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Get to know a UT3 player - JPINATOR

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Category: Unreal Tournament 3
Forum Name: Player Interviews
Forum Discription: Inside the mind of a UT3 player
Printed Date: 06 Oct 2024 at 6:56am
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Topic: Get to know a UT3 player - JPINATOR
Posted By: BAIN
Subject: Get to know a UT3 player - JPINATOR
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 6:24pm

Welcome everyone to the latest installment of Get To Know A UT3 Player. I’m your guest host Bain (filling in for JPINATOR for obvious reasons). I first met JP when I started playing Warfare about ten months ago. It didn’t take long to realize she was one of the really special people in UT3. Not only is she very skilled and a total blast to play with, but she has a true love for UT3 as a lot of you know. For those of you that don’t know her, you’re in for a real treat. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s JP!

I hate to burst everyone's bubble, but you're not really a ten year old Japanese boy are you?

So for the official record what is your name, age and gender?

I know I’m shocking millions by answering this but I am not a 10 year old Japanese boy. Before I had a mic everyone thought I was a boy, but look at the population who plays this game, I see why they judged that and I don’t know why Japanese came to play, maybe the letters JP meaning Japan, who knows, but for the record I am Caucasian. I picked this name because JPINATOR was actually my nickname in college, JP are my initials. We had too many Jennifers’ in our dorms so my friends decided to make me my own nickname, funny thing is that no one calls me by my real name anymore, not even my parents. Name – Jennifer, Age- 26 and I’m a female.

I know you hail from the great state of Minnesota, but whereabouts exactly?

I live in the Twin Cities, exactly in West Saint Paul

The Land of 10,000 Lakes! Any outdoor hobbies?

Anyone who lives in Minnesota knows that you are living the life if you have a cabin "up north" where the majority of our 10,000+ lakes are. My parents do live on a lake so I tend to go up there fish, swim and boating. I enjoy watching Football and watching my Vikes along with the Twins. I’m excited for the new Twins stadium next year, baseball is meant to play outdoors, not in a dome!

Agreed and Go Vikings! What else do you like to do when not playing on your PS3?

Hanging out with the family, babysitting my niece and nephew, I’m also a movie nerd, if I’m home and not on PS3 I’m usually scanning what’s on HBO, Starz and all the other free stuff I get!

Yes, I’ve been to a few of your "Cinemax porn" chats, LOL.

On to UT3. You may not like it but some call you the "Queen of Warfare" and I tend to agree. I have yet to meet anyone with as much pa**ion for the mode as you. When and how did you get into Warfare?

I got into warfare when I first started playing this game, my brother actually bought this but hated it, so he gave it to me. I can still remember playing the campaign with him while he was watching behind my shoulder, we were freaking out, yelling at each other because we didn’t understand what the frick this node did and why this lady was telling us to pick up this ball. I started to understand it and then started loving it. I used to play Torlan Cla**ic all the time on campaign, it was my favorite map.

Thank god your brother had bad taste in games. Why is this your favorite mode over the others?

Because all the other modes suck, OOOOH!! Yah, who didn’t see that one coming, the reason why I really only play this one mode is because its the only mode that keeps my mind occupied the entire game, if you are not doing anything then you are doing something wrong, it’s a team mode and requires 100% dedication. The big thing that I love is the strategic part of the game, which is why I love orb running. I never think how I am going to kill Helscream in that tank, I think how do I avoid him and survive to get center node.

I do find myself either hosting or joining a DM or TDM, and I love surprising people that I can kill in this mode but I’m definitely not a shining light.

You definitely hold your own in DM/TDM when I’m in the room.

You’ve taught myself and others so much about the mode. Got any good tips for Warfare beginners? Any strategies for the more experienced players? Do's and don'ts for all players?

To the Warfare beginners, get a mic! Don’t pick up the orb, don’t get discouraged if the veterans to this game cuss you out. Ask questions, ask questions, ask questions!! I have no problem helping anyone out, if I have time of course. Like Bain said, I have a weird love and interest for this mode and I love talking about it and teaching it. I may not be in the spotlight but I’m working in the back doing everyone’s dirty work.

To you veterans, there are a couple things that I would like to educate you on. The first thing is the importance of the orb carrier. We make your job easier, we help you win games faster!! Give us rides, we may not have cab fare for you but your team would thank you. Help us defend nodes, all I need is one person to stay behind even if the enemy isn’t near. Everyone is probably asking themselves "Well, why can’t she do it herself." Well, think about this from the enemies stand point, their main goal is to kill this orb and node that I’m defending, that’s 5-8 people on me all the time, it doesn’t take 7 people on my team to attack the core. In most pub games I can handle this, and most orb carriers would too, but in serious clan matches, I expect everyone to think smart instead of points.

Timing is everything in Warfare, see who can get to the nodes faster. If you got a Manta, Viper, Scorpion instead of trying to get first blood, let me grapple on or fly me to the next node.

Time the redeemers and shape charges with the orb carrier when you use it to destroy an enemy node. You don’t know how many times I see it being used and the enemy gets it back in 2 seconds, you pretty much just wasted it. For an example, if we are trying to win back our prime in Downtown, if you pick up the redeemer, let me know, let me get on top of the building in prime, shoot your redeemer and I’ll jump in with the orb the same time you destroy it, BAM taken and I have a cleared room and you probably still received your multi-kill.

Warfare is my favorite mode also. Torlan, Floodgate and Sinkhole are my favorite maps. Which ones do you like? Hate? Why?

I love Torlan, Avalanche and Downtown, they were the maps that made me fall in love with this mode and game. Everyone says Downtown is overplayed and yes the map is the same but not the game play, it’s all about the people that are playing.

I hate Islander, Market District and Stinkhole!! Islander is so lopsided and the other two are DM maps with a node! I’m here to play warfare damnit!!!

Oh come on. Sinkhole is a cla**ic. Just ask Apollo.

Unfortunately, Warfare has seen a decline in players over the past months. Any ideas on how to bring it back?

I noticed this, which is sad. I am currently trying to think of something that we can do to jump start this, what I have been hearing from people is the lack of "good games" meaning getting a room full of people with no noobs. I get compliments about our iAM practices on Sunday nights where we lock a server and invite people in. I would like to ask the community what they think or want to get warfare active again.

Recently I have asked Omni to leave his locked server up in Warfare and invite people in, I’ve gotten a good response, especially since there was Nootsac, DOD, Lunchy in the match, very skilled players and veterans that I would like to see more of and so should the community.

I used to play a lot of Greed with the titan mode but not so much anymore. Did you get sick of the Titan Pack? I know I did.

I did get sick with it, haven’t played Greed in a while and will not enter a server now with titan, it got abused.

I can't ever imagine you being a noob but what was it like and do you have any embarra**ing moments from the early days?

It was fun to know that everyone thought I was a little boy when I was a noob, plus like everyone else said to this question, it was nice just messing around and not getting into trouble, like spawn killing. which I did a lot in downtown haha!

I know I did a lot of embarra**ing moments back in the day when I was new to GOW. Once everyone found out that I was a girl (which was funny to hear the reactions) I wanted to prove to everyone that I got the skill, let’s just say I may have tried too hard and made myself look really bad.

I haven’t used any redeemers on my core thinking it’s the enemies, a lot of people have done that from reading these interviews, I have blown them in my face tons of times but I know I have caught myself running around thinking I have the orb, I jumped on the node and nothing happened, and of course dying by vehicles spawning on top of me.

Video games are generally thought of as being the domain of males. And of course, guys will be guys. Anything you would like to say to us regarding our in-game behavior, treatment of female players, etc.?

From what I have come across, I haven’t been treated badly because of me being female, I know some girls have but I can’t really comment on that. A lot of guys treat me like "one of the guys" but I know flirting has come across, but there is nothing wrong with a little flirt here and there for fun as long as you know how to control it and everyone knows the boundaries.

What dislikes about UT3 do you have? What would you do to improve UT3?

I really don’t have any dislikes, just wish there was more people playing this game. I guess the worst pet peeve I have and I know I have voiced this a couple times. I really hate it when teams are way uneven in regards to players or skill and that said team goofs off and does annoying things. The teams are uneven, there is no need to be jerks about it.

Yes, I agree. Get the game over with. Don’t torture an outmatched team.

Besides myself of course, which players do you really like playing with for their skills? For a fun time?

I’ll be honest, there is a select few people in this game that I get all excited about when I see them either on my team or on the opposite team. That would be Nootsac, Lunchy and Spagender. These 3 are my idols, someone that in the past present and future that I wanted to be like for skill.

As for the other people that I would like to mention, you keep me addicted to this game and especially to warfare. You guys are the reason why I sign into UT3 and PSN.

Everyone in iAM especially TwoFase, thank you for allowing me to join! Anyone who at once supported a GOW tag or still do, you guys started my obsession; we had some great times together!! My CKC beasts, Loke, Pinakul, switch, Trainwreck my BFF 4Eva!!, Zodiac, Bain, including TX, thanks for putting up with "crankiness" and my random porn sessions in chat guys, you let me have fun in and out of game. Cokkenballs, my longest known friend and companion. Helscream, you piss me off a lot in game, but you know what the heck you are doing, I give you props to that. DOD, Woolvie and Juggie in TDM, People that were with me in snowreal and alloverdm parties!

To the members of my old clans even though we may have had some rough patches, it was still an honor to play with you all, tWc and ICN!

Special props go to GoDead, the one player that has helped me a lot in my shooting and foot mode area. You took the time to grace me with your knowledge and made me a half a** decent player on foot. You are also someone who puts up with me a lot! You are a great player and deserve more recognition! Thank you!

Who do you find really tough to go up against?

Of course, Nootsac, Lunchy and Spag, others would be Woolvie, Helscream and Ghost. Crow, Xkal1, Ewokk have proved to me that I don’t belong in DM lol.

Did any of these players help you become the player that you are today? Who else had an influence on you?

Everyone that I know in this game has influenced me, I still learn things every day.

I think you've got one of the best senses of humor in UT3. What has made you really laugh while playing this game?

Watching people die in weird situations, for instance. I was playing warfare in Downtown, I was at the enemy prime healing it and Tx2k7 was doing the same, a damaged manta that was empty just popped up on top of our node, I remembering saying something like "Woah" because it was so random, like someone just dropped it off, one second later TX got into it and before he could move 1 inch, BOOM, he was blown to pieces, I was laughing so hard because it all happened so fast and I had a front row seat. I love finding myself in the front row seats of these random happenings, especially head shots.

Zodiac and his freak out moments, whenever he either has the orb or the redeemer and he’s trying to run away and also when he sings "What what in the butt" it never fails to make me laugh.

Everyone in this game that I play with has something funny to say, it’s horrible that people get too worked up over a video game.

I actually laugh the most in the chat rooms, the topics we talk about are as random as ever and that’s why I love them. From Pinakul being God, to TXs sheep laugh and Bains witty comments he says every 10min but says nothing else. I could do without TwoFase posting up pictures of women rumps, who uses the word rumps anymore? I’m bringing it back! "Rumpshaker, All I wanna do is a zoom zoom and a boom boom!"

I’d also have to say that playing LBP with GoDead, DOD, Zodiac and everyone else is pretty gosh darn funny, another game that people die a lot and at random times.

What are the stupidest things that you have ever done in game?

I’m not going to list these lol, mainly because I can’t think of any, cause if I get caught doing something dumb I usually try to forget about it fast, but feel free to comment on this, I want to know what I have done haha.

Well, we’ll end it there. I don’t want to tarnish your image so I’ll keep quiet about those.

I hope everybody enjoyed reading this and now knows a little more about one of our top Warfare players. Now maybe some of you will wander into a Warfare server just to see what JP is talking about. If you do and you hear someone yelling at you in a Minnesota accent not to touch the orb, LOL, listen carefully. JP definitely knows what she’s talking about.

Thanks JP for taking the time to answer these questions. Thank you even more for allowing me to do you for my first interview and helping me so very much. I couldn’t have done it without you! You’re the best!!!

Well everybody, that’s it for now. Check back in a few weeks for the next installment of Get To Know A UT3 Player. Good fragging!!!

Posted By: M-Rox
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 7:29pm
Good interview. JP I thought u were a little japanese boy the first time I saw your name lol.


Posted By: Danjel8
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 7:29pm
Yay :) nice one bain and JP :)


Posted By: Two_Fase
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 7:43pm
hold up........u can appreciate the soft porn u put up in chats but not my beautiful pics.......annnnnnd they still have clothes on. j/k good read. definitely fun to chat and play with. learned quite a few things from u as well. and whats this nonsense and the other modes sucking????? well u enjoy your little node campfest and when you get bored you can step into the dojo again. 4 days left.................

Anything that bleeds for 7 days and doesn't die is the only thing you should fear

Posted By: Pinnacle
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 10:29pm
GROUCH! Every should eat some VAJPINATOR! LoL!
Nice interview. I knew you thought I was God! lol.
On a serious note, JP is one of the first true warfare beast. I'm still waiting for my orb running lessons!


Posted By: WOPR-1
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 10:37pm
Very nice!  Good job Bain!

@ JP - GO PACK!  lol!

None of you seem to understand...I'm not locked in here with you, YOU'RE locked in here with ME!!--Rorschach

Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 11:09pm

Great interview Jp & Bain! 


Posted By: _EnVy_
Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 11:22pm
wow bain, you really nailed this so a very congratulations to you sir. best interview ive read yet!!

and wow jp, i think i remember her. i used to talk about warfare and just about anything to a chick called something like that. but yeah the jp i know is by far the best female warfare player of all time. i seriously think she has killed me more than anyone in this game with rockets. and sorry for all those times i made you feel like i down grading you when you had the orb. thats why weird way of pushing you to become better and bring out the best. looks like it worked ~.^


Maa Maaa ma MONSTER ****


sympathy one gets for nothing,
EnVy must be earned"

Date Posted: 17 Sep 2009 at 11:37pm
good interview, even though I really never play with JP much b/c we play different modes, any girl that plays this game must be cool!  Good job Bain, but I think it would have been interesting to have heard her interview herself WinkConfused

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: iAM_NotImpressed
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2009 at 1:19am
This interview needed more Woolvie.

The worst of the best.

Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2009 at 3:40am
jemima's a serial killer


Posted By: Nootsac
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2009 at 10:46am
JAPPPP!!!! I'll never forget the games we used to get on the Custom WAR night and hopefully with the presents of this new ladder we will get many more in the future. I appreciate all the kind words that you said and besides you being the best female player I would argue that  your in the top 10 of best WAR players in the game. You ROCK Girly!!!! ........Oh how I miss the good Ol' dayz. See ya

Posted By: VEDA
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2009 at 11:10am
Great interview bain and jp Clap I really thought your name was japinator when i first seen it lol, but you made it clear. Nice warfare tutorial, you are the best female wf player hands down. Keep up the good work!


Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 18 Sep 2009 at 4:22pm
I'm glad these didn't end.
Cool interview. Hope to see the JP on WF .. been trrying to learn/get better

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2009 at 9:38am
Thanks everyone for the nice comments on my first interview. It was very enjoyable for me to interview JP not only because she is a good friend but that she's such an interesting subject also.


Date Posted: 23 Sep 2009 at 5:24pm
JP, it's about time we got her. Bain, excellent job filling in. Great choice of questions.
JP is far and away my closest friend on UT3. ReverendCrow and ColombianCrusher don't count because we live near each other. JP is about the only person I will answer a chat invite from. She's like Mrs. Garrett from the Facts Of Life. Except hotter, of course.


Posted By: ReverendCrow
Date Posted: 23 Sep 2009 at 6:01pm
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

JP, it's about time we got her. Bain, excellent job filling in. Great choice of questions.
JP is far and away my closest friend on UT3. ReverendCrow and ColombianCrusher don't count because we live near each other. JP is about the only person I will answer a chat invite from. She's like Mrs. Garrett from the Facts Of Life. Except hotter, of course.
HAHAHAH i failed


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