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Need Help Customs Maps

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
Forum Name: Server Administration
Forum Discription: "How to" guide and downloads for UT3 PC based servers
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Topic: Need Help Customs Maps
Posted By: Dr4g0v
Subject: Need Help Customs Maps
Date Posted: 28 Feb 2010 at 6:17pm

I desperately try to install some customs maps on the Devils-Inferno.
I add put HangingGardens on the UTGame.ini
The server displays the map, you can vote for the latter if you vote for it you'll be back to the main menu.
it is written several things: "You do not file VCTF-HangingGardens" or "You do not UTGold" or "you do not file" VCTF-HangingGardens.

I tried some scripts with some maps (TrainCrossing, Flux & Spoonsogg) but it's ALWAYS the same.

If you can help me

Thanks in advance


Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2010 at 8:40pm
I'm having same probs with custom maps,  easy  enough to get the map showing in the browser. I'm using pc code to put into the utgame.ini ob but am renaming the .ut3 files to .upk. So the code in utgame.ini should be sorted and have the .upk and loc.upk or whatever in the cookedpc as well. I'm thinkin there are incomps between the ps3 downloaded content and pc ones u need for the server, as in prob a small thing like the name on the  ps3 side or summut coz the cbpacks on the the ps3 have totally different content to the pc version. If there were a way of finding the exact original versoin the ps3 ones are cooked from we could perhaps use those.....
So please, please could sumone put us straight as i'm feelin like a complete retard right now!! Dead

Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2010 at 8:53pm
The 2 messages i'm getting wen i'm trying to connect are..
Package''mapname' is content u dont have installed'. Which i do, or at least a version of it which leads me onto....  (this is for the CBP PC maps)
I also get the msg 'package 'UTGameContent' version mismatch [package 5E1A6EC44353AEB468FE22A2427048A7, info 15198A504C4917017BE851AA771ADB53]' on maps i've d/l as not part of the CBP3. These are really annoying as on the ps3 it gets as far as the splash  screen b4 the map starts to come up n jus wen u think  u'll here the lock n loading of the level startin... bam... stoopid msg as above...
Ps. yes i'm pretty sad..

Date Posted: 08 Oct 2010 at 8:59pm
either you dont actually have the map which you 1st described and the second 1 u mentioned is because that server is messed up, dont worry


Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2010 at 9:31pm
Mmm, cheers. Not sure it's that simple tho. Am thinkin now that i aint seen any dedicated servers with custom maps on PS3, yeah there's ocean relic, dark match etc but those were all in the server files to begin with... bit more digging me thinks... wont lead  newhere prob.. lol
p.s how'd u mean that server is messed up? Tongue 

Posted By: jibba91
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2010 at 10:36pm
what maps r u trying? not every map will work.

Posted By: Iuckshot
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 7:21am -

skim through my guide if you haven't already

Some random points of attention
  • files have to be in the CustomMaps folder i think, you have to create it first (not sure in what folder you had to create it again)
  • in the cycle, obviously, put the maps as "vCTF-NameMap", with commas to seperate maps
  • you dont have to rename any files: all you need are the .ut3 file, .upk file and .ini files - and not all maps have all 3 of these files, at least the .ut3 file is needed though - you dont need to edit the .ini file of a map either to make it work, just makes it look fancy i guess maybe
  • you indeed need identical versions, and theyre just not there half the time, because of custom sounds the pc version can use (even if its just a sound for an opening door or whatever), or a lot of other custom content
  • the UTGameContent version mismatch is usually an indication that that map won't work on dedis
  • oh and you can't start a server on a custom map, to try out if a map works set it to ie. reflection 1 cap and then 30 seconds later you can vote for spoon

btw hanginggardens doesn't work on dedis, nor do any of the CBP maps

Originally posted by HoTfiX_FpS_er

Mmm, cheers. Not sure it's that simple tho. Am thinkin now that i aint seen any dedicated servers with custom maps on PS3, yeah there's ocean relic, dark match etc but those were all in the server files to begin with... bit more digging me thinks... wont lead  newhere prob.. lol
p.s how'd u mean that server is messed up? Tongue 

thats just because people prefer playing the same for another 3 years

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Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 9:18am
Hey, cheers, you've def give me alot of good stuff there. Aint had chance to look through properly yet but the guide looks pretty helpful and thanks for letting me know about the cbp3 maps, wasnt sure if i was banging my head against a brick wall or not as seemed to be getting so close it seemed possible!
One thing though, with the custom maps for PC they all have .ut3 files i think, but in the dedicated PC for PS3 there are none, they are all .upk files. Not sure if the .ut3 will work? Will try though.
I'll post later n let u know how i get on.
Think it would be cool to have some easily available new maps for everyone. If enough ppl give them a chance and play them then surely it can only prolong the life of the game n keep things fresh.

Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 9:22am
The maps i have been trying so far have all been part of the CBP's for PS3 or available to download within UT on the PS3.

Posted By: Iuckshot
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 10:16am
not sure what you meant with that first bit, i usually just took their regular PC version download and installed it on server w/ the regular ps3 version on ps3, and then see if it works

i know of lotsa maps if they work/not work on dedi, but so much effort to post something like that :/
for easy accessible maps you could try the 'Downloads' button, or download from (although they're now focusing on other games, the UT portions' still there), or, or cloudy_serendipity's mediafire, or w/e
oh and WAR-Flare works as well, the only map i actually like from the mod browser that also works on dedis

too bad they dont just upload the maps that work there/just good maps

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Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 11:07am
Hoorah, got the custom maps Worm and Maruader working. I did what u said and moved them so they werent first on the map cycle. Bingo Again couldnt get the CBPs workin, keeps saying the map is content i dont have installed, again i think that is a diiference in the naming of the maps on the 2 versions (PC&PS3).
I'm not using any client or web admin, pasting the stuff right into the script.
Is really easy now i know how to get the maps in there.
All you need are the map files for pc. Is just a case of renaming 1 and pasting the (now) 2 .upk files into cookedpc. Also the config file, open and cut the code and past into Utgame in the match type section.
I know there is alot of custom content out there for UT ps3, but by sticking to the maps that are there for direct download to ps3 some ppl might actually give them a try if it's no hassle to do.

Posted By: Ether404
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 11:12am
but i have a question...when attempting to put a map on a server, how much does the file size matter?   because some VCTF maps are 10 MB files and i'm wondering how much that might affect the upload.

If Gravity is a "P" and the Sun is an "H", it makes a FFFFFFF.

Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 11:35am
Do u mean in terms of gameplay? Not sure as i've not tried any VCTF or WAR, mainly coz i'm a DM player so thats what i've started with. With regards to the file size the largest map is Worm, which is nearly 44MB, that runs fine.  But does the filesize even matter? as all that data is on each machine, not been transferred. The server jus deals with locations of objects etc, so in terms of gameplay the more thats going will effect the performance i think. I honestly dont kno, thats just a guess. If anyone else knows, please enlighten :)

Posted By: Iuckshot
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 12:17pm
uhh i forgot what maps are on the ingame browser, because i really do think they all either suck or dont work on dedicated server, and i never got to really try out Flare but it looks cool
those ctf maps (safeguard/dreary3) wont work i remember, worm works
too much of a hassle.. maybe i have an old map cycle saved on my pc for some maps that work

theres plenty that do work though.. intercept, bonesc****r, flustered, codex, campgrounds2k8, deck le, heatray le, shangrila fe, liandri, kgalleon, downpour, subterrane, gritt, precision, echelon are some examples of dm/tdm/duel maps
lurasia se worked for vctf (on map browser)
flare, beachfront are some that worked war (i think in the end i found like 3-4 for warfare, but 1 gave a glitch everytime you played it)
theres plenty for ctf as well kinda.. ranel, grendelkeep3, spoondog, some crappy facingworlds remake n more

Originally posted by Ether404

but i have a question...when attempting to put a map on a server, how much does the file size matter?   because some VCTF maps are 10 MB files and i'm wondering how much that might affect the upload.

Just takes longer to upload
maps like DM-Downpour are over 100mb easily i think (and theres some huge WAR maps as well) but it doesnt matter that much - idk if itll affect lag on 8v8, but first off you wont get 8v8 on customs unless pre-arranged with ppl you know, and 2nd a good server should be able to handle (i think here 80 tick will help over 60 tick.. not sure tho, if it even matters)

oh looks like i didnt back up my map database before formatting my pc, ah well

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Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 3:38pm
The custom mods in the map may all suck, i dont know coz i've never played them with anything but bots and then only for a brief time coz fraggin bots just aint no fun, or n this is thing, i have played them on listen servers, which also is not any fun. I'm sure there must some ppl who would be willing to give some new maps a try on a level playing  field such as a dedicated server.
I dont believe i've ever seen any of the custom  maps appear on a dedicated server before.
So i dont think ps3 players will know yet which new maps are any good online, one of the problems been not everyone can be bothered to download custom maps from their PC to put onto the PS3 on the off chance someone else is using it, even if they are it will be on a listen server. 
But if there was a dedicated server with the maps that are available direct to PS3 that makes things alot easier.
Just tryin out the maps becomes so easy.
Never know there might a map ppl get into...
After a good 3 years of playin the same levels a change may be refreshing. lol

Posted By: Iuckshot
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 3:49pm
theres been servers w/ customs for ages, and pub people don't bother downloading maps, its too much effort for him - no matter how easy you make it to them
^tried and tested

and several decent maps've been played somewhat during the PUGs but they've died out long ago anyway

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Posted By: HoTfiX_FpS_er
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2010 at 5:32pm
Mmm.. Think maybe in light of what you've said and the fact i've quickly tried all the dm maps in the mod browser on PS3 and only the 2 i  mentioned work, that prob best to just stick with the maps we have then.  i doubt a server with relic, kbarge, eden, darkmatch, marauder and worm would see much activity.... u never know... (lol. we do really tho, dont we!)

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