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PS3 PC host Installation and config guide

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
Forum Name: Server Administration
Forum Discription: "How to" guide and downloads for UT3 PC based servers
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Topic: PS3 PC host Installation and config guide
Posted By: Administrator
Subject: PS3 PC host Installation and config guide
Date Posted: 15 Mar 2009 at 1:34pm
This guide was adapted from the official install instructions and greatly improved by -  WOPR-1 - Download MS Word Document - Download PDF File


The Unreal Tournament 3 PC for PS3 Dedicated Server allows users to host an Unreal Tournament 3 dedicated server on a PC that can be joined by players of the PS3 version of Unreal Tournament 3. These servers are intended to be used by PS3 players only and cannot be joined by users running the PC version of Unreal Tournament 3. The PC for PS3 Dedicated Server is only compatible with version 2.0 of Unreal Tournament 3 for the PS3.


As of this writing there has not been success with hosting custom maps/mods from the PC host.


Some of the variables listed in the appendix are from the Titan Pack which has not been released to the PS3 yet so they have not been tested.  This is merely the data found within the .ini files.



  • Download a copy of the 2.0 PC host for PS3 software, file name: (1.33 GB (1,432,315,977 bytes)) - Download PC Dedicated for PS3 2.0 here

  • Open the file using WinRAR or WinZip.  (WinRAR is used in the screen caps below).  Windows Vista Ultimate and Windows Server 2008 automatically include an “unzip” function.
  • Next double click on the SetupUT3.exe file and the installation process will begin.





  • I personally changed the path where I wanted it to be installed but it is perfectly fine to leave the default "C:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3 (Dedicated)\". 
  • This location is called <install path> in the remainder of the instructions
  • Click next.


  • I didn’t get a screen cap of the installer progress screen…but it should now be installing and eventually will give you a ‘install successful’ message.  If any errors are seen they will need to be worked out before proceeding beyond this point.





The configuration files are in <install path>\UTGAME\Config.  The one that is used most for the PS3 host is DefaultGame.ini.  In this ini file you can setup map vote, map cycles, server messages and much more.  Below I will show you some of the most common things you may want to change.  But first we need to make the DefaultGame.ini file writeable.


Make the ini file writable

  • Navigate to the <install path>\UTGAME\Config directory and find DefaultGame.ini file

  • Right click the file and select properties
  • Uncheck the box that says Read-only and click apply
  • Now we can edit the file so double click DefaultGame.ini.  If your PC isn’t configured to open ini files in notepad you may have to set that up.  Or you can try right clicking, choosing ‘open with’ and then find notepad


Example Configurations

The next thing to point out is that you can do almost all the configuration in the .ini file but sometimes it is more efficient to set things via the startup command (I’ll go through that later).  An example would be I could set the goal frag limit for DM in the config file but then if I want to make it higher because I want to play instagib, for example,  I have to change the config file.  If I set the goal score via the startup command then all I have to do is save all my different startup commands and run them when I want to change the behavior a little bit.  We will get into the details of the startup command later, for now I’ll go over some example ini configurations.


NOTE: When I refer to a ‘section’ in the ini file, what I’m saying is the name in brackets…using the server info step below as an example I would refer you to the section [Engine.GameReplicationInfo]


Once you have the defaultgame.ini file open there are a few things you’ll want to change.  Some are not mandatory but you’ve made it this far, lets do it right.


1)      Server info



ServerName="Welcome to WOPR-UT3PC1!"

ShortName="UT3 Server"

MessageOfTheDay="Have Fun!"




2)      Map Cycles


In the [UTGame.UTGame] section there will be several lines that by default look like this:











You can tell which line refers to which gametype by the GameClassName in the code above.



UTTeamGame=Team Deathmatch

UTCTFGame_Content=Capture the Flag





UTVehicleCTFGame_Content=Vehicle Capture the Flag


Change the maps in the list to be as you want them, keeping in mind that the first one in the list will have top priority in the map vote.  For example if Deck is first in the list and Sentinal is second and there is one vote for each, Deck wins.  You MUST leave the + in front of each line.  The + allows a variable to be set multiple times in the same section without being overwritten.  If you don’t understand what I just said don’t worry about it…just leave the + there and everything will be fine!


Real world example: My duel server has the following for a map cycle:




3)      Map Vote


In the section above we went through a mapcycle which is different than mapvote.  The map cycle simply defines which maps are available and what their priority is.  If you want to allow map voting make sure in the [UTGame.UTGame] section you have the following :




4)      Other options  (optional and NOT recommended for most users)


The above is really all that I configure in my ini files.  I do the rest of my configuration in the startup command.  However if you want to fiddle with more of the variables have at it…but check out the startup commands section first so you can see how I do it, you may want to do it my way as well. 


The following info may help if you decide you want to do more configuration in the ini file itself.  The below is optional info and is not recommended.  Also it should be noted that not all variables within the ini files work on PS3.  Some things are only configurable on the PC or 360 version, so keep that in mind.  Most variables are self explanatory but if unsure a quick Google search will uncover it for you.


The [UTGame.UTGame] section has most of the variables in it.  This is sort of the base section that applies to the other sections unless otherwise defined there…I know that’s a little confusing so here’s an example.


If I had bAllowMapVoting=false in [UTGame.UTGame] but then further down in [UTGame.UTTeamGame] I had bAllowMapVoting=true.  The expected result would be that the only game mode that would use mapvote is TDM.


Create a Gamespy account


Before we can startup our newly configured server we need to create a Gamespy account.  There is a utility to do this that we have to run from the command line.


  • Click Start, then Run
  • Type: cmd
  • Click ok


  • you should now have a window that looks like this:

  • We now need to change directories to where the UT3 server software is installed = your <install path>. The example below is showing where I installed it.   If you left the default path during the installation it is C:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3 (Dedicated), You would type: cd Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3 (Dedicated)\Binaries

1)      Now we can use the account creation script.  The example below is:


createaccount ut3yourname ut3yourpassword

Createaccount test1234 password1234


Keep in mind that what you use as your username will be what people see as the server name in the game browser.


The email address need not be valid.  I have my real email address on my duel server and have never gotten any email from it so I’m not sure what this is here for.  Maybe just another way to verify the account…not sure.
The image below reflects what a successful account creation message should look like.  If the creation fails most of the time it is because the user name is already taken, so just pick another name and try again. You may use the same email address and password for all Gamespy accounts you create.  For multiple accounts, it's easiest to simply change the username.

Startup Commands


Ok so we’re finally ready to start up the server.  We just need to decide on our final config options.  You need to be in <install path>\Binaries in your command line window. 


So lets just dive right in, first example is what my duel server startup command looks like: (all on one line)


UTGame server DM-Sentinel?game=UTGame.UTDuelGame?bWeaponStay=true?numplay=2?Difficulty=4?minnetplayers=1?maxplayers=4?GoalScore=10?TimeLimit=10?forcerespawn=1?allowkeyboard=1?GamePassword= -log=WOPR-UT3PC1_DedicatedServer.log -seekfreeloading -login=test1234 -password=password123


Lets break this down:


UTGame server – startup in server mode

server DM-Sentinel – first map to play will be Sentinal

game=UTGame.UTDuelGame – This is a duel game

bWeaponStay=true – Supposed to make weapons stay instead of respawn.  Doesn’t work currently.

numplay=2 – This tells the server to add 1 bot if only one player is in the server.

Difficulty=4 – The difficulty of the bot, starting at 0 for Novice.

minnetplayers=1 – says there should be at least 1 real (non bot) player for the game to start.

maxplayers=4 – The maximum amount of real players that can join

GoalScore=10 – number of frags to win

TimeLimit=10 – time limit ;)

forcerespawn=1 – forces the player  to respawn.

allowkeyboard=1 – enables keyboard and mouse support.

GamePassword= - when blank there is no password.  If you define a password the server will be locked.

-log=WOPR-UT3PC1_DedicatedServer.log – I renamed my log file because I have several servers and want to keep track of which log is for which server.

-seekfreeloading – tells gamespy what account type you have.

-login=test1234 – your user name you created earlier.

-password=password123 – your password created earlier – the email address on this account


Note that all parameters related to the actual match are separated by question marks (?), while server parameters are added with dashes (-). All dash parameters need to be listed last/after the question mark parameters.




Other examples of startup commands:


instagib Duel:

UTGame2 server DM-Deck?ServerDescription=105000110000115000116000097000?game=UTGame.UTDuelGame?Mutator=UTGame.UTMutator_Instagib?bWeaponStay=true?numplay=2?Difficulty=4?vsbots=0?minnetplayers=1?maxplayers=4?GoalScore=15?TimeLimit=10?forcerespawn=1?allowkeyboard=1?GamePassword= -log=WOPR-UT3PC2_DedicatedServer.log -seekfreeloading login=test1234 -password=password123


Pure DM:

UTGame2 server dm-Deck?numplay=4?Difficulty=5?forcerespawn=1?allowkeyboard=1?vsbots=0?minnetplayers=1?maxplayers=8?GoalScore=35?TimeLimit=30?forcerespawn=0?allowkeyboard=1?GamePassword= -log=WOPR-UT3PC2_DedicatedServer.log -seekfreeloading login=test1234 -password=password123


Insta DM:

UTGame2 server dm-Deck?ServerDescription=105000110000115000116000097000103000105000098000058000032000109000109000109000109000032000103000105000098000108000101000116000115000?Mutator=UTGame.UTMutator_Instagib?numplay=4?Difficulty=4?forcerespawn=1?allowkeyboard=1?minnetplayers=1?maxplayers=8?GoalScore=35?TimeLimit=30?forcerespawn=0?allowkeyboard=1?GamePassword= -log=WOPR-UT3PC2_DedicatedServer.log -seekfreeloading login=test1234 -password=password123


You may notice that 2 of the above commands have a couple extra variables when compared to the first example.  One of them is ServerDescription and the other is Mutator.


ServerDescription is useful for adding more information to the server name in the browser.  Take the first example, normally it would just show up as test1234 but with the addition of the description field I’ve added ‘insta’.  There is a webpage that will make the conversion from plain ASCII text to the code you see as 105000110000115000116000097000. - Use the Description Generator found here.  

Second is the Mutator.  This obviously is how you enable a mutator, the names for all the mutator classes are in the appendix along with some other helpful definitions.  For multiple mutators separate each of them with a comma like so:





As you can see there several values that I change on a regular basis within my startup commands so for me it made more sense to change configuration via the startup command as opposed to having to change multiple variables in the ini file every time I wanted to change my style.  However if you intend on hosting the same configuration every time then it may make more sense to put most of your settings in the ini file.  The minimum required fields to start up a server is:


UTGame.exe server dm-arsenal? Game=UTGame.UTDeathmatch -login=ut3yourname –password=ut3yourpassword –seekfreeloading


All the other variables I’ve used in my examples can be placed in the [UTGame.UTGame] section of the DefaultGame.ini.




Mutator Table








Low Gravity


Super Berserk


Friendly Fire


No Translocator






No Powerups




Weapon Replacement


Weapon Respawn


Slowtime kills


No Orbs


No Hoverboard









Gametype Table





















Miscellaneous Variables


There are tons of variables so this is no where near a complete list.  I tried to pick out the ones that I thought would be the most used general variables.





What gametype is it


Supposed to make weapons stay instead of respawn.  Doesn’t work currently.


This tells the server to add 1 bot if only one player is in the server.


The difficulty of the bot, starting at 0 for Novice.


says there should be at least 1 real (non bot) player for the game to start.


The maximum amount of real players that can join


number of frags to win


time limit


Forces the player  to respawn.


enables keyboard and mouse support.


when blank there is no password.  If you define a password the server will be locked.


new variable to define how long u can chat, not confirmed if this works


How long the voting screen is available in-between matches


Allow or disallow mapvoting


In the UTEngine.ini file.  Allows for multiple servers on a single PC.  Each server must have a unique port.


Defines a mutator


Add detail to your server name

Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2010 at 5:13pm
where do i find this now?


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2010 at 5:45pm
if u mean the file for PC hosting its at the top of msg


  • Download a copy of the 2.0 PC host for PS3 software, file name: (1.33 GB (1,432,315,977 bytes))


<< - Download PC Dedicated for PS3 2.0 here  >>

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2010 at 5:49pm
the link is broken
and will it work with windows 7?


Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 01 Jul 2010 at 9:49pm


Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 19 Jul 2010 at 6:55pm


Posted By: foxyro
Date Posted: 19 Jan 2011 at 11:02am
Try this link. -

Posted By: foxyro
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2011 at 3:53am
Second stage.
My server (home testing server) it's working fine.
Now I have to apply Patch 3,4,5.
The problem is after a any of these patch my server have the same error.
"Game.ini it's out of date, do you want to update - Yes to all."
The error " Ambiguous package name: Using 'C:\Program Files\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\CookedPC\CustomChars\".
A lot of these errors came and the server it's stopping.

Any clue?

Posted By: WOPR-1
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2011 at 4:12am
I do not think you need to install the patches to the ps3 server software.  Those are for the PC version...however It's been a long time since I've installed a fresh PS3 server.

The guide above was written for the original server software (1.x)...I do not think anything has changed in the 2.x version but I will re-run through an install of the latest software and make sure....also i think it would be a good idea for me to host the correct server software here so there is no chance of someone using the wrong stuff so I will do that as well.  It will likely be mid week next week before I get this done but it will be top of my list.

None of you seem to understand...I'm not locked in here with you, YOU'RE locked in here with ME!!--Rorschach

Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 21 Jan 2011 at 5:37am
WOPR, I was under the impression he has a modified copy of the install package.  I have 2.0 around here somewhere if you guys need it.  Just let me know.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Posted By: foxyro
Date Posted: 24 Jan 2011 at 5:42am
"I do not think you need to install the patches to the ps3 server software"
Yes it's true it's working fine like this.
I still need to find a VPS Server host in Germany (Frankfurt) or Holland (Amsterdam), for a good PING.

I really cannot imagine how much traffic can generate this server/month ?
Almost all hosting company for VPS give me a plan with included traffic.

For processes I believe Single core it's enough, for memory I will try 1 GB.

Posted By: WOPR-1
Date Posted: 27 Jan 2011 at 6:15pm
hmm ok...why have a modified version though...idgi.

I've never tracked traffic but I would think it would be a decent amount depending on how often you play on it.

Still haven't gotten to do a reinstall to do an updated guide but I will soon.  I'll also upload the 2.0 server software to the downloads section so it'll always be there...I'm almost positive I still have it but if not I'll hit you up Aqua, thx.

None of you seem to understand...I'm not locked in here with you, YOU'RE locked in here with ME!!--Rorschach

Posted By: willsmith
Date Posted: 03 Jul 2011 at 11:25pm
< name="GENERATOR" ="LibreOffice 3.3 Linux"> < ="text/">

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Posted By: Dr4g0v
Date Posted: 18 Jun 2012 at 12:50pm
Hi all,

I saw a Linux version for hosting UT3 pc players.

Anyone know if i can recompile those packets in order to host PS3 clients ?

Thanks in advance


Posted By: BuMrUsH
Date Posted: 22 Jun 2012 at 5:58pm


Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 25 Jun 2012 at 2:26am
No words?

Epic probably blocked the PC client host. Because I could not set this up.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: The Keyboard Samurai
Date Posted: 20 Nov 2013 at 7:35pm
Can someone help get custom maps installed on a PS3 server {please}.
- I have installed the ps3_200 server; can anyone provide advice?

* Edit
- I got it working by myself, but i appreciate the offer of help cloudy-  :) 
 Many Thanks.


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