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Get to Know a UT3 Player - TX2K7

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
Forum Name: Player Interviews
Forum Discription: Inside the mind of a UT3 player
Printed Date: 05 Oct 2024 at 7:37pm
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Topic: Get to Know a UT3 Player - TX2K7
Posted By: Guests
Subject: Get to Know a UT3 Player - TX2K7
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 1:46am
Welcome everyone to the Get to Know a UT3 Player. I am your host JPINATOR.  This next player like most I have interviewed doesn’t need an introduction. We have one of the elites in line this time, we have all heard the stories and witnessed the blood bath that is this player, and he is also one of the most well rounded players and can dominate in any mode and one of the most respected players on here. I would like to introduce to you all to TX2k7!

Like always, let’s find some detailed information about this player
What is your….
Age - 18
Sex - Male
Location - A place, high on a desert plain, where the streets have no name. xD
Name - They call me... Mr. Earp lol but you can call me Wyatt.

When you’re not playing UT3 or even on the PS3 what do you find yourself doing?

I like to hang out with friends, play pool (billiards), bowl, and just have a good time and enjoy life. I played football and did Track & Field at my high school for the last four years, now I’m adjusting to life after High School.

Would you be kind enough to tell us some of your tips and tricks in game?

In general, I’d have to say: branch out, every mode has something to offer and with a good group of friends every mode can be enjoyable.

Flag Runners (VCTF) - stay alert & stay hidden as long as possible, the element of surprise can give you some much needed time to escape. And ALWAYS have a longbow and Jump Boots with you. Be fast, be aggressive and be smart.

What about some tips on strategizing?

When iAM going into an enemy base, I take a mental picture of what’s going on around me. Is their tank/walker up? Where's their Raptor/Fury? You need to keep a tab on all of the enemy vehicles and plan around it. When I’m running the flag, I run it with the mindset that I’m not going to get any help, like it’s the enemy team vs only me, fight to survive.

(Insert Rocky Theme) lol.. That’s a good mindset to keep, go into a flag run or orb run thinking that you have no back up, makes you work a little harder but it gets the job done.

Could you tell us some UT3 maps that you like playing?

Out of the stock maps I'd have to say Sandstorm, Downtown, Deck, and Suspense would be my favorites.

Suspense, because it’s so balanced. It’s a large open map which is great for sniping, but also a lot of places to use for cover. Sandstorm offers so many possibilities, and a near endless supply of IH jumps! Deck has been a long time favorite since I played UT99 and I always have a good time playing on that map. Downtown is another great balanced map, and a game with even teams can easily go 3 or 4 round.

I also love custom maps. SnowReal- Eruption is awesome, VCTF-Defection & Megastructure-SE, WAR-Containment_V2 (AWESOME remake of this map!) & WAR-FacingWorlds_V2 (Both from GOW Map Pack).

Way to plug in SnowReal, a lot of people are too scared to upload snowreal and I am also a fan of Eruption myself, the best quote about that map came from Cokkenballs, he said to me once "Whose idea was it to put a Ski resort on top of an active volcano with streams of hot lava flowing everywhere!" no one knows one!

What about the maps you hate?

Corruption, I hate getting into hour long overtimes on this map (which will happen most of the time), Torlan is just to empty to me. Large open spaces with not much in between nodes and can take forever to get somewhere without a vehicle. Diesel, it’s just never grown on me.

What are your thoughts on the Titan Pack?

I like most of the stuff that came with this pack, the maps and new modes. Betrayal is kick a**, it’s a shame no one plays it any more. The Titan mod itself sucks, its way over powered, and it needs work.

We know you have been playing this game for quite some time and with any likes there are dislikes, can you please name some?

I really don't have many dislikes about this game, I've always been a fan since UT99. By far this game is on a level of its own in terms of FPS games and the Unreal Engine which is incredibly friendly in terms of creating mods and such. The only thing I really don't like is the Titan mod, other than that I only have a problem with players who, as Cokkenballs would put it, engage in general d***manship. Lol

What players do you like battling against?

Pretty much anyone. You can always see what works and what needs improvement - in terms of your game play - by seeing how it holds up against every player or group of players. But my favorite matches are our private practices with the ckc, Heavenly & TRU guys. I know that there will always be some great laughs and very intense games when we all get together.

What players have helped you to achieve your stardom?

Arkos, I learned a lot by watching him back when I was new to SMP. I always pushed myself to do as good as or better than him. I learned a lot about Jump Boots and Dodging, being fast to and from the flag and more by watching him (since he was SMP's primary flag runner) and working on those things on my own.

Two_Fase, this guy has been like a brother and a father too me. He will tell you that 90% of my current skill is all me and my hard work and the other 10% is his handiwork. lol, it pains me to say it, but I agree with him. lol but seriously, I have nothing but the highest admiration & respect for him as a leader and as a very good friend.

Prodigy, he recruited me into my first clan, and encouraged me to push myself.
Everyone in general has made me a better player, everyone has taught me something

We were all a noob at sometime, how was that like?

Well, I wasn't exactly new to the Unreal series, so a lot of the games concepts came fairly easy to me. When it came to vehicles and especially Warfare, I had a lot to learn. That’s why when I first stepped into online play, I started in CTF. Being used to huge CTF maps from previous UTs, I was rather surprised when I found myself in the middle of 8v8 chaos in reflection. So I hopped on over to VCTF.

Being new to the mode, I stuck with my strength and sniped a lot. I had many great sniper battles with Aquaknot and after about a week of playing, I received a message asking if I would like to join a clan. I remember looking at the message wondering who the hell this Prodigy guy was, I didn't remember seeing him in any games. After a few days of deciding, I finally said yes and things took off from there. Things were quiet and simple back then, that’s for sure lol.

Now comes the good part, what are some of your embarra**ing moments?

A lot of "I could've swore I had the flag" moments, misplaced redeemers and such lol. But I was playing Warfare a few days ago in Downtown, and I had the Hellbender at the Barricade to enemy prime while I sat in the Hellbender Turret and shot incoming players. Next thing I know, I hear someone switching weapons behind me, so I turned my turret around, and sure enough there’s a red guy (I was blue) just staring at me, not shooting, just standing completely still staring at me. Now I found this quite odd yet amusing, so I stared back at him, locked on in case he started shooting. So after a few seconds, I was getting ready to kill him and get back to shooting down any incoming enemy and suddenly I'm dead! He hadn't fired a shot and somehow I had died! Wondering how he managed this I look at my screen to see that the little bugger had laid the Shaped Charge on me! I will get you back for that Darakoom! LOL, you bastard.

What makes you laugh?

Every chat and game with Pinnacle, Bain and the gang. Same goes for my teammates, Omni & Equalizer are hilarious when they get going.

The other day I was leaving our prime node in Serenity, and as I reached the Scorpion spawn, I looked up and saw the enemy orb carrier and a wrecked manta soar across my screen and off the map. Helscream had shot the manta and sent the guy who was latched on, flying lol it was hilarious. There’s just too many funny stuff to remember, I’m sure Fase remembers more lol.

Everyone knows when going into a game with TX what to expect, pure chaos and insanity! His name is on most top 10 lists and lists that people would kill to be on the same team as. This guy is definitely a well rounded player that dominates in any mode!

I would like to thank TX2k7 for answering these questions and I want to apologize to everyone that actually like to read these for taking me forever to get this out. I also want to tell you all that this one will be my last interview due to lack of access to the site so if someone wants to continue with Get to Know a UT3 Player, let me know, I’m throwing in the towel, it’s been fun though and I appreciate your feedback and your support!

Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 3:04am

this guy shot me alot =(


Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 3:13am
great interview with a great player!
ive seen him in CTF/VCTF and dude is a beast. one of the best VCTF flag runners i have ever seen.

Watch in 720P....duh

Posted By: SickNviciouS
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 5:47am
Great interview.  TX is easily in the top 5 players of UT3.
While TX is modest in saying how he got better at UT3, he also spent hours and hours with Two_Fase teaching me the basics when I first joined SMP.  I was always (and still am) shocked by how you young'uns have such fast reflexes! So, I want to say thanks to TX for the schooling (even though you had a broken thumb).
JP, hate to see this end.  These interviews have helped "keep it real" for a lot of us and helped us get to know our fellow addicts better.  Thanks for all the work you put into these.


Posted By: GoDead
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 7:32am
Originally posted by AqUaKnOt

Great interview.  TX is easily in the top 5 players of UT3.
While TX is modest in saying how he got better at UT3, he also spent hours and hours with Two_Fase teaching me the basics when I first joined SMP.  I was always (and still am) shocked by how you young'uns have such fast reflexes! So, I want to say thanks to TX for the schooling (even though you had a broken thumb).
JP, hate to see this end.  These interviews have helped "keep it real" for a lot of us and helped us get to know our fellow addicts better.  Thanks for all the work you put into these.

Top 5 in vctf maybe, but definitely not overall o.O

Only 366 days til yesterday!

Posted By: Two_Fase
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 8:22am
great interview. this kid has come a long way in and out of ut3. first day playing with him i knew he was in overdrive. he's not even at his plateau yet. he's always doing something. the sad part is everyone that has only played him in pub games only see 50% of his true skill!!!! i learned ALOT of things i can't even duplicate watching him. i just got to the point where i know it can be done.

Anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die is the only thing you should fear

Posted By: SickNviciouS
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 8:29am
Originally posted by GoDead

Originally posted by AqUaKnOt

Great interview.  TX is easily in the top 5 players of UT3.
While TX is modest in saying how he got better at UT3, he also spent hours and hours with Two_Fase teaching me the basics when I first joined SMP.  I was always (and still am) shocked by how you young'uns have such fast reflexes! So, I want to say thanks to TX for the schooling (even though you had a broken thumb).
JP, hate to see this end.  These interviews have helped "keep it real" for a lot of us and helped us get to know our fellow addicts better.  Thanks for all the work you put into these.

Top 5 in vctf maybe, but definitely not overall o.O
LMAO - my world is a small place and he is in the top 5 on my little planet-


Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 8:50am
I'm happy to see one of my good friends get interviewed. He's one of the best all-around players in UT3 and deserves the recognition. Plus I beleive TX is the first gay players ever to be interviewed by JP.
But at the same time I am sad that this is JP's last. Thank you for all the wonderful interviews. I have thoroughly enjoyed every one. Not only have they been entertaining, but funny and very insightful also. Please reconsider your decision, Maybe do one a month? Please? Pretty please?


Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 10:27am
TX you the bomb yo!!!!! Anyways, TX is not only one of the beasts of this game, dominating all modes, he's one of the nicest players. Always looking to help the community and any player that comes along. Truly a cla** act.
And JP, stop this BS. Get your pen ready, because you need to keep this going. If you stop these interviews, I'll slap your sackboy so hard, that it won't know what little big planet it's on. lol.


Posted By: QwEsT
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 10:55am

PSN: qwest4victory    A-R_l2eQwEsT

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 12:41pm
bain, i knew something was comin sooner or later after rippin on u yesterday lol, u bastard. lies!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Danjel8
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 1:01pm
Nice interview :) That shaped charge thing is a standard GOW trick! Zellot does it a lot too or he certainly used to :)

Well done JP for the interviews, they are always really good to read.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 2:29pm
lol Bain "First gay player" hahaha ain't that the truth!!! I might reconsider cause seriously I didn't think you guys liked reading these lol.. but it won't be a post every other week like I used too, maybe once a month if that. Unless, like I said.. someone wants to step up to the plate or help me out, that would be great! 

Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 3:56pm
yeah i remember when TX was a noob, i couldnt believe my eyes that this was the same guy now running our flags for iAM. he really did become one of the greatest players that ive ever seen in this game. lol but i learned how fast of a learner he was by working with in vctf then especially to warfare. then it was all so clear then...THE DUDE IS A BEAST!!!, plain and simple. i knew i had to add him to my short list(4 players) who i needed to watch in vctf. i was learning from him and he was actually pushing me to become better and do things ive never done. so i owe him a big thanks for that! the guy is also a real cla** act and knows how to keep his cool and was always level headed. a bit c***y at times, but arent we all? i hope i didnt but heads with him to many times while i was in iAM. but i knew he was talent and i always try to push talent to their limits. hehe, i just have funny ways of doing it sometimes ~.^

great read as always jp! doing good!!


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Posted By: Two_Fase
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 6:22pm
this isn't her last interview......JP we talked about this. don't disappoint me.

Anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die is the only thing you should fear

Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 7:52pm
damn i just read that, i just read the white bc i know her questions by now. JP, dont stop i always love reading these, even though i know youll never interview me lol. just dont do it as often, im sure you can find a way around this. is it bc you just like interviewing your friends and running out of them to write about? anyways i hope you dont stop and find the time =[


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 8:45pm
I'm not interviewing just my friends I get asked to interview these people by all means if
You want me to interview joe blow from idaho let me know. I get a long with a lot of people on here thats what you are seeing envy

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 8:49pm
Lol I just double rhymed I'm awesome

Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 9:02pm
dont quit jp =[


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Date Posted: 29 Aug 2009 at 11:22pm
don't play much against him, buy dayum lay off the sniper gun man LOL...great sniper player

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 30 Aug 2009 at 3:28am
Originally posted by JPINATOR

Lol I just double rhymed I'm awesome
Indeed, the Japalapadingdong is awesome. Don't stop interviewing. There are so many players to get. Here are some people that I think would have intersting stories to tell.
OneMan1Army: Those that don't know him would be blown away by what he overcomes every day
Necrobestiality: The name says it all. He humping dead livestock.
Hellscream: Opinionated, sharp and knows who he is.
TrainWreck: He'll tell you the interview sucks his right testicle.
GOW_RY2122: Just so we can get the DL on GOW's rumored return and count how many times he says "your mother" in the interview.
How about some European players?
BTW Japper, you didn't ask TX2K7 how he got his name. He ain't from Texas so, I maintain my belief that he named himself after a calculator.


Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2009 at 3:31am
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Originally posted by JPINATOR

Lol I just double rhymed I'm awesome
Indeed, the Japalapadingdong is awesome. Don't stop interviewing. There are so many players to get. Here are some people that I think would have intersting stories to tell.
OneMan1Army: Those that don't know him would be blown away by what he overcomes every day
Necrobestiality: The name says it all. He humping dead livestock.
Hellscream: Opinionated, sharp and knows who he is.
TrainWreck: He'll tell you the interview sucks his right testicle.
GOW_RY2122: Just so we can get the DL on GOW's rumored return and count how many times he says "your mother" in the interview.
How about some European players?
BTW Japper, you didn't ask TX2K7 how he got his name. He ain't from Texas so, I maintain my belief that he named himself after a calculator.


Posted By: Prince Big Woody
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2009 at 7:30am
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Originally posted by JPINATOR

Lol I just double rhymed I'm awesome
Indeed, the Japalapadingdong is awesome. Don't stop interviewing. There are so many players to get. Here are some people that I think would have intersting stories to tell.
OneMan1Army: Those that don't know him would be blown away by what he overcomes every day
Necrobestiality: The name says it all. He humping dead livestock.
Hellscream: Opinionated, sharp and knows who he is.
TrainWreck: He'll tell you the interview sucks his right testicle.
GOW_RY2122: Just so we can get the DL on GOW's rumored return and count how many times he says "your mother" in the interview.
How about some European players?
BTW Japper, you didn't ask TX2K7 how he got his name. He ain't from Texas so, I maintain my belief that he named himself after a calculator.

Also I heard this 'WOPR-1' guy may have done a couple of things for the community, I say it's worth a shot trying him.


Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 30 Aug 2009 at 10:57pm
Originally posted by Drokun

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Originally posted by JPINATOR

Lol I just double rhymed I'm awesome
Indeed, the Japalapadingdong is awesome. Don't stop interviewing. There are so many players to get. Here are some people that I think would have intersting stories to tell.
OneMan1Army: Those that don't know him would be blown away by what he overcomes every day
Necrobestiality: The name says it all. He humping dead livestock.
Hellscream: Opinionated, sharp and knows who he is.
TrainWreck: He'll tell you the interview sucks his right testicle.
GOW_RY2122: Just so we can get the DL on GOW's rumored return and count how many times he says "your mother" in the interview.
How about some European players?
BTW Japper, you didn't ask TX2K7 how he got his name. He ain't from Texas so, I maintain my belief that he named himself after a calculator.

Also I heard this 'WOPR-1' guy may have done a couple of things for the community, I say it's worth a shot trying him.
yup i think a wopr / aqua double interview would be good since they ran this site


Posted By: Helscream
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2009 at 1:15am
Good interview. If there is one thing i can say about TX2K7 from my playing with him. There are a few attributes he possesses. Deserve's respect.

1.) He has balls, doesn't back down from a fight. Even agaisnt impossible odds.
2.) He is consistently determined to improve himself.
3.) Plays fair and square, first person i see to balance out a team and make it an even game.
4.) If he has a nemesis (as in a rival, not the necris vehicle) out there, he is determined to completely f*** that player up (Reminds me of myself lol).

Yea, that time when a blew up that manta and that orb carrier was attachted to him. That **** was hilarious. Pretty sure it was during iAM pratice. But that dude went FLYING off the map. My f***ing side was hurting i was laughing so hard. Damn that was funny.

About the interview's.I personally would like to see OnemanOnearmy be next. From the little i have heard about him, that dude is intense.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: 31 Aug 2009 at 5:31am
Thank you for your suggestions guys and comments I won't end these interviews, i'll keep them going.

Bain was kind enough to step forward and volunteer to help me with the interviews so a big thank you
Goes out to him, so look for some more fun reading lol.

One thing though I failed to mention about tx is that when he finds something really funny he laughs
Like a sheep, pay attention to that next time that's no joke lol.

Posted By: oXxLunacyxXo
Date Posted: 01 Sep 2009 at 5:41am
this guy pisses me off killin me all the time with & other sorts of death good fun dieing @ his hands


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