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Weapons-Text only

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
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Topic: Weapons-Text only
Posted By: XKaL1buR
Subject: Weapons-Text only
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:09pm
I wasn't gonna bother making one period, because the other tutorials hardly ever get read. So i'm just gonna cover the basics of each weapon and the best way to effectively use them.

Shock Rifle: Primary deals 45 points of damage, core deals 55. Combo (Secondary + Primary) damage varies depending on the distance of the explosion from your opponent, but the max damage potential I believe is 215 (Correct me if I'm wrong). This weapon is without a doubt the most versatile weapon in the game. Can be effective at literally any range, and is extremely deadly when used in the hands of an expert. Also arguably the most difficult weapon to master when it comes to actually hitting opponents CONSISTENTLY with the primary or pulling off effective combos (Moving and standing). At long range, it's best to use the primary only. Fast rate of fire, has a slight stun effect, plus, 3 shots are all it take to frag an opponent with no armor. For mid range battles, combos are your best bet. No sense in trying to be all extra fancy by trying to hit some super duper ultra mega moving combo from long range distances. With the time it takes to shoot the core in the exact right spot, and line up your cross hair for the combo execution, you could've probably gotten in 2-3 primary shots. Keep it simple. Also a word of advice: Don't attempt even the simplest moving combos until you've mastered stand still combos. (WHOA! WTF ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? EVERYONE KNOWS HOW TO DO THOSE!!) <-Yes, everyone knows how, but can everyone consistently hit/frag their opponents from variable distances? I didn't think so. Practice those first before you attempt the more advanced combos.
Max ammo: 50
Ammo cost for a combo: 4

Rocket Launcher: Primary shoots a single projectile rocket that deals roughly 100 points of damage. Being that the rocket is a slow projectile that takes a while to travel, it's best to use this at close to medium range distances. Also worth mentioning is the fact that you should NEVER aim directly at your opponent with these, at least, one that knows how to dodge. Again, this is due to the time it takes for the rocket to travel. Be smart and learn how accurately frag your opponents by predicting which way they're gonna dodge. Also take in the fact that it causes a small amount of splash damage. Keep this in mind when trying to frag a weakened opponent with this weapon. Secondary fire has 3 versions: Spread (Default), Spiral (Fire out in a tri-formation), and Grenades. While holding the secondary, the rocket launcher loads up to 3 rockets, at which point they will automatically fire. If you press the primary while the rockets are loading up, it'll switch modes in the order that's listed above. Personally, i've never found a good use for the spiral mode, but, it since it's pretty much 2-3 rockets that stay relatively close together, you could potentially deal 200-300 points of damage if your aim is on point. Grenades are best used to help you escape (CTF), set up traps (DM, TDM, etc.), and to help discourage players from attempting to frag you from behind.

Popular tactics that some duelers employ while using the rocket launcher: Grab a pair of jump boots, engage the enemy at preferably close to mid range, load up 3 rockets (Spread or spiral), activate jump boots and launch yourself high above your opponent's head, and release. This provides an aerial advantage over your opponent in that it's extremely difficult to hit an airborne opponent, plus, it almost always equals big damage/frag when used right.
CTF: Grenades can be a flag runner's best friend (next to a good team player). When leaving the base, you're most likely gonna be approached from behind by a defender that you managed to slip by. Toss a few grenades out behind you to help ensure that you stay alive just a lil bit longer.
Max Ammo:30

Bio-Rifle: Primary deals 21 points of damage and has an extremely fast firing rate. Best used to set up traps. Shoot these directly at your opponent and AROUND your opponent. In TDM, it may not earn you a lot of frags, but when used against a small group of clustered enemies, it can help your team out because then they won't have to put in much effort in fragging the weakened group. Secondary fire loads up a single charged goo shot that deals damage based on how long you keep the alternate fire pressed down. At max, this deals 210 points of damage. There's a lot of ut3 console controversy (LMFAO) regarding the abuse of this particular shot. In most cases, it's a one hit kill even with a shield belt on, and it can be at most times the most annoying way to fn die in this game. Play however you want. If goo whoring's your thing, so be it. Just know that your limiting yourself from ever reaching your full potential. Same goes for any other weapon abuse.
Primary: Best used at close to mid range.
Secondary: Best used at close range
Max Ammo: 50

Sniper Rifle: Primary deals 70 points of damage. Certain body shots deal 140 points, and headshots equal instant frag, or, if the opponent is protected by excessive armor and health, 140 points. The helmet reduces headshots to 20 points of damage. This weapon is pretty much self explanatory. Best used at mid to long range distances. Secondary fire allows you to temporarily zoom in on whatever your crosshair is currently focused on. Obviously it's best to use the secondary on very large maps, such as the ones in vctf or warfare, but due to the fact that it somewhat limits your mobility and makes it harder for you to dodge, it's not a wise choice to use this too much in modes such as DM or CTF. If you're not using a mouse, i'd suggest you change your sensitivity and lower it if it's anything higher than 15. Again, it's just a suggestion, not something that you have to do. Same goes for reading this guide too.
Max Ammo:40

Link Gun: Primary deals 26 points of damage, secondary deals damage based on how long you keep the beam concentrated on your opponent. Should take less than 5 seconds to kill someone with 100 health if you keep it on them. Primary is best used at close to mid range, and can be used to take out multiple opponents at once if you spread the shots out right. Secondary is mainly used to heal vehicles and nodes, and when paired up with other link guns, it powers up to increase it's healing abilities.
Max ammo: 220

Very Effective strategy used by Raoulcheap: When facing an opponent one on one in a close range battle, keep the primary button held down and CIRCLE your opponent with it. See if that person escapes alive. Of course, don't abuse this tactic, because once I caught on to it, I owned raoul's a**. YOU LIKE??!!
Another Miscellaneous tip: Alt fire also seems to have a special effect on your opponents. It's not confirmed, but I've found that it kinda tweaks with the turn acceleration. When used right, it can cause a lot of "negative" effects on your opponents, lol.

Flak Cannon: Ahh, everyone's favorite gun! (j/k! Or am I?) Ladies and Gentlemen of ut3, allow me to introduce what could possibly be considered one of the cheapest guns in all of multiplayer FPS history! The primary shoots out 10 flak shards that deal 18 points of damage each. Now let's do the math kiddies. 18 x 10 =180 points of damage!!! The primary shot spreads a little the further along they travel. On top of that, they ricochet off of walls, so not much aim is really required to hit someone, although it could be strategically used to frag people around corners that are trying to hide. The secondary fire lobs a grenade that deals between 100-190 points of damage plus splash. Strategies for using this infamous gun? Not really, since most of the people i've ran into in this game seem to know exactly how to effectively use this gun. I'm not excluding myself from using the flak excessively sometimes either. Hey, **** happens. I'm just saying, if that's the main gun you plan on using in every mode you play, expect to get hate mail, noob remarks, etc. They really over powered this weapon in ut3. Wasn't nearly as bad in UT2k4, but that's just me going off topic. Again, play however you like. Wink
Best used: Damn near any fn range. Knock yourself out LOL
Max Ammo: 30

Stinger Minigun: Primary is hitscan that deals 14 points of damage per second, secondary deals 38 points of damage, but is considered a projectile type because it actually fires out single crystal shards I believe. Primary is best used mid to long range, and it's very effective in finishing off weakened opponents. Secondary should be used at close to mid range. Pushes opponents back, and pins dead opponents to walls. Surprisingly effective as a keep away gun when trying to escape the enemy's base with their flag (CTF and VCTF), and arguably the weapon of choice to use against Raptors and Darkwalkers when you don't possess an Avril Longbow. When shooting anybody with the primary, including vehicles, it should be noted that the damage indicators (I don't know what da f*** to call them. Those little red arrows that pop up whenever you're being hit by someone that tell you what direction the shots are coming from) fill up your opponent's entire screen, making it extremely difficult to pinpoint the exact location of where the shots are coming from. If you didn't know this, well, now ya know, courtesy of KaLi
Max Ammo: 300

Enforcer: Primary is hitscan, deals 20 points of damage. Secondary fires shots off in bursts of 3, which deals 20 points of damage. One of the two default weapons that you spawn with in Duels, deathmatch modes, and ctf. Both modes of fire are best used to finish off weak opponents. Really not much to say about this gun.
Special properties: If you frag someone that's using an enforcer, you can pick their gun and wield Dual Enforcers, which has double the firing rate and double the damage. In most modes, this turns the Enforcers into a formidable weapon. In duels, heavily frowned upon (at least by me. I mean, let's be serious for a minute kids. That's 40 points of damage per second, and considering the faster firing rate of dual enforcers, it's cheap as hell).
Max ammo: 100 (200 for dual)

Impact Hammer: Primary deals 100 points of damage when fully charged, secondary removes super pickups from enemies and secondary is an EMP which deals 150 points of damage to vehicles. Primary fire is also used to perform hammer jumps. I'm not going into how to perform these, as there's already a bunch of vids and topics regarding hammer jumps on this site already.
Best use: Hammer jumps. No reason to even ATTEMPT trying to frag a half decent player in any mode with this weapon. But again, this is just my opinion. If hammering people with no rubber tickles you in some sick twisted way, by all means hammer till the muthaf***a gets rusty.Wink

Avril Longbow: Deals 125 points of damage to opponents, 200 points of damage to vehicles. Secondary is used to guide other avrils or spidermines. Avril's obviously the weapon of choice to use against vehicles when you're not battling in a vehicle yourself. These also take out Mantas in one hit.
Max Ammo: 15

Redeemer: Primary deals up to 1500 to opponents + knockdown effect for those not already killed by it. 2250 points vs vehicles, 2250 vs nodes, and 1500 vs cores.
Secondary allows you to guide the missle manually, although it does leave your character extremely vulnerable for the duration of it. In deatmatches, it's extremely deadly, although it's use is frowned upon in competitive type matches. In VCTF and Warfare, it can be used to easily take out nodes, or help aid a flag runner.

And that concludes this slightly biased weapons guide by KaLi. If you enjoyed it, good. If not, well, ain't hurting my feelings none.Wink

Keys and other Miscellaneous Info:
Hitscan: Simply means the mode of fire is instant hitting. For these, aim directly at your opponent
Projectile: Anything not hitscan. Do not aim directly at your opponent, unless you happen to be using OMG FLAK!!!

Another thing to note is that I don't have the secrets to being good with a specific weapon. Only advice I can give is to force yourself to continually use a certain weapon that you want get better with. The best shock users in this game didn't start off beasting with that weapon. They practiced with it, whether it be from a previous installment of UT, or even this game. PEACE

One more thing: Characters make different noises corresponding to how much health they have left. It's important to remember these unique noises because it can help you in choosing the right weapon to finish an opponent off with. Try this: Go into instant action, lower your music and ambience settings to 0, and try hitting a bot with two shock primaries. You'll see exactly what i'm talking about.

Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:19pm
Well done! i think i really need to learn timing of armour and hit points. but you took care of how much damage each weapon does , gonna do my best to remember it now.


Posted By: XKaL1buR
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:24pm
Definitely. And i'm glad you brought that up because I almost forgot. Gonna update my original post


Posted By: Cruel IntentionZ
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:24pm
aww awesomeness kalibear xD i'm gonna read through all that later and hopefully pick up some tips good job!

(but im gonna shout at you later as you should be resting and trying to get well instead of making guides )

Some people are alive simply because it’s against the law to kill them.

Posted By: Danjel8
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:31pm
Nice one Kali... always useful reading stuff like that. Just coz people don't post a response doesn't mean that they haven't learnt anything :)

The noise thing at the end is really useful!!! Any tip for being able to gauge when to switch weapons and go for the kill... Nice!


Posted By: grog_grog
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:31pm
Hey gracias man.

When hitting  a shock combo, do you have to hit the center of the orb, or just any part of it?

I've never been vary good or useful with the secondary link stream in trying to frag people, I either can't keep keep it on them or they kill me first.  Maybe its useful to finish off weakened opponents?

That sorta leads into weapon switching.  I've never figured out the direct switch fast enough so I sit their cycling weapons or stuck on a weapon I don't want.  I guess I should work on that.

The rocket is my master.

Posted By: grog_grog
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:32pm
Originally posted by Danjel8

Nice one Kali... always useful reading stuff like that. Just coz people don't post a response doesn't mean that they haven't learnt anything :)

Yeah, I watched the first one which really taught me two things I pay attention too:

1.  I still suck at IH jumping I give up
2.  The enforcer / hit scan from long range is a nice thing to know and use.

The rocket is my master.

Posted By: XKaL1buR
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:37pm
Originally posted by grog_grog

Hey gracias man.

When hitting  a shock combo, do you have to hit the center of the orb, or just any part of it?

I've never been vary good or useful with the secondary link stream in trying to frag people, I either can't keep keep it on them or they kill me first.  Maybe its useful to finish off weakened opponents?

That sorta leads into weapon switching.  I've never figured out the direct switch fast enough so I sit their cycling weapons or stuck on a weapon I don't want.  I guess I should work on that.

Combos must be activated in the center of the core, otherwise, you'll miss. Link gun secondary should only be used to finish off weak opponents in deathmatch or ctf modes.

You could adjust the weapon priorities in your settings. Or, you could try getting used to the weapon picker. Word of caution though, the menu takes up most of the screen, so you have to be extremely fast with it, otherwise it'll become more of a nuisance more than an a**istance tool.


Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:37pm
Minigun 14 damage per second? Lol wasn't it 7 per shot?
Same for enforcers 40 damage per second.. quite a lot more :P

Either way nice write up.
In general I divide my weapons into 3:

Guns that go 'boom' when you fire them, by these I mean rockets and flak, although shock secondary and bio secondary are a lot like it.

These are the guns you use in close- to midrange for a fast frag or to get some room between you and the opponent.

Guns that hit as soon as you shoot them, meaning mainly sniper and shock primary.

These are meant for mid- to longrange use, and can be nifty at times against people who only use boomsticks. Then again, you may as well just flak-snipe as one of the 10 pieces of shrapnel is pretty likely to hit the enemy.

Finishing guns
The guns used to kill off a damaged person, stinger primary link gun secondary and flak (it ricochets off anything and has a huge spread) and ofcourse the enforcer (if you only have a rocket and the guy is fleeing there's nothing stopping you from using it). The bio primary probably works for this as well but I never see the point in it as the enforcer's more accurate for me usually.

This does leave some guns though, so I'll make a 4th category

Link gun primary, minigun altfire, biorifle primary and flak cannon probably qualifies as well.

These guns rely on a high fire rate to hopefully hit a few shots. They're good for damage dealing (nodes/core) and just general annoying people. You can also use them to cover an escape as KaL1 said (For example: bio rifle primary the chokepoint you just went through and make any stalkers get damaged by the goo-y floor)

You said you were gonna use this in your guide way back in a PM when I sent this :(


Posted By: grog_grog
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:37pm
3.  oh, also that speed relates to how much damage you do with the IH.  I never knew, it worked well when I tried that out, though ultimately, the damn thing is way too noisy enough for screwing around with.

The rocket is my master.

Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:42pm
Also I just read that new link gun bit: Yeah if you continiously shaft the opponent it'll 'lock on to them'. Your shaft will extend a bit and you're allowed to miss under a certain pretty small curve I think, while being shafted you cannot dodge or jump I believe, and it tends to mess up your aim and weaponswitching sometimes (if I may believe Black_star after using link alt on him a couple of times)


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:42pm
Thanks a lot Kali, a very comprehensive overview of UT3 weaponry. I'm gonna read this a few times before playin cos it will be fresh in my mind and I can alter tactics. As i'm primarily a vehicle player, and if I may, I would like to add that 
  • the Flak canon has a centre shard that deals extra damage at point blank range
  • if you flak downwards whilst jumping in the air the shards bounce off the surface which makes using it more effective
  • the Flak canon is also capable of dealing 80% damage to a vehicle
  • The avril is best used when you fire first then lock on to your target
  • If you fire the avril's missile up in the air then lock on you can get it to go around corners
  • The redeemer can be shot down, the best weapon for this is the stinger's primary imo
Hey mate thanks again. I really want to get using shock rifle and combos as i think its an awesome weapon all-round, so im paying special attention to that section.

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: XKaL1buR
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:44pm
Drokun, I realize that I may have made a couple of minor mistakes regarding weapon damage. Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. But the 40 points is for dual enforcers. The stinger primary? Probably is. I got some of the damage calculations from Liandri Archives. Didn't say post patch, so I a**umed it was the same after.


Posted By: Danjel8
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:44pm
Spam... lol

Every gun has its place, a mega kill covering a flag carrier is still a mega kill whether u get 4 headshots or 4 spam shots.

Also the Avril can be shot by one player and guided by another player.


Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:45pm
Originally posted by XKaL1buR

Drokun, I realize that I may have made a couple of minor mistakes regarding weapon damage. Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. But the 40 points is for dual enforcers. The stinger primary? Probably is. I got some of the damage calculations from Liandri Archives. Didn't say post patch, so I a**umed it was the same after.

Well it still does 20 damage per shot.. it just shoots twice as fast :O

Also I just realised no one mentioned healing vehicles with link secondary? Or did I read over that.
  • if you flak downwards whilst jumping in the air the shards bounce off the surface which makes using it more effective
If you bounce flak off the floor before it reaches the opponent you concentrate the shrapnel under a smaller spread (less wasted in the air) so that can be nice on midrange.


Posted By: XKaL1buR
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:47pm
Ya, I know, which most likely equates to 40 per second if you keep it concentrated. Damage still stays the same, 20, only, you're wielding two of them at the same time.

Edit: Feel free to add anything else I might've missed. I think I covered most of the basics, but, I realize I may have missed a few things. 


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 4:57pm
Kali I believe ur correct with the stinger - it deals 14 damage and is capable of 10 shots/second at max speed. You start with 100 shots so its possible to discharge a cartridge in just over 10 seconds. And I thought he mentioned the unique healing power of the link in his post bt sorry if I'm wrong. Its the main reason why you could often predict what weapons the enemy are carrying in a map like e.g. sandstorm bt peeps have become more adept these days.

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 5:01pm
Well I may be off.. I don't really use the stinger primary that much (ping) but it's either 7 or 14. I just feel that with it's fire rate it'd be lower than 14.


Posted By: ReverendCrow
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 5:05pm
i think the IH does more damage than 100 ill have to recheck...
redeemer best shot down (from a distance) with either flak or stinger (from up close) hands down link shaft


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 5:13pm
Originally posted by ReverendCrow

i think the IH does more damage than 100 ill have to recheck...
redeemer best shot down (from a distance) with either flak or stinger (from up close) hands down link shaft
I think ur right cos Ether and Medic are always exploding me with this I die even when Im armoured or have 100+ health. Tips to survive IH would be great though, I can only run , dodge and link shaft for so long.

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: ReverendCrow
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 5:15pm

well what i found useful (unless im screwin around ) load of double-tri rockets since they are close range...instant death haha for the most part


Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 5:15pm
Redeemer usually does the trick


Posted By: ReverendCrow
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 5:24pm
lol without killing urself noob haha ill deny that redeemer with my IH hahahaha


Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 5:25pm
Pff you're just jealous you didn't think of it yourself.


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 5:28pm
Lol since I usually die with redeemer close up (and its slow) i'll load up with rockets instead. thx guys.

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: RemY
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 7:55pm
Finally we got a weapon guide :P gj kali


Posted By: XKaL1buR
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 7:58pm


Posted By: CarloThunder
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 7:59pm

I agree with most of this guide, but would you agree some weapons are better on certain maps, for example shock rifle on Arsenal because of the fairly narrow corridor or bio rifle on a wide open map so you don't killyourself with it?

all roun nice guy lol.

Posted By: XKaL1buR
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 8:08pm
Originally posted by CarloThunder

<FONT style=": #000000">I agree with most of this guide, but would you agree some weapons are better on certain maps, for example shock rifle on Arsenal because of the fairly narrow corridor or bio rifle on a wide open map so you don't killyourself with it?

Well, if you're in a big open space, the secondary bio rifle shot is the last thing you wanna use. It really all depends on the person using these weapons. But ya, I see what you're saying. Using the layout of the map to a**ist with whatever weapon you're using. Combos are your friend when it comes to denying people trying to exit an elevator lift or a jump pad, flak can be used to go around corners, etc.


Posted By: CarloThunder
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 8:11pm
Originally posted by XKaL1buR

Originally posted by CarloThunder

<FONT style=": #000000">I agree with most of this guide, but would you agree some weapons are better on certain maps, for example shock rifle on Arsenal because of the fairly narrow corridor or bio rifle on a wide open map so you don't killyourself with it?

Well, if you're in a big open space, the secondary bio rifle shot is the last thing you wanna use. It really all depends on the person using these weapons. But ya, I see what you're saying. Using the layout of the map to a**ist with whatever weapon you're using. Combos are your friend when it comes to denying people trying to exit an elevator lift or a jump pad, flak can be used to go around corners, etc.
Defo true about the flak round corners, thiat method is often used on most dm maps especially deck and arsenal.

all roun nice guy lol.

Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 8:34am
Lots of good info, didn't know about the difference in sounds the characters make and didn't know about the damage indicator while using the primary stinger... good job.

Posted By: grog_grog
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 1:22pm
member_profile.asp?PF=125 - Heavenly_tRiNiTy noted in another thread the the alt fire will detonate a fired redeemer.  And if you fire it with alt fire you can control its flight right?  I'd forgotten the first point

The rocket is my master.

Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 5:17pm
Originally posted by grog_grog

member_profile.asp?PF=125 - Heavenly_tRiNiTy noted in another thread the the alt fire will detonate a fired redeemer.  And if you fire it with alt fire you can control its flight right?  I'd forgotten the first point
Yes the redeemer spawns after 2 mins of a map I believe. If you use the primary fire trigger the (nuclear) warhead goes in a straight line but using the secondary fire you can remotely control its path to move in any direction you want it to go. To detonate the missile either guide it to your target, near your target or simply press primary or secondary fire.
Its the only weapon that deals 250 damage and 150% damage for vehicles so nothing survives a direct hit. The weapon has splash damage (fallout cloud) which means the damage from the missile decreases in % the further you are from the centre. Ive seen people fire it relatively close up and survive but don't ask me how cos they're within the radius. Only reason I could think is if they are well stocked on health/shield and only experience the 3rd wave of impact which is approx 2/3 of 250 = 160 damage at a guess.
If you play warfare you'll find its the only weapon other than the shape charge that can destroy a barricade. I'll let someone else post bout special deployables that are effectively weapons. maybe it should be in another tutorial - would be good.

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: Bird_is_Fn_A
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 5:24pm
Nice guide Kali, good read man.


Posted By: GOW_KillinUGood
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 6:41pm
link gun's power is amplified when in close proximity with teammates who are also wielding the link gun.  Two people standing close together firing link primary at a node will destroy it very quickly.  Link secondary fire also grows longer the more people who are linking together.  Link gun altfire is the only way to heal nodes and vehicles.  It does not work to heal cores.....or does it?  check and see if I'm wrong. lol

Posted By: JDog_OwNz
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 6:46pm
I thought the ammo cost for a combo was always five?  or is the one for the shock core not included?? :/

Adios, the last farewell

Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 7:00pm
1 + 4 for the combo I believe (you could test it by shooting your teammates combo sometime)


Posted By: JDog_OwNz
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 7:07pm
Originally posted by Drokun

1 + 4 for the combo I believe (you could test it by shooting your teammates combo sometime)
Ya but then the teamates character calls me names :( "I'm on your team I.D.I.O.T" LoL im not great at combos because i quit trying them after shewulph fell down a level on deck and blew my shock core up in my face :( i like the color the combo makes though. xD

Adios, the last farewell

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