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Get to know a UT3 clan - SRC

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
Forum Name: Player Interviews
Forum Discription: Inside the mind of a UT3 player
Printed Date: 20 Oct 2024 at 9:21pm
Software Version: Web Wiz Forums 9.72 -

Topic: Get to know a UT3 clan - SRC
Posted By: BAIN
Subject: Get to know a UT3 clan - SRC
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2009 at 9:32pm

Welcome everybody to this installment of Get To Know A UT3 Player. We’re going to do something a little different this time. This will be a clan interview instead of an individual interview. So for your reading pleasure, here are Rolltide, Lock123, Modehyp, Darkflames and Rhettrostyle from SRC.

So first let's get to know you all. What are your first names, ages, locations and the different modes that you play?

Lock123: My name is Richard, I'm 19, I live in Winchester,VA. The mode I usually play is CTF.

Darkflames: My name is Cristian, I'm 17 years old and I'm from Corpus Christi, Texas and I play vctf, ctf, tdm.

Modelhyp: Mimi, 21, Syracuse, NY. I like CTF. But I also like VCTF, Team Death Match. I've been getting into Warfare lately.

Rolltide: Matt, 25, from McCalla, Alabama. I primarily play CTF but I also enjoy TDM and DM. Great respect to the ones who play vehicles because I extra suck at those.

Rhettrostyle: Rhett, 26, Louisiana, Foot modes mostly; I may venture into warfare now and then.

Nice to see a few of you interested in Warfare. We can always use more players.

Why do you primarily play CTF and what is your main position? .

Lock123: I primarily play CTF because it's more fun with friends. My main position is to defend the base and to try to get the flag back.

Rhettrostyle: Its the mode I’m best at and their are a lot of good people who play CTF so its usually pretty easy to find a good match, I am kinda new to the clan but I like to play mid field a**isting the flag runner and getting people who get past the defense.

Darkflames: I didn't really play CTF a lot until I joined SRC and my position is defense.

Modelhyp: I enjoy CTF and I enjoy playing with but also against my clan members.

Rolltide: I play CTF mainly because that is what I played when UT99 came out and I really enjoy the pace. Because I die so much, my main position I guess is defense, as well as the middle.

Yeah, try running the flag against SRC and I promise you’ll get to know Lock real well.

So Rolltide, what does SRC stand for and how did it get started? How many members do you currently have?

SRC = Some Random Clan. We are a branch of the old FEAR clan. Pain, Shockz, and I got the ball rolling because we had a douche bag for a leader. We were told we basically sucked as players after the fact that we went out and started setting up some clan matches ourselves. We weren't playing in any, and we wanted to (you asked so let the flaming begin). At the moment we have 8 members that play regularly. 

Those FEAR hosted instagib games were definitely a blast.

Do you guys have weekly practices, chats or any rituals?

Rhettrostyle: I work nights so I don't get to play a lot with the guys, but every chance I get I follow a member and try to get used to their ups/downs.

Lock123: We really don't have weekly practices unless you call playing in public matches a practice since we are always there.

Darkflames: I don't really know if we have practices or chats I am barely on because of school.

Rolltide: Lets see we tried to practice weekly, but that's not as fun as spamming in a PUB so that didn't work out too well. Our only ritual is to say a prayer not to get 3-0ed in CTF lol JK.  No we really don't have any rituals.

Who is the most fun on the mic?

Lock123: Ramslayer

Darkflames: I got to go with Rolltide.

Rolltide: Most fun on the mic?  Hmmmm...I must say when Shockz and Hotsubs were together on a team those convos kept me ROLLing.  Or BigZ and Shockz.  Most of our team is actually pretty subdued. However, when Pain has had a few and gets pissed, let the swearing begin!

Rhettrostyle: Haven't chatted with a bunch of people I'd have to say Ramslayer.

Modelhyp: Hot subs. But hes never on anymore... :(


Things looked bad for SRC a few weeks back. You put up a poll asking if you all should stay together. What made you all decide yes and how does the future look?

Darkflames: Before we made the poll, there were only two or three including myself online. Now after the poll was made their have been more members online, the future looks strong for SRC.

Rhettrostyle: I joined up afterwards, I was in ICE, and every since we split up I've been fiending to get at some CTF with a clan and I saw that SRC was running short on crew members when I was asked if I would like to join, so I joined up.

Rolltide: Yeah, that was supposed to have been a private thing but I failed on that one. Anyways it was good to feel the support of the community. Well for one thing, it was never my decision per se. I just wanted to know where everyone stood because we had a lot of people leaving for one reason or another (you can't play matches without members). But the members that responded really didn't want to end things. As far as future goes, I think a majority of our players are here for the duration of this game.

Modelhyp:  I've had this game a lot shorter then a lot of other people from SRC. So I’m still into this game. SRC all the way! =) 

I for one am definitely glad that you all are staying together.

Rolltide, I see that you just picked up Rhettrostyle. Nice addition! What exactly is your recruiting process?

Rhettrostyle is a great player and that is all thanks to Darkflames for recruiting him. As far as recruiting goes, our process has been simple. I like to go for those players who play a good bit and aren't on a team yet. We tried to have the "vehicle section" in our clan and it didn't work too well. So we focus mainly on those who play CTF and work from there. I'm not out to get those 5 star recruits. 

Are there any other modes would you like to get into? Why?

Modelhyp: I'd like to get better at Warfare. I'd like to practice Death match w/ Rolltide N Pain again. That was FUN!

Lock123: NO, I hate the other modes, JK. But if I had to choose another mode it will have to be VCTF.

Darkflames: I have been trying to learn how to duel but at the moment I suck, I want to learn because its the one mode that helps you to improve on every other mode.

Rolltide: I have had so many offers from people around the community from Pinnacle to Aquaknot and Aceoblivion on getting help in learning how warfare works. I think its pace is similar to CTF. There is a certain rush to it, and it requires more strategy, which is a big plus. I guess I am too set in my ways to learn it though. 

Rhettrostyle: I would definitely like to learn vehicle modes, just haven't had much luck with them.

Learning and playing a new mode will bring new life to the game. Warfare and CTF has done that for this old Deathmatch player.

Is there something you wish you could change in the clan area of this game and

Rolltide: As far as changes go, it would be nice to see more new faces for this game. I know that UT3 is on its decline but WE are still here. We've even had a few Xbox people hop over (welcome Buzzin Frog). In a way I enjoy that this community is not as big as, say, R2. Now for the "real" gamers out there, a small community is not a good thing. But for me I like it. It's like "Cheers" where "everybody knows your name."  I do wish people wouldn't complain about the community in that it does not have much support. That's fine and people are entitled to their opinion, but there are some such as you Bain and WOPR and anybody who rents a server (a**punch, Pain, Veda to name a few) that have really kept this community afloat. 

Rhettrostyle: I just wish there was a way to get more clans active, the more the better.

Do you guys have any tips for noobish CTF players?

Lock123: Are there new people in this game, I just thought it was players creating other accounts, JK. The only tip I can say is to keep playing and you will be good soon.

Modelhyp: If you have a mic. Use it. If you need help or just want to practice then add my PSNs: SRC_modelhyp & modelhyp.

Rhettrostyle: Learn to translocate, that’s the main thing, and don't be afraid to ask for help, we won't bite.

Rolltide: Do noobs really want to listen to tips from me? Well, I would have to agree with what Cokkenballs said when you are playing people more skilled than yourself. And that is think like they do. You can pick up on patterns about what people do in this game.  If the enemy has the flag, try to figure out where they are going.  Get between them and their flag as a last line of defense. Also, COMMUNICATE!  That's what the mic is for (not for your ****ty taste of music Sk8rslim). This is key especially when you are no good like I am. I may have gotten a rocket in my face but by God *insert a really good player's name here* knows where you are now!

I really need some flag running tips. Any volunteers? Please!!!


What about strategies or tips for more experienced players?

Rhettrostyle: Everyone has their style I have Rhettro's style, hah.

Lock123: Stop spawn camping you f***ers, JK. Always say were you're going when you get the flag so teammates can help.

Darkflames: I don't have any but I can use some tips.

Rolltide: As far as more experienced players go, do the exact opposite of anything I do or say.  You should be fine ;)

Modelhyp: I'm NOT an experienced player. I'd like to practice with some of them sometimes...=)


What is the most memorable clan battle that you've had in SRC?

Lock123: When we win a match.

Darkflames: The clan match against tRi in the league.

Rolltide: As far as SRC clan battles, I would have to say our first battle against SW. It was memorable because we WON LOL. It was a good game playing some TDM and CTF. Other than that a couple close losses to MEGA. We were so close to beating them a few times but couldn't get over the hump. The tRi and A-R battles are definitely forgettable.
Another time Pain and I played a 2v2 CTF against Phantaci and Bumrush.  We got stoked b/c we scored ONE flag on their a**es! 

Modelhyp: MEGA! There all great players.

Rhettrostyle: Hope to join in some in the near future.

SRC vs Mega. You need to record the next match!

Model, being the only girl in the clan, how do "the boys" treat you?

LOL, All the boys are really nice. They are all funny. I was recently not on for a few days and I got a few messages asking where I was. I was moving into my new Apartment. I got my puppy back.


Everybody has some funny moments. What are yours, individual or clan wise? 

Darkflames: Was when I team killed Shockz on his birthday.

Rolltide: Okay I decide one day to go into a warfare map. Can't remember which one.  So I decide to grab the orb for the hell of it. There were only like four people per side. So after I grab it I have no idea what to do with it. So I'm just riding around on the hover board carrying it like I know what I'm doing.  Suddenly someone (can't remember who it was) says "where the hell are you going with the orb?"  I pretend I don't have a mic.  Right after that I fall off a cliff with the orb. I felt like such a noob!

Modelhyp:  Watching someone get their head shot off in front of me.

Rhettrostyle: Sometimes I get too into the game and tend to death grip the toggle speaking button and blab random stuff into the mic. Oops.

Head shots are so cool!!!


How about any embarra**ing moments, individual or with your clan buddies? Come on, don't be shy.

Darkflames: I haven't had an embarra**ing moment, yet.

Rhettrostyle: When Veda got me with the impact hammer like 7 times on Facing Worlds. Ouch.

Rolltide: In that 2v2 against Phantaci and Bumrush, we were in Reflection and Phantaci was owning me with that damn sniper rifle (you've seen the montage). Anyways, I am getting so pissed telling Pain how I'm about to get a damn sniper rifle too (with the occasional son of a b**** thrown in there). At the end of the bloodshed, the mics must have screwed up b/c Phantaci tells me, "I could hear you talking the whole time."  FML

Modelhyp: So far, I have None...

Thanks everyone for taking time to answer our questions. On a personal note, the members of SRC are some of the nicest and coolest players you’ll meet in UT3. Very enjoyable to play with and always a challenge to play against. So venture out of your mode and give CTF a try. I think you might just like it. I know you’ll enjoy the company.

That’s it for now. See you next time on Get To Know A UT3 Player.

Posted By: DVirus_R
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2009 at 10:00pm
nice thread man! really!
was fun read this! good idea and job.
Thumbs Up


☢ Phyx_ThunderBird

Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2009 at 11:11pm
is this a rainbow, or a thread???


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 16 Oct 2009 at 11:15pm
great interview!! Wink
i always enjoy playin with SRC. i miss shockz and hot subs, few make me laugh as hard as those 2.

Watch in 720P....duh

Date Posted: 16 Oct 2009 at 11:17pm
Again, thanks to Bain and Jpinator for their time and work on this.  Great job as always Thumbs UpThumbs UpThumbs Up

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: DorienO
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2009 at 9:06am
quite impressed with the work you guys/gals do with these interviews.

top notch work. 

Penetrating your defenses. The Penetrator...

Posted By: QwEsT
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2009 at 9:29am
Originally posted by DorienO

quite impressed with the work you guys/gals do with these interviews.
top notch work. 
good job :P

PSN: qwest4victory    A-R_l2eQwEsT

Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 17 Oct 2009 at 9:36am
Thanks Bain, good job always interesting to hear from players and clans!Thumbs Up

Posted By: iAM_xplorer2233
Date Posted: 18 Oct 2009 at 8:51am
great interview great clan but really if TIDE is doing it do the opposite

-------------"> "Since we like to travel she let us run a train."

Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2009 at 10:20am
Great idea interviewing a clan.
I've played with DarkFlames in Vctf hes a great guy and a great player.
I hope you guys play more vctf ... Im the only one in my clan who ventures into ctf once in a while and you guys a great ctf clan.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: TheSeph
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2009 at 10:32am
Rican maybe your referring to another shock but shock 808 is back on the ps3 playing with us in tOp should make our team a little better next time we play vs MEGA 

Nice thread tho met alot of src people if i recall they don't talk much

Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 19 Oct 2009 at 10:33am
Nice interview to all. Good to see SRC get some love. Anytime you guys want a run through in warfare, ckc is at your service.


Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2009 at 2:39pm
Thanks for the nice comments. Wasn't sure how interviewing a clan was going to work out. We'll definitely have to do it again.


Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2009 at 2:48pm
i was talking about shockzaholic! one of the funniest/stupidest guys there is!! Wink  lol 

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2009 at 3:38pm
whoaa this is cool. i like how you ps3 players interview each other.. good way to keep the community alive. it makes people feel welcome and makes the ps3 community seem really fun and entertaining. good job!

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: RemY
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2009 at 3:39pm
did u not see the player interview section? lol


Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2009 at 3:40pm
i did but i think this was cooler for some reason. they interviewed a whole team.

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: Danjel8
Date Posted: 24 Oct 2009 at 3:42pm
Originally posted by TuNA FISh

i did but i think this was cooler for some reason. they interviewed a whole team.

Yeah I agree... keeping the interviews varied also makes for a good read...


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