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UT3 to BF3

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Category: Other Video Games
Forum Name: Battlefield 3
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Topic: UT3 to BF3
Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Subject: UT3 to BF3
Date Posted: 03 Jan 2012 at 3:47pm
Good to see EnVy, Trip, Pam, and Apollo in BF3.  Need more UT3 vets...

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: ckc_pamkitten
Date Posted: 11 Jan 2012 at 3:37pm
Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

Good to see EnVy, Trip, Pam, and Apollo in BF3.  Need more UT3 vets...

Good to see you too Clap  It's an awesome game!


Posted By: Zellot
Date Posted: 11 Jan 2012 at 5:58pm
i'm never touching the game still like the rest of the shooters

Deths Right Hand Stalks Me

Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 22 Jan 2012 at 12:34pm
Originally posted by Zellot

i'm never touching the game still like the rest of the shooters

wrong its good, finally a good shooter other than ut3...


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Posted By: GOW_KillinUGood
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2012 at 6:47pm
Is it truly good?  I hated BFBC2 for a few reasons, have they improved with this version?

-  Bullet drop pissed me off bad.
-  Leveling up your character was tedious and confusing.
-  80% of the team was sniping.
-  one guy with a tank in the right spot was INDESTRUCTABLE and could clear every tree and       defensive position with ease
-  Nobody used the mics (I played on PC) teamwork didn't exist

So, most matches I wouldn't be able to rage quit fast enough, vowing to never play it again, until I would try again in a week.  worst $60 ever spent on a game, plus it was on steam so impossible to resale.

I have a $50 Best Buy card, I really want a new game, but I don't want to waste it.


Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2012 at 7:15pm
Everything you listed is still the case or an issue.... i own it, played it a few times and never had one person talk to me on the mic, sniping isn't such a bad issue, leveling up though is just plain irritating, you have to devote hours to that damn game to get a few good guns.


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2012 at 7:55pm
imo its finally a good version of these types of shooters. yes there is sniping and lots of tanks, heli's, jets and other land-based vehicles to deal with. the maps took me about 3 days get used to, but like i always do is just watch good players and take notes of do's and dont's. im in my 3rd week and im pretty much a vet now. imo this is the best online shooter going on right now. killyougood, id buy it. add me on psn and ill show you or anyone else around. 


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Posted By: Phenethylamine
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2012 at 8:01pm
i actually had no problem dealing with the default weapons   o:

and you can get the famas pretty easily


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2012 at 10:11pm
lol yeah.. the second support gun is the best one fo rthat whole class anyway... the defualt guns are fine.. levelling up in this of bc2 wasnt confusing in any way... bc2 was long yeha.. but had no prestige function so it wasnt bad that it was long... but no great unlocks were there for ranking up really... mostly was just from levelling up your class which didnt take long really.. and bf3 is way shorter... and LOL complaints for bullet drop? lol.. imo bf3 is great... balanced game.. good weapons.. dont trake too long to level up... most guns are good.. and the eraly/first ones are not overly crap just because they are the first ones... also u get 3 attachment slots for guns... movement is way more fluid... also killin... there is hardly any sipers now. compared to before because if people stay aiming down a scope for too long the scope would reflect light so they're easy to spot... good way of countering those sniper campers from bc2..... great maps and alot more variation in the vehicles.. bc2 was dominated by tanks mainly... bf3 the air combat is much improved on... simply put.. theres tons to offer in this game, best shooter out there apart from ut3 these days

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2012 at 10:23pm
and seph.... first pretty good gun for assult = m416.. third gun unlock
first good engineer gun = m4.. third gun unlock..
first good support gun = m249.. the best support gun... 2nd gun
first good recon gun = sv98.. second gun unlock... takes just a few good games to unlock those guns each.... dont know what your on about when u say it takes hours of devoting lol.. and the first guns are good once u get some atachments.... and doing the assignments/cop-op will get u some good guns fast lol.. i think the only problems with this game is the overpowered USAS with frag rounds.. and a few minor things such as not many people talking (but hats not the games fault lol). and if theres a few decent players on your team they would know what to do anyway and work well together as a team...a few glitches here and there and thats it lol

Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 2:23am
The game is sh1t


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 7:11am
its really not lol a[part from ut3 what is better?.. mw3? LOL

Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 12:09pm
I like MW3 better yes, i have no patience. And MW3 throws me right back in the action when i die, The speed of BF3 just bugs me, slow slow slow. From walking 10miles to find a battle to even bringing your sights up. I like fast action. It's a good game, i wont take that from anyone, just not for me.
Bullet drop is a cool realism idea too, but i have a collection of guns and go to the shooting range once in awhile with friends or i go hunting, i dont want drop in a game when i get it in real life, video games should still be a lil bit on the Arcade side. If i wanna hunt i'll go outside. lol


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 12:10pm
Originally posted by ThAtSmAtT

its really not lol a[part from ut3 what is better?.. mw3? LOL
Thats a yes actually.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 6:11pm
Originally posted by GOW_KillinUGood

-  Bullet drop pissed me off bad.
Still here part of the realism and makes long range sniping harder. I kind of like this makes sniping more of a skill

-  Leveling up your character was tedious and confusing.
pretty simple if you ask me

-  80% of the team was sniping.
Sniper guns are more powerful from mid range than long. and the bolt action is more powerful than most semi auto snipers. These and the bullet drop dissuade many from sniping, I think.
You still get the occassional match were you get 3 or 4 snipers but that's about it. I find it more annoying when you're on a team that camps BEHIND the M-Coms in Rush, So dumb, but you can just leave and join another game.

-  one guy with a tank in the right spot was INDESTRUCTIBLE and could clear every tree and       defensive position with ease
I guess it depends on the map. I play as an engineer and taking out Tanks is the fun of it.

-  Nobody used the mics (I played on PC) teamwork didn't exist
Somewhat of a blessing if you ask me. I don't how bad it was on PC but the chatter is defo less than the morons on MW3.

I have a $50 Best Buy card, I really want a new game, but I don't want to waste it.

I can see how it wouldn't be a game for everyone, I thought I'd like MW3 better but now I play this almost exclusively. MW3 has gimmicks to keeps the illiterates interested.
BF3  has a lot of subtleties and nuances that I think attracts a lot of the old Warfare players like Lunchy and Envy

Here's what I don't like about the game:

1. It does not differentiate between burst fire and fully automatic. You can switch it on some weapons and you can do it on your own. But you have a better chance 1v1  if you unload a full clip.
this is noobish and stupid. Burst fire should give greater accuracy.

2. Some maps just don't work with some modes. Some of the bigger maps are just plain boring on conquest for example.

3. Some Weapons are just absurd way and too overpowered but I guess the other side is they are less significant on some maps and more on others. Ive b1tched on this site about one of them so i wont go into details.

hope that helps

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Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 6:41pm
seph.. a sive said before.. theres a little something called SQUAD spawn!!! lol.,. and darkness... mw3 is absolutly horrible... anyone who thinks mw3 has more to offer than bf3 is blind lol mw3 is the same every match... and has bene the same in every COD..doesnt bring anything fresh or exciting... and loads of problems with every cod.... cod is the worst fps series imo... resistance > cod, killzone > cod, bf > cod, ut3 > cod etc etc

also fluffy i do like the fact you can change from fully auto/semi auto/burst.. and also.. u said the USAS is overpowered.. but not really... only with frag rounds its too powerful... but the same could be said for any shotgun with frag rounds lol.. and the only other really overpowered gun is the famas... even though eithe rbothe rme too much..

Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 6:46pm
Originally posted by ThAtSmAtT

seph.. a sive said before.. theres a little something called SQUAD spawn!!! lol.,. and darkness... mw3 is absolutly horrible... anyone who thinks mw3 has more to offer than bf3 is blind lol mw3 is the same every match... and has bene the same in every COD..doesnt bring anything fresh or exciting... and loads of problems with every cod.... cod is the worst fps series imo... resistance > cod, killzone > cod, bf > cod, ut3 > cod etc etc

also fluffy i do like the fact you can change from fully auto/semi auto/burst.. and also.. u said the USAS is overpowered.. but not really... only with frag rounds its too powerful... but the same could be said for any shotgun with frag rounds lol.. and the only other really overpowered gun is the famas... even though eithe rbothe rme too much..

You can switch to burst or single but it doesn't give you an advantage. which it should.
The morons who hold down fire have the ad.

Its not just the USA-S either.

I don't see how anybody can properly play RUSH and thinks its slow. Conquest can be slow but only on maps like Firestorm.

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Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 8:10pm
BF3 is Awesome, I haven't played it since MW3 dropped.

Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 9:32pm
ut3 = best eva, bf3 = best out, mw3 = same piece of **** game its always been. and TRU is looking for 4v4 matches....AR?????? lol 

and thatsmatt is right ;]


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Posted By: QwEsT
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 9:40pm
I've been playing, but not a lot. I preferred BFBC2. Uncharted 3 > all games right now

PSN: qwest4victory    A-R_l2eQwEsT

Posted By: Phenethylamine
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 10:06pm
Uncharted is definitely the highest quality game

the only thing similar about bf3 and mw3 are the gun names lol

mw3 has more encounters and is faster = more action

bf3 only has similar action if ur in squad tdm, I find most of my fun crashing airplanes and riding in jeeps. also boring as fu­ck if ur by urself

BIGGEST thing bf3 has is dedicated/good servers


Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 10:32pm
Originally posted by _EnVy_

ut3 = best eva, bf3 = best out, mw3 = same piece of **** game its always been. and TRU is looking for 4v4 matches....AR?????? lol 
and thatsmatt is right ;]

Nobody from AR really plays BF3. I enjoyed it for a week & moved on.

Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2012 at 10:38pm
Originally posted by Sephiroth_V7

I like MW3 better yes, i have no patience. And MW3 throws me right back in the action when i die, The speed of BF3 just bugs me, slow slow slow. From walking 10miles to find a battle to even bringing your sights up. I like fast action. It's a good game, i wont take that from anyone, just not for me.
Bullet drop is a cool realism idea too, but i have a collection of guns and go to the shooting range once in awhile with friends or i go hunting, i dont want drop in a game when i get it in real life, video games should still be a lil bit on the Arcade side. If i wanna hunt i'll go outside. lol

That's how i feel.. Squad spawn is retarded. Lets spawn with a buddy as his tank eats C4 or a land mine. Let's spawn with this random, Cool he's sniping 3,000 miles away from the action. Let's try this guy, he's sitting idle, Brilliant.

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