks u can tell me how to be impartial is ballsy. 2) the leadership here generally does not step in unless a more serious and actual rule has been violated. as this is not a personal attack, spam, posting pornography, harassing a minor or any of the rules that are actually written in the Rules or Terms we have no real cause to step in, its just another drama thread, which are plenty here. 3) i guarantee u i am not the only mod/admin who feels this way. whether they admit it to u is another matter.

2 more matters b4 i conclude this...i did not include trainwreck in pinns actions merely restated what trainwreck aka Jesse said....and the name of ur thread is the same its always been, so...yeah

food for thought, its not always a great idea to tell a mod how to do their job or insult them. im saying this because i know this is not the 1st time uv done so, nor am i the only one. uv managed this with 1 other mod & 1 of the current admins in ur time here and its not a great track record to have.

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Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 9:33am
whatever man rant on, If pinnacle and kma were not breaking rules then the other posts wouldn't have been deleted. they were as these should be but you are  bias so i don't expect you to understand as you were a very vocal part of kma's issue with us. and trolling and drama isn't the issue as we know the people here like that and that's cool. but harassment is another issue. we have respected wopr and his agreement that ckc threads are for ckc and kma threads are for them and wer'e supposed to stay off them but you guys have not, aka rule breaking. kma changing thread names in their area and our own without our ability to change ours back would add to harassment. Fine have it your way i'll start posting on every one of kma's threads and never stop sc**wing with their members and see how long it is before my posts are deleted.


Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 10:01am
Brown with all due respect, you post here to irk them? Because your the only ckc tag I see at iAM? If your clan is here posting with you, than you have a legitimate argument. But so far it's just you talking to yourself or about your clan. 
For all we know, you don't even own BF3.


Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 10:31am
Originally posted by ax412

Brown with all due respect, you post here to irk them? Because your the only ckc tag I see at iAM? If your clan is here posting with you, than you have a legitimate argument. But so far it's just you talking to yourself or about your clan. 
For all we know, you don't even own BF3.
I hear you man and yes even though pamkitten and myself are vocal here we are not the only registered members. however those few are not using the site it seems since ut3 died and i direct new members here but can understand when they don't want to take part in a old arguement between two people lol. All the members i have mentioned are legite tags and we invite you to bf3 to say hello and battle with us!


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 12:34pm
Harassment? Vocal? Rules? LMFAO! What the fvck is wrong with you? This isn't the EPIC forums run by a company. This is a homegrown forum run by friends. Have WOPR call me so we can discuss rules. He and most admins know how to get a hold of me. You think this is a formal website making announcements like people care? People mostly come on to this website to talk smack at each other. You either don't understand the point of these forums or don't understand how it works. Either way, you're out in the dark.


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 1:43pm
like i said, u wouldn't listen because u let personal feelings get in the way, u have a preset idea about me and u wont see anything except that. but ill indulge u there, yes i was vocal against u, but that kinda tends to happen when someone makes personal threats towards a friend of mine, and oh its also breaking an actual rule.

now then, i am the only person in kma with the ability to change thread names, and ill i do is reorganise threads in my own clan section to make it look slightly better, seeing as im the only person with these powers in kma, am i to assume then that ur accusing me of changing your thread names? i can guarantee u i didn't, so kma didn't.

and if u do post in our section u were wondering how long b4 ur posts get deleted? um itd probably be about a month or two after the thread dies or whenever i find the time and patience to clean it up. about the same amount of time that other non-rule breaking posts get.

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Posted By: ckc_pamkitten
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 2:11pm
Originally posted by Pinnacle

Harassment? Vocal? Rules? LMFAO! What the fvck is wrong with you? This isn't the EPIC forums run by a company. This is a homegrown forum run by friends. Have WOPR call me so we can discuss rules. He and most admins know how to get a hold of me. You think this is a formal website making announcements like people care? People mostly come on to this website to talk smack at each other. You either don't understand the point of these forums or don't understand how it works. Either way, you're out in the dark.
Whatever.  Home grown or not you know that there were some rules agreed upon when this all first went down and WOPR himself asked each of us to stay out of the other's areas.  Deny it if you want but that is a fact and everyone knows it.

As for the fact that drama drives this board..I agree.  I lurk here enough to know that is what everyone loves to hate.  In fact I'm sure there are many digging this small outburst right now.  However, I also know for a short time that there was an attempt to grow the board, branch out to other games, bring in new people, etc..  Maybe embracing the drama didn't help grow the board beyond what it is?  Admittedly we rarely play UT3 anymore..many of our UT3 members moved on to other games or aren't even on PSN at all anymore..but we do still keep in touch with people we used to play with both on here and online in new games.  We've always kept this board as a link to the past and tried to get new people interested in it for the future.  If the admins and community prefer to keep it as it is more power to them but it wasn't in bad faith for Triphop to want to keep posting here. (hope that answers your question Ax412)


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2012 at 2:47pm
Originally posted by ckc_pamkitten

Originally posted by Pinnacle

Harassment? Vocal? Rules? LMFAO! What the fvck is wrong with you? This isn't the EPIC forums run by a company. This is a homegrown forum run by friends. Have WOPR call me so we can discuss rules. He and most admins know how to get a hold of me. You think this is a formal website making announcements like people care? People mostly come on to this website to talk smack at each other. You either don't understand the point of these forums or don't understand how it works. Either way, you're out in the dark.
Whatever.  Home grown or not you know that there were some rules agreed upon when this all first went down and WOPR himself asked each of us to stay out of the other's areas.  Deny it if you want but that is a fact and everyone knows it.

As for the fact that drama drives this board..I agree.  I lurk here enough to know that is what everyone loves to hate.  In fact I'm sure there are many digging this small outburst right now.  However, I also know for a short time that there was an attempt to grow the board, branch out to other games, bring in new people, etc..  Maybe embracing the drama didn't help grow the board beyond what it is?  Admittedly we rarely play UT3 anymore..many of our UT3 members moved on to other games or aren't even on PSN at all anymore..but we do still keep in touch with people we used to play with both on here and online in new games.  We've always kept this board as a link to the past and tried to get new people interested in it for the future.  If the admins and community prefer to keep it as it is more power to them but it wasn't in bad faith for Triphop to want to keep posting here. (hope that answers your question Ax412)
Did Triphop call in his PR Rep? I still don't see any rules. Please point them out. If WOPR has a problem after you and Triphop b**** at him endlessly, then let him message me or call me and we can discuss. I've never recieved any message from him with concern about my posts.
As for the attempt to grow the boards, I was one of 4 owners of this site at the time and am fully aware of what the site's intent was. It never happened, therefore the site remained a UT3 community site. If you're so willing to help the site, bring all these people you claim that are a part of your clan. The more members, the better. However, you are very quick to point out the flaws in everything, perhaps a good look in the mirror would suffice.
Again, you think you know what you're writing about, but you have no clue. Carry on.


Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 12:10pm

blah blah blah picacku you pokeman b)&ch I actually give your words no meaning as you just can't get over it and its sad, All i can say is sorry if my clan or posts irk you but get over it. I honestly don't stalk your section like you do mine or keep up with you or any of your clan here.

TX my preset idea about you comes from all the sh**talking you did when you came to pinnababies side during his and my arguement that you really didn't know anything about and wasn't your busness(but i give you props for standing by your buddy), even though you can't admit he broke the rules during that argument too (again not neutral). Also you just agreed with me you would delete CKC posts while KMA gets to do whatever it wants (way to be a neutral mod). To call it "non rule breaking" and to deny the agreement wopr set forth only makes you bias and proves that pinnacle truly depends on having a mod in his back pocket to act however he wants. lol since you changed all the ckc(kma)threads back why don't you change the 'wannabe" thread in ckc back to "founder" as it fu**ing should be lol and it had to be you, your the only kma member that can right? (Again not neutral).

also pamkitten is ckc pr rep(thanks pinn for giving me the idea) and proud of it but i STILL remain founder and the last word of who is in this clan or not. No one speaks for me even though I value her opinion.

The fact that this board didn't evolve while pinnacle "owned" might say something as allowing it to be a drama board as you freely admit that it is instead of a gaming board might have something to do with it.I have been trying to bring new members here (was actually going to  be making it a rule that they ckc members be members here, battlelog and facebook) but I have serious reservations because why would i bring them here to hear three year old b.s. one guy can't let go of or have pinnacle and his buddies attack them for being here. I can handle this b.s.but don't expect others too. put this iamgaming style......1400 views on the warfare thread for ut3 with 40 PAGES!!!!! and in my measly 2 PAGES here i have recieved 482+ views. So if drama is what this site is about then you NEED me here as ckc_triphop and pinnacles crap has helped keep this site alive too. I agree though that if you take things WAY TO FAR, I will too lmao. 

Happy forth of july people!!


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 1:05pm
OOOOO, I'm scared! Apparently you give my words a lot of meaning. Don't flatter yourself with thread views. Most of them are Google robots moron. You act like such a tough guy, when you're truly nothing but a little b**** that has nothing more than friends via a clan that keeps losing members. Nobody cares about your members. Not one has joined the site. So it's best you keep them away. 
You don't know how impressed people are on this forum that you "founded" a clan, which you didn't. WOW, what an accomplishment. Congrats. You have reached levels noone else has. I am thoroughly amazed. You believe that this **** actually means something. Pity you sir. Happy Gayming!
Keep acting like a tough guy. That's all you can do is spew BS. Because you can'tdo anything besides that.
Return comment in 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 1:50pm
we weren't talking about that argument dude, but ok, rules were broken on both sides, lets all be clear, no1 was innocent there
now i did NOT agree with u about deleting ur posts. as long as the posts aren't rule breakers like porno, personal attacks etc, i could give a fvck wat u post in our section. i did say however that after the thread dies & some good amount of time has passed, ill probably get bored one day and delete the thread as part of cleaning that we mods do, its no different than me deleting an old thread in ut3 general, like iv done plenty of times. we just don't touch clan sections cuz people get all upety about it, especially you. you freak out. so doing my mod duties makes me partial somehow?

and sorry to disappoint u but the mods are in no ones 'back pocket' i mean seriously look at people like quick rc, strider, they do wat they want all the time on here and they r people the mods really don't care for, iv explained it to u b4 but u refuse to listen to reason. the only time u seem to agree with any of the mods is when they do things the way you want which is suspect in itself. now, pinn hasn't broken any actual rules but if he does ill stop him the same way id stop u if u broke any actual rules.

how i organise my own clans threads shouldnt concern u but if u must know they all represent historical accuracy, anythn that happened when we were ckc will remain titled ckc, anythn after is kma.

again with the accusations, u want it to be a kma person who changed ur stuff so bad don't u? like i said b4 it was not me, i could give a fvck about ur old ass thread, it probably should be deleted but again u get all possessive & defensive.

im telling u now, u don't know anything about this sites history and to say this site didnt evolve with pinn as a part-owner along with the others is blatantly dumb. now ur a johnny-come-lately here so i don't expect u to know...all u need to know is ur wrong & hv no idea what ur talking about.

lastly, no theres plenty of people willing to cause drama for the hell of it, ur lack of presence wont phase the site, losing someone like phantaci would tho.

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Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 2:22pm
Originally posted by TX2k7

we weren't talking about that argument dude, but ok, rules were broken on both sides, lets all be clear, no1 was innocent there
now i did NOT agree with u about deleting ur posts. as long as the posts aren't rule breakers like porno, personal attacks etc, i could give a fvck wat u post in our section. i did say however that after the thread dies & some good amount of time has passed, ill probably get bored one day and delete the thread as part of cleaning that we mods do, its no different than me deleting an old thread in ut3 general, like iv done plenty of times. we just don't touch clan sections cuz people get all upety about it, especially you. you freak out. so doing my mod duties makes me partial somehow?

and sorry to disappoint u but the mods are in no ones 'back pocket' i mean seriously look at people like quick rc, strider, they do wat they want all the time on here and they r people the mods really don't care for, iv explained it to u b4 but u refuse to listen to reason. the only time u seem to agree with any of the mods is when they do things the way you want which is suspect in itself. now, pinn hasn't broken any actual rules but if he does ill stop him the same way id stop u if u broke any actual rules.

how i organise my own clans threads shouldnt concern u but if u must know they all represent historical accuracy, anythn that happened when we were ckc will remain titled ckc, anythn after is kma.

again with the accusations, u want it to be a kma person who changed ur stuff so bad don't u? like i said b4 it was not me, i could give a fvck about ur old ass thread, it probably should be deleted but again u get all possessive & defensive.

im telling u now, u don't know anything about this sites history and to say this site didnt evolve with pinn as a part-owner along with the others is blatantly dumb. now ur a johnny-come-lately here so i don't expect u to know...all u need to know is ur wrong & hv no idea what ur talking about.

lastly, no theres plenty of people willing to cause drama for the hell of it, ur lack of presence wont phase the site, losing someone like phantaci would tho.

funny how i take pinnacle breaking wopr's rule and posting his crap in our area as a personal attack (aka rule breaking) as well as yourself posting here as kma (aka rule breaking) but i guess its all a matter of perception (and kma perception rules lmao).stay in pinnacle's pocket be biased i don't care man but the small town tactics remain in place and I think i have more of an idea about what is going on here. I don't need to be your best buddy or in this small town's inner circle to see remember I played ut3 earlier than you came along.
If it wasn't you it was someone who is in league with you and that would prove more mods could be as bias as you( I hope not). 
So post away, give us more views and say nothing to prove me wrong about woprs agreement or any of my other points. You care more than you think as you keep chiming in lol. Also a kma member(not an impartial mod) who was instrumental in continuing this feud gets no respect from me. so like me or not it doesn't matter but maybe practice what you preach and leave our threads alone as they WERE and stop posting in our area and delete all kma posts in ckc area and respect wopr's agreement as we have done  
you and kma live well and instruct pinnacle to leave us alone and I would be happy to thank you and change my opinion of you man, after all you only know what pinnacle has told you so this isn't really your fault, or your business. thanks


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 3:09pm
We don't need your respect nor your made up rules. I'll post wherever it pleases me. If you don't like it, that's your problem.


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 3:39pm
its like talking to a wall with u...think of me what u will, you a person instrumental in starting that fued u speak of will get no respect from me. but i don't need to like or dislike u to do my job. ur blinded by prejudice, ignorance, and distaste yet u cling to the notion that your way is the right way and the only way. see iv been playing ut3 just as long as u have, my team founded this site and iv been here since day 1 thru thick and thin so u could never have a better idea about this site than me or half the other people here.

 so im going to lay this out for everyone who reads this: the back & forth in this thread will be allowed to continue - just as in all other threads - until such a point that a moderator would generally step in in any other drama, this includes
 - personal attacks
 - posting porn or spam

should this point be reached, the offending party, regardless which side they are on will have their post move to the moderator lounge for review and issued a warning in accordance with forum rules.

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Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 3:56pm
Originally posted by TX2k7

its like talking to a wall with u...think of me what u will, you a person instrumental in starting that fued u speak of will get no respect from me. but i don't need to like or dislike u to do my job. ur blinded by prejudice, ignorance, and distaste yet u cling to the notion that your way is the right way and the only way. see iv been playing ut3 just as long as u have, my team founded this site and iv been here since day 1 thru thick and thin so u could never have a better idea about this site than me or half the other people here.

 so im going to lay this out for everyone who reads this: the back & forth in this thread will be allowed to continue - just as in all other threads - until such a point that a moderator would generally step in in any other drama, this includes
 - personal attacks
 - posting porn or spam

should this point be reached, the offending party, regardless which side they are on will have their post move to the moderator lounge for review and issued a warning in accordance with forum rules.

Well once again you say nothing about the real agreement wopr laid out that kma stay off our threads and  we stay off yours (which we have) I have made it clear we consider yours and pinnacles posts harassment and a personal attack . so keep the views coming and prove my points for me. Other mods have already helped me by removing kma posts from our area per this agreement and we thank them. So you prove your point that as a mod you don't follow the rules either. pinnacle plainly says I have the power to break the rules and you support him on it proving my point that you don't care about what the site administrator says. So yes I know you are comfortable in pinnacles back pocket and will do whatever you like. lmao just don't think i am going to sugar coat a turd to make you happy, you two are what you are and at least i have the balls to say it

to king fatalis.....glad your having a good time man happy forth to you (check back soon ;))


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 3:58pm


Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 4:05pm
That was certainly a fast stalker ;) 


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 5:43pm
To clear up any confusion for those who are unfamiliar with forum rules, Personal Attacks are defined by WOPR in the Forum Rules thread as:

"...remarks targeting one's race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation."
also included would be posting details of another members personal life or personal information without their consent. as far as name calling goes, while not advised, it is not enough to merit moderator action.

members should also realise that as a moderator my job is to the site first and foremost, my clan takes a back seat just like any other mod and we take this seriously.

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Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 5:47pm
Originally posted by TX2k7

To clear up any confusion for those who are unfamiliar with forum rules, Personal Attacks are defined by WOPR in the Forum Rules thread as:

"...remarks targeting one's race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation."
also included would be posting details of another members personal life or personal information without their consent. as far as name calling goes, while not advised, it is not enough to merit moderator action.

members should also realise that as a moderator my job is to the site first and foremost, my clan takes a back seat just like any other mod and we take this seriously.

HA HA HA what a joke kma ia all that matters to you if wopr was your concern you would abide with his agreement but nope kma rules are all that matter. Also thanks to you guys i dusted of my ut3 and have been playing all day wtg!


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 6:01pm
it should also be noted that also according to WOPR  "If someone is repeatedly disrespectful to the mods....we reserve the right to go directly to banning at any level including permanently."

now then triphop u should realise i was not a mod when u stirre the pot before...i am now and i take iAMG's side no one elses. iv explained to u the rules repeatedly as a moderator. iv explained that should a standing rule be broken i will step in regardless of which side does it. im am not a member of kma here i am a moderator thats all u need to worry about.

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 6:26pm
on a side note i looked and saw your thread and changed its name back, so ur welcome

i also moved it to the moderator area as it is 3 years dead, and all drama so it is where it belongs now with plenty of other similar threads

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Posted By: ckc_pamkitten
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 6:48pm
Originally posted by TX2k7

it should also be noted that also according to WOPR  "If someone is repeatedly disrespectful to the mods....we reserve the right to go directly to banning at any level including permanently."


Posted By: ckc_pamkitten
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 6:52pm
Originally posted by TX2k7

on a side note i looked and saw your thread and changed its name back, so ur welcome

i also moved it to the moderator area as it is 3 years dead, and all drama so it is where it belongs now with plenty of other similar threads

Of course it was was locked.  Duh.  You know he wanted it kept in the area.  No reason to move it and hides the real outcome as well.  Nice "impartial" spin.  Ever think of a career in politics?


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 7:06pm
actually no, because as i understand it hes always saying whats past is past and to move on and such, so to want that thread kept considering how heavily editted and full of nonsense it was seems a little counter-intuitive, but hey i could care less where it is, wading thru that sespool of a thread, its just kinda sad now really, and personally if it were me i wouldn't wanna hav it in my section cuz its not very flattering at all especially at the beginning. but thats just me, so ill give u guys some time to consider it while i go out for a bit and if u still want it back then ill move it back.

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Date Posted: 04 Jul 2012 at 8:39pm
Yes we would like our "founder" thread back as it was, we want nothing more than our threads left alone and kma to abide by the agreement set forth by wopr that kma is not to post in our area, the same that ckc is not to post in theirs. the rest of the forum is open game to go after each other if we like. Heck i'm a big boy and can handle it. we have had no issue with this in all this time. I even have been overlooking the odd post here and there but when it becomes annoying that the rule is blatantly broken, well of course i'm going to defend my position. Sorry if that offends and if you can help me with this i would appreciate it and in turn will show you the same respect. 

On a side note: it was great playing again today seeing some old players like bowler22,  texmanxp batman2049, pcx clan members  and others as well as our friends in ak-47 was a real treat, it was cool that they kept telling me "get the tank triphop" in kargo. So I plan on spending some time there now and again and I couldn't help thinking how cool ut4 could be!!


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 05 Jul 2012 at 2:19am

Let's get a few thing straight here. We'll write posts wherever we please. You act like WOPR, the mods, admins and the rest of the community owe you something. You feel the need to protect your space even though it doesn't belong to you. You keep barking out orders like you own this place. This is, not your forum. Noone owes you anything, including mods, admin or the members. The site has done you a favor by allowing you to have your team thread. You don't own it or the content in it. So stop playing victim. It the admins/mods want to delete your thread, they can without any consequence. Not a damn thing you can do about it. I assure you WOPR can careless about your claims of personal attacks and harassment. If you truly feel that way, hire a lawyer and come my way. Feel free to start your own website. Noone will bother you there. But at, everyone in the community can post wherever they want.

And for the record, WOPR never made a rule forbidding either team to post in each others thread. 

Originally posted by WOPR-1

I mean I don't see anything wrong with the comments I've seen but if there is some kind of 'no talk' agreement between these 2 groups in order to keep the peace then lets do that

To me, this is simply a suggesstion, not a demand or a rule. So you see, there is no rule or a 'no talk' agreement, and with that whole threat of 'post in our section and you'll get banned' gone, you have no foothold to cling to. Your claims of "rule breaking" are invalid, try again.


Date Posted: 05 Jul 2012 at 11:36am
boy pinnacle you are good at proving my point. twist his words to whatever you want but the bottom line is rule/ agreement whatever i don't care man obviously it was more than a "suggestion" since for three years I have had your posts deleted and if their was no agreement that wouldn't have happened, by wopr's own statement he is telling us "In order to keep the peace lets do that then" in fact in my inbox i have a message from wopr from july4th last year where he deleted your crap in our area. You never stop and its sad.
"you saying get a lawyer and come after me" is fricking hilarious I love laughing at your posts you do realize this is an internet forum right.
what your missing here is this: I know you will do whatever and say whatever you want and obey no rules or or etiquette here. You have established that believe me. i don't want you banned because truly I could care less about you (it was three years ago dude really!). I know you were raised in this small town and its your home cool. whatever. it has already been made clear my posts in your area would be deleted and yours in ours won't because this site thrives on the drama.

I simply look at it for what it is, since there is bad blood between us and we are both here its best to leave each other alone and the "agreement" wopr set forth that we do that is fine by us and since your so hard headed and want to twist his words why don't you take his "suggestion" because YOUR continuous posts are perceived by myself as personal attacks harassing me. which of course require my response. but hey 482 views yesterday and and 730 views today so gotta love that right!


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 05 Jul 2012 at 12:02pm
it has already been made clear my posts in your area would be deleted and yours in ours won't because this site thrives on the drama.
only if u break a rule otherwise i said they wont be

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Date Posted: 05 Jul 2012 at 12:04pm
Originally posted by TX2k7

it has already been made clear my posts in your area would be deleted and yours in ours won't because this site thrives on the drama.
only if u break a rule otherwise i said they wont be

ok cool sorry, thanks for putting our thread back too!


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 05 Jul 2012 at 12:19pm
Originally posted by CKC_TRIPHOP

boy pinnacle you are good at proving my point. twist his words to whatever you want but the bottom line is rule/ agreement whatever i don't care man obviously it was more than a "suggestion" since for three years I have had your posts deleted and if their was no agreement that wouldn't have happened, by wopr's own statement he is telling us "In order to keep the peace lets do that then" in fact in my inbox i have a message from wopr from july4th last year where he deleted your crap in our area. You never stop and its sad.
"you saying get a lawyer and come after me" is fricking hilarious I love laughing at your posts you do realize this is an internet forum right.
what your missing here is this: I know you will do whatever and say whatever you want and obey no rules or or etiquette here. You have established that believe me. i don't want you banned because truly I could care less about you (it was three years ago dude really!). I know you were raised in this small town and its your home cool. whatever. it has already been made clear my posts in your area would be deleted and yours in ours won't because this site thrives on the drama.

I simply look at it for what it is, since there is bad blood between us and we are both here its best to leave each other alone and the "agreement" wopr set forth that we do that is fine by us and since your so hard headed and want to twist his words why don't you take his "suggestion" because YOUR continuous posts are perceived by myself as personal attacks harassing me. which of course require my response. but hey 482 views yesterday and and 730 views today so gotta love that right!
Personal attacks and harassment? However you say this is an internet forum? You're a grown man, not some teenage kid, who, as I recall, threatened to fight us and beat us to a pulp many times over. And you are the victim? Please bro, stupidity at this level is unprecedented. Again, I'll post wherever I please. Nothing is going to change.
Feel free to litter the KmA thread with your posts. Noone cares.


Date Posted: 09 Jul 2012 at 7:54pm
Just fyi when you post something you might want to post the entire thing. Since I was threatened at that time with getting booted by kma mods if i posted in their area, the agreement was made that kma stay out of our area as well. per that agreement all kma posts in our area were deleted and ckc members left kma threads alone in peace. So we understand that pinnacle can't get over what happened and keeps breaking this agreement. We also understand that it has been so long that threats by kma and these agreements have been forgotten. Rest assured though that we have not forgotten it. Tx saying that the new rule is that they can do or say whatever they want and we can do the same in their area isn't acceptable to us. We also have looked the other way with an occasional post. Since pinnacle wanted to start all this again though we have simply called upon any mod that remains neutral to honor the agreement put in place back then and keep this guy from stalking our area and harassing us as we try to post news and info about our clan. Simple as that      

I really don't like getting in the middle of this stuff....

I don't know the backstory to what happened between triphop, pinnacle, Bain, CKC/KmA etc....but if what I have read so far is true, that triphop was told if he posted in KmA that suspension would be coming then KmA should also not be in the CKC thread right?  Seems fair, no?  I mean I don't see anything wrong with the comments I've seen but if there is some kind of 'no talk' agreement between these 2 groups in order to keep the peace then lets do that.


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2012 at 8:34pm
im glad u posted the whole thing, looking at it again it doesn't even look like wopr made it a rule he just says 'if u guys have something in place thats working to keep the peace then just keep doin that' and it would stand to reason that if the threat of suspension did not exist (which it hasnt for almost 3 years) then this 'agreement' set up between KmA & CKC, only affirmed by wopr, would be null in void since, like wopr says there, "i dont see anything wrong with the comments i've seen" theres nothing new about this 'rule' of mine which wasnt even a rule just a stating of facts that stand forum procedure still applies here and, as the has been no actual rule broken up to this point that would generally cause a moderator to step in and take action, no further action needs to be taken on the part of the mods.

if u noticed, there has been no further drama in the last 4 days and both u & pinnacle have been on here many times in that period.

favor has been shown to no side, so i would appreciate my integrity in the matter at hand not being questioned or insulted again sir.

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Posted By: ckc_pamkitten
Date Posted: 09 Jul 2012 at 9:07pm
Originally posted by TX2k7 theres nothing new about this 'rule' of mine which wasnt even a rule just a stating of facts that stand forum procedure still applies here and, as the has been no actual rule broken up to this point that would generally cause a moderator to step in and take action, no further action needs to be taken on the part of the mods.

if u noticed, there has been no further drama in the last 4 days and both u & pinnacle have been on here many times in that period.

favor has been shown to no side, so i would appreciate my integrity in the matter at hand not being questioned or insulted again sir.

There has been no further drama because we stepped back.  If we continued it on our end then the back and forth with Pinnacle and yourself would have continued.  We took the high road.

Taking the lead from JPs comment on the Olympic thread about things staying on topic, I request that our thread be cleaned up because the posts have been breaking a rule:

Originally posted by WOPR-1

5. Stay on topic - don't hijack someone's thread, start your own!  Off topic posts may be removed from a thread at the moderators discretion. If a thread becomes rampant with off topic comments it may be closed. 

All we wanted was to continue to post about our growing clan and Pinnacle repeatedly hijacked the thread.  Each time we quietly asked the post to be removed, which it was.  Eventually Triphop responded  publicly which erupted in the drama which was Pinnacle's intent.  Now that the drama has died down and focus has moved to the next big thing, would a moderator please clean up the thread so it can get back on topic.  


Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 08 Aug 2014 at 8:08am
LOL <3


Date Posted: 11 Aug 2014 at 12:57pm
Let's start this back up again!!!


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 24 Apr 2015 at 4:40pm
Is Triphop still in jail? LOL


Posted By: jesse
Date Posted: 11 May 2015 at 12:45am
^highly possible

shine on you crazy diamond

Posted By: PcX_Potorikan
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2016 at 10:58pm
Jail?  jeez


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