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Useful console commands

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Category: Other Video Games
Forum Name: Quake Live
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Topic: Useful console commands
Posted By: WOPR-1
Subject: Useful console commands
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2009 at 2:32pm
I think it would be a good idea to have a list of console commands for us n00bs.  I'm sure there are websites all over the place that have these but the less searching people have to do the better.  I'll start with the ones I got from deadaim and I'll add any that are added into this post.

ctrl + alt + ` (brings up the console)
com_allowconsole 1   (makes it so you just have to hit ` to bring up the console)

snaps 60
cl_maxpackets 125
rate 25000


cg_forceenemymodel bright/keel  (Makes all enemy's look the same, highly recommended)
cg_forceteammodel blue/sarge   (Makes all enemy's in team games look the same, highly recommended)

cg_bob 0 
cl_fov 95

None of you seem to understand...I'm not locked in here with you, YOU'RE locked in here with ME!!--Rorschach

Posted By: RemY
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2009 at 5:42pm
Your FoV is just preference. Just play around with it and find a comfortable setting.

cl_bob is the incorrect command. it is cg_bob

some good cmds to get optimal performance

set r_dynamiclight "0"
set r_shadows "0"
set r_enablepostprocess "0"
set r_picmip "10"
set r_gamma "1"
set r_fullbright "1"
set r_overbrightbits "0"
set r_mapoverbrightbits "2"
set r_vertexlight "1"
set r_fastsky "1"
set r_mode "12"
set cg_draw3dicons "0"
set cg_simpleitems "1"
set cg_marks "0"
set cg_noprojectiletrail "0"
set com_allowconsole "1"
set cg_drawfps "1"
set com_maxfps "125"
set cg_drawtimer "1"
set cg_leveltimerdirection "1"
set cg_lagometer "1"
set cg_kickscale "0"
set cg_bob "0"


Posted By: ninefive
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2009 at 7:02pm
copied this from
QUAKE LIVE is a highly configurable game that often allows the client to customize certain aspects to be tailored to your liking. Some of these client variables (or cvars for short) are accessible the Game Settings link on the site or the Game Settings menu in-game. Although, there are many additional options available by altering 'cvars' from within the in-game console.
  • To access the console in-game press: CTRL+ALT+~ (on your QWERTY keyboard). This will drop down the command console. To make the console easier to toggle, you can now type com_allowconsole 1. After doing so, you may now toggle the console on or off by simply pressing ~.
  • Typing the beginning of a cvar or command and pressing TAB will autocomplete, or show all the commands that start with those letters.
  • Pressing the up and down arrows on your keyboard will scroll through text already typed into the console.
  • Pressing page up and page down will skip entire pages, combine these with ctrl to go to the very top or bottom of the console.
Here is a list of some commonly used or new cvars in QUAKE LIVE:
  • bot_nochat - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will disable the chat messages from bot ai players in Practice Mode.
  • cg_autoswitch - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will disable the automatic switching to weapons that are picked up.
  • cg_bob - default: "1"
    Lower values between 0-1 will reduce the amount your player view bobs as they walk, values of "0" will remove all bobbing. This is highly useful for players who suffer from motion sickness.
  • cg_crosshairBrightness - default: "1"
    Lower values between 0-1 will make the crosshair appear darker, becoming black at "0"
  • cg_crosshairColor - default: "7"
    Alternate colors for your crosshair are selectable by setting this cvar to a different value between 1-7.
    1: red, 2: green, 3: yellow, 4: blue, 5: cyan, 6: magenta, 7: white
  • cg_crosshairHealth - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will set your make your crosshair color reflect your health. While healthy it will appear white and as you take damage it will turn yellow, orange and then red when you are near death.
  • cg_crosshairPulse - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will prevent your crosshair from enlaring momentarily when you pickup an item as a pick-up indicator.
  • cg_crosshairSize - default: "32"
    Lower or higher values may be used to decrease or increase the size of your crosshair.
  • cg_draw2D - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will remove all HUD elements including your crosshair, useful for capturing 'clean' screenshots.
  • cg_drawCrosshairNames - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will prevent player's names appearing when you point your crosshair at them.
  • cg_drawFPS - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will display the frames per second that your game is rendering, useful for evaluating system peformance.
  • cg_drawGun - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will hide your weapon from view. A value of "2" will display your weapon, but it will not sway as you walk.
  • cg_drawRewards - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will disable the display of any in-game awards you receive, such as "Impressive", "Excellent", "Humiliation".
  • cg_forceEnemyModel - default "(null)"
    Setting this cvar to a "<modelname>" or "<modelname>/<skinname>" such as "keel/sport" will force all enemies to appear to be using the keel/sport model and skin. This is most often used to enable "brightskins". Crash, Keel, TankJr and Visor all have skins called "bright" and "sport" which provide high contract green and green & white skin options.
  • cg_forceTeamModel - default: "(null)"
    Setting this cvar to a "<modelname>" or "<modelname>/<skinname>" such as "ranger" will force all teammates to appear to be using the ranger model and appropriate team colored skin.
  • cg_fov - default: "90"
    High values will increase the field of vision of your player view allowing you to see more of the game world. Lower values will decrease the amount you can see but may make it easier to aim over long distances.
  • cg_gunX - default: "0"
    Offsets where the gun is drawn on the X-plane on a players first person view.
  • cg_gunY - default: "0"
    Offsets where the gun is drawn on the Y-plane on a players first person view.
  • cg_gunZ - default: "0"
    Offsets where the gun is drawn on the Z-plane on a players first person view.
  • cg_kickScale - default: "1"
    A value lower than one will decrease the amount that your screen shakes or kicks when you receive damage. A value of "0" will remove all damage feedback related shaking.
  • cg_lagometer - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will display a netgraph that shows your network packet traffic including received, rejected and lost packets.
  • cg_levelTimerDirection - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will alter the timer clock to count upwards towards the timelimit, rather than displaying the time left remaining in the match.
  • cg_newWeaponBar - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will replace the side weapon bar with ammo counts, with the Q3 style horizontal weapon bar.
  • cg_nopredictItems - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will provide more accurate pickup notification sounds, however at the cost of potentially delayed playback.
  • cg_noprojectileTrail - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will remove the smoke and/or bubble trails from rockets and grenades.
  • cg_oldPlasma - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will add fizzling spark effects to the fired plasma balls.
  • cg_oldRail - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will add a Q2 style spiral around the railcore.
  • cg_oldRocket - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will add a red bloom of fire that burns out from the explosion.
  • cg_predictLocalRailShots - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will feel less responsive in high ping environments but may prevent wrongly predicted railshots and/or impacts.
  • cg_simpleitems - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will use 2D image icons to display in-game items.
  • cg_switchOnEmpty - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will prevent the automatic switching to a new weapon when attempting to fire a weapon without ammo.
  • cg_trueLightning - default: "0.75"
    A value of "1" will remove any sway from the lightning gun stream to make it easier to aim with, while values closer to "0" will increase the sway but more accurately represent where the lightning is currently impacting.
  • cg_zoomFov - default: "22.5"
    The field of view used while zooming
  • cl_autoRecordDemo - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will enable automatic demo recording. A demo will be recorded to your system for every match that you play. Demos can be played back to rewatch your match by typing "demo <demoname>". One Windows XP systems, demos are stored in the "%appdata%\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3\demos" folder, while on Windows Vista they are located in "%APPDATA%\..\LocalLow\id Software\quakelive\home\baseq3\demos"
  • cl_currentServerAddress
    This cvar is set to the ip address of the game server you are currently connected to. Obtaining the servers IP address may be necessary during testing.
  • model - default: "Sarge"
    Alter this cvar to set your <model> or <model/skin> such as "Ranger" or "Ranger/blue".
  • r_dynamiclight - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will remove dynamic lighting that surrounds rocket projectiles.
  • r_enablePostProcess - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will degrade the quality of lighting in exchange for a boost in performance.
  • r_fastsky - default: "0"
    A value of "1" will replace the animated skybox with a solid black texture, primarily used for enhancing performance.
  • r_picmip - default: "0"
    Lower values will manipulate and blend the colors of the map textures. Textures at the highest value, "16" appear nearly as solid colors. A vid_restart or map load is required before changes will come into affect.
  • r_subdivisions - default: "4"
    A value of "80" will replace in-game curves with angled surfaces to give a performance boost.
  • s_ambient - default: "1"
    A value of "0" will remove the ambient background sounds from most maps. A s_restart or map load is required before the change will come into affect.
  • s_musicvolume - default: "0.25"
    Lower values will lower the volume of the game music, a value of "0" will disable the music.
  • timescale - default: "0"
    Higher values set while playing back demo files will result in the demo fast forwarding at a rate times the timescale value.
Common and/or new game commands:
  • clan <clanname>
    The clan command allows you to set your clan tag and add color codes to your clan name, in the same manner you can with the 'name' command.
  • dropflag
    Dropflag allows you to drop the enemy flag for another player (who is perhaps more well equipped to survive with the flag).
  • dropweapon
    Dropweapon only works in team games, and allows you to drop the weapon you are currently holding so that a team mate may have it.
  • name <name>
    The name command allows you to add color codes to your name. Place a carot and colored code before any text string to colorize it, such as "name ^1Unnamed^3Player" becomes UnnamedPlayer
    ^1 - Red
    ^2 - Green
    ^3 - Yellow
    ^4 - Blue
    ^5 - Cyan
    ^6 - Magenta
    ^7 - White
  • readyup - default bind: "f3"
    Readyup toggles your ready-up state. Once enough players in a match have ready up'd, the match will begin.
  • record <demoname>
    Records a demo of your current gameplay.
  • stoprecord
    Stops recording the current demo.
  • tell_buddy <qlfriendsname>
    This command will send a QUAKE LIVE chat message to a friend on your friends list from in-game.
  • quit
    The quit command disconnects you from the server and will return you to the QUAKE LIVE site.

Posted By: RemY
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2009 at 7:28pm
Dont forget the /ragequit command!


Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2009 at 8:18pm
Originally posted by RemY

Dont forget the /ragequit command!

How can I keybind this to something easier?


Posted By: ReverendCrow
Date Posted: 03 Jun 2009 at 8:43pm
drokun all you need to do is press alt+f4 to ragequit


Posted By: Black_star
Date Posted: 05 Jun 2009 at 11:38pm
I already asked Deadaim this but do you guys know any ways to increase fps? I already did most of the commands you posted, but I still drop 60-100 fps at certain parts of maps while playing online. 


Posted By: RemY
Date Posted: 06 Jun 2009 at 12:07am
the command set r_picmip "10" should make all of your textures "clean". I dont know what else i can tell you to put in.

Are you sure put all of those commands i put in your console? set com_maxfps "125"


Posted By: Black_star
Date Posted: 06 Jun 2009 at 11:05am
Maybe its just my sh*tty comp. Its from 1999 xD


Posted By: Frag416
Date Posted: 15 Jun 2009 at 4:17pm
could be your soundcard try muting everything but the sfx also cg_truelightning 0 (default is 1) some people swear by this i however do not it makes your LG curve rather than just go in a straight line it depends on what your used to from past quake games i guess

Posted By: Frag416
Date Posted: 22 Jun 2009 at 6:50am
cg_predictlocalrails 0 or 1 (1 is default) basically it takes the 0 ping effect on or off of your rail shots some people may also prefer this if they are used to the railgun on older quake games

Posted By: Frag416
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2009 at 9:17pm
cvarlist (its a list of all the commands)

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2010 at 2:03pm
QUESTION!!!   Every time i play, even when my ping is really low, it seems like im lagging. :(
NE1 no how i can fix this? its starting 2 piss me off. i Mean LuciFer ALMOST beat me yesterday!! so something is def. wrong.  :D

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: Cruel IntentionZ
Date Posted: 20 Jan 2010 at 2:06pm
Originally posted by puertoRICAN

QUESTION!!!    i Mean LuciFer ALMOST beat me yesterday!! so something is def. wrong.  :D
ricans accuracy = 16%
luci's accuracy = 17%
EDIT: in AIM after he saw this:
    (xsoopermanluva) im bout to play rite now and see if i find idol players

   (xsoopermanluva) ill get my % up!

Some people are alive simply because it’s against the law to kill them.

Date Posted: 09 Jun 2010 at 5:06pm
i just started playin this like 2 weeks ago and it's great, who plays??


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