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MAG Guide - Leadership

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Category: MAG
Forum Name: Tutorials
Forum Discription: Gameplay guides that apply to anyone from the seasoned Vet to a new player
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Topic: MAG Guide - Leadership
Posted By: WOPR-1
Subject: MAG Guide - Leadership
Date Posted: 23 Jan 2010 at 2:38pm
I did not write this, I saw it on the official MAG forum and thought it would be a good idea to have it here as well as sometimes these things tend to disappear over time and I know if it's here it won't go anywhere.

All credit to oHIKARUo and Thagmor for writing/compiling this stuff.

Complete Leadership Positions Tips/Guide:


This guide contains tips and guides for every leadership position within MAG. The thread is based off the individual guides that I wrote that are now put together in one big easy thread for everyone to use. If your a new player to the beta or a veteran looking for help you should be able to find it in this thread.


If you find any errors or would like to contribute to a section please post below and I will add it on!



1.0 - Important Tips

1.1 - Abilities Guide

1.2 - Leadership Bonuses



2.0 - Important Tips

2.1 - Abilities Guide

2.2 - Leadership Bonuses



3.0 - Important Tips

3.1 - Abilities Guide

3.2 - Leadership Bonuses

3.3 - Tactical Map


1.0: Squad Leader (SL) - Tips
  • Communicate with your squad! If you have a headset you need to be talking, simple as that. As a squad leader your in charge of 8 soldiers only, there no excuses why you can not effectively take charge of your men. If your squad fails on defense the wall crumbles from your location. If you do not get it done on offense your nothing but dead weight slowing down the team. Letting your squad know what is going on and communicating is key.
  • Coordinate with other leaders! If something is going wrong on offense or defense chances are no one has been communicating. In order to win any map regardless of the gamemode you need to coordinate. Get on the squad chat channels and find out what the other squad leaders are doing. Hell you can even combine your efforts and spawn at the same location to attack the same bunker! Anything can happen when you coordinate with others, do not be afraid to provide your feedback.
  • Set FRAGO's 24/7! Pay attention to the start of the game  your frago needs to be moved from the default location. Put your marks on your bunker or gates if you are defending. You want to get your squad experience and give them an overall sense of direction to what they should be guarding. On offense it gets more difficult as you need to constantly update your frago everytime a frago objective is completed. Keeping your mark on a transport from the start to the end, of the game for example is not helpful. Overall your frago should be marked 24/7 and updated constantly with no excuses.
  • Stop WASTING your Airstrikes! This note is mainly for offensive squad leaders. When you attack a map do not call in an airstrike or uav until you take down the enemy AAA!! It will get shot down every time until the enemy triple a has been destroyed. Also when you are defending soon as you spawn onto the map do not waste your airstrikes. The enemy takes about 20 seconds after you spawn to even come onto the map.
  • Use your Command Abilities! Now that you learned not to waste airstrikes, you need to start using them. Look below at the abilities guide to familiarize yourself with your capabilities. If you have them bring them down and unleash hell upon your enemies.
  • Pay attention to the battle! Alright the enemy just stole your transport vehicle. Instead of not caring you need to alert your squad of the situation and provide instructions on how to take it out. The same goes for any situation on any other map. Your a squad leader, you should be one of the first people to know that a bunker was taken out and it needs to be repaired!
  • Keep Moral high! If you lost your bunker do not start cussing on the mic at billy joe! No one person on your squad can loose the game or bunker or nav point! On the same note you need to keep your men willing to fight for you. When they do something good let them know. When something goes wrong encourage them to fix it and keep on trying.
  • Fight! Your a squad leader not a OIC. You need to be on the frontlines with this position at all times no matter what. The position also comes with unique perks for teammates around you (see 1.2).
1.1: Squad Leader - Abilities Guide
Recon UAV:
Calls in a a UAV sweep over the targeted area. It will reveal all enemy locations on the radar for your squad. Remember to only call it in when the enemy AAA is down otherwise it will get shot down!
Cluster Bomb:

Call this airstrike in on smaller populated area to get maximum effect. It is the smallest and least deadly airstrike in the game, however it still can pack a punch and push the enemy back long enough to advance. Remember to only call it in when the enemy AAA is down otherwise it will get shot down!
1.2 Squad Leader - Leadership Bonuses
Rapid Fire:
Decreases reload time of squadmates in your proximity.
Shallow Breath:
Increases resistance to gas grenades for squadmates in your proximity.
Move with a Purpose:
Increases movement speed of squadmates in your proximity.
Stay with me:
Increases incapacitation of squadmates in your proximity.
2.0: Platoon Leader (PL) - Tips -
  • Communication with your platoon is KEY! If you do not have a headset it is recommended that you do not apply for this position. In order to be a successful commander you need to communicate with your soldiers. As a Platoon Leader (PL) you are in charge of four squads of 8 men each, so in total you are running 32 soldiers.
  • Coordinate with other squad leaders! A good leader needs to get strategy and teamwork set up right from the start. If you go into your platoon chat channel you can communicate with the other 4 squad leaders. This is very vital to winning those hard maps, communicating can make a world of difference. Find out where the squads need help and and get a gameplan to  win!
  • Use your Command Abilities! As a platoon leader you have the best airstrike capabilities available at your disposal, do not let them go to waste! At the bottom of this post is a guide on what you have and what they do. One key note to remember - do not call in airstrikes if the enemies anti-air is online, they will get shot down and go to waste!
  • Do not abuse the platoon broadcast chat channel! Alot of platoon leaders go into the platoon chat channel and just sit there talking to there squad. If you want to do that talk in your squads chat channel. When you talk in that channel everyone in your platoon can hear you, unless you got something important to say do not sit there going on and on!
  • Address the squads in to sections! Do not sit there all match and say "The APC's are moving up, take them out". Hello, there are 4 squads within your platoon. Try and break the map down in half. What I like to do is use the "left" and "right" sides of the map for a reference point. The best thing you can say is, "Left side squads the APC's are moving up, take them out". This eliminates confusion and you will get cooperation.
  • Keep your eye on the tactical map! As a platoon leader if the enemies destroys a key part of your defense you should be the first to know. It is your job to get units back up and repair whatever has been lost. The same goes for offense. If you spot weak area in the enemy you should coordinate and take advantage.
  • Moral! So your team is pushed all the way back to your base and you lost one transport vehicle. Now is not the time for you to get on the mic and start dropping F bombs at everyone. Your troops will fight hard for a leader they can believe in. Just like in real life we need encouragement to bring the best out in us.
  • Fight! As a Platoon Leader sure your in charge but you need to get out there and fight as well. If you sit inside a vehicle and it takes damage, it will start to repair! You also get other unique perks as well (See 2.2). So get out there on the front lines with the grunts.
 2.1: Platoon Leader - Abilities Guide
Sensor Sweep:
When you call in the sensor sweep everyone in your platoon only will see enemy blimps on your radar for the duration of the effect. This is a platoon leader only ability on your teams defensive maps.
Gas Bombardment:
This airstrike has a large impact area, when calling it in keep that in mind. When the strike hits the ground it will spread out lethal gas that can kill enemies. It is best used for keeping enemies off of a certain position. This is a platoon leader only ability on your teams defensive maps.
Precision Strike:
Calls a strike aircraft to destroy a hardened target. Must be targeted on a demolition objective. This airstrike has the ability to take out a bunker/gate/mortar/sensor with the one missile it drops. This is a platoon leader only ability on your teams offensive maps.
Strafing Run:




Directs a strike aircraft to saturate the target area with high explosive cannon rounds. This will call in a series of bombers to bomb the selected area 3 times in a row. This is great for clearing out a large area and racking up alot of kills, use it to your teams advantage. This is a platoon leader only ability on your teams offensive maps.



 2.2: Platoon Leader - Leadership Bonuses


Battle Hardened:

Increases Resistance to explosive damage for squadmates in your proximity.


Focused Healing:


Increases range of enemy shot detection of squadmates in your proximity.




Automatically heals the leaders current bunker or vehicle.


Cut the Blue Wire:

Decreases the time to both arm and disarm explosives for squadmates in your proximity.





3.0: Officer In Charge (OIC) - Tips


  • Communication is KEY! If you do not have a headset or are afraid to get on the mic and communicate do no apply for the position. As a OIC you run an entire 128 man army. Let us know what you see and what you want the platoon leaders to be doing. At all times you MUST communicate with this role.


  • Use your Command Abilities! In my second game in domination today I had to tell my OIC to use his abilities. He sat there for 10min into the match without using a single one. Also let people know when you use an ability. For example, when you recharge the airstrikes let the leaders know that they are recharged.


  • Address who you are speaking to! Do not sit there all match and say "The APC's are moving up, take them out". Hello, there are 4 platoons with apc's! Unless yall can read minds how do we know who you are talking to? Also do not just talk to your assigned platoon the entire game. If you want to do that there is a position called "Platoon Leader".


  • The Tac Map is your friend! As a OIC you need to keep your eyes open for weakspots on your teams defense or the enemy's offense. You should be the first to know if key points go down and instruct your team to get them repaired asap. Your eyes should be on this map more than they should be on the battlefield.


  • Strategy! Get in the company chat channels and talk with the other Platoon Leaders. Find out why they are being pushed back so fast and find a way to fix it. Your the OIC you call the shots you are to blame for a loss, no one else. Let everyone know the gameplan and execute it.


  • Moral! So your team is pushed all the way back to the control points. Now is not the time for you to get on the mic and start dropping F bombs at everyone. Your troops will fight hard for a leader they can believe in. Just like in real life we need encouragement to bring the best out in us.


  • Fight! As a OIC sure your in charge but you need to get out there and fight as well. Did you know that you regenerate the health of squadmates and vehicles you are in (See 3.2)? That's right, if you sat in a APC all map it is virtually invincible. So get out there on the front lines with the grunts.


3.1: Officer In Charge - Abilities Guide
Satellite Sweep:






Calls in satellite surveillance, revealing all enemy locations on the map. Everyone on your entire team will be able to see enemy locations for the duration of the sweep as red blimps on the radar.


Comms Jamming:







Jams enemy communications, making radio chat intermittent. The enemy team will not be able to cycle through their radio chat channels. Static will also come through enemy headsets.


Signals Jamming:







Jams enemy command network, blocking enemy TCM and CNI abilities. The enemy will not be able to call in airstrikes, or UAV's regardless if your anti air defense is online or offline for the duration of this ability. Also the enemy will not be able to navigate through voice chat channels.


Rapid Redeploy/Barricade:







If you are on offense as a OIC this will increase the enemies respawn time to 29 seconds. If you are on defense as a OIC this will decrease your teams respawn time to 9 seconds. This ability only lasts for a short amount of time as well.


Tactical Strike:







Refreshes all friendly forces tactical strike cool down times. All squad/platoon leaders will have airstrikes refreshed for use soon as you press the button. Make sure you let your team know in advance to use everything they got before you refresh!



3.2 Officer In Charge: Leadership Bonuses


Take the Pain:


Increases armor protection of squadmates in your proximity.


Silent Step:


Increases stealth by allowing nearby squadmates to move undetected at croutch speed.


First Aid:


Regenerates the health of squadmates in your proximity.



3.3: Tactical Map Layout



The Tactical Map goes CLOCKWISE so you should know where the platoons are on the map at all times!



None of you seem to understand...I'm not locked in here with you, YOU'RE locked in here with ME!!--Rorschach

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