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Category: Off Topic Forums
Forum Name: I'm So Smart
Forum Discription: Educate us on something you know, or make a request
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Date Posted: 21 Aug 2009 at 6:51pm
Some agree, some disagree...I say better to be safe than sorry...

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: JDog_OwNz
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2009 at 6:56pm
ummmm if its supposed to be hotter longer, then why did we have the most snowfall in about 4 years? sorry thats the part i dont believe, but yeah. Better SAFE then SORRY

Adios, the last farewell

Date Posted: 21 Aug 2009 at 7:00pm
see that's the thing, just b/c in your neck of the woods it seems like everything is peachy and all that, the bigger picture is what matters...when you account everything together as a whole, there are glaring issues

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: JDog_OwNz
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2009 at 7:05pm
 i dont believe it, but do at the same time, somedays it reaches 108, the next its 60. but im still young, so im still thinking whats real, and not :/

Adios, the last farewell

Date Posted: 21 Aug 2009 at 7:15pm
hey I hope its not real, but so far the physical evidence that something is happening is alarming...I was reading on CNN I think that scientists who study glaciers have found they are melting faster than first thought...we're talking about water that has been frozen for 10,000 years melting all of a sudden!  Maybe it is a cycle...but if it is something we are contributing to wouldn't we rather meet the problem head on rather than sit and fight what is true and what is not?  I mean what will come of making changes...cleaner air?  cleaner water?  Yeah those are horrible bi-products...

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: JDog_OwNz
Date Posted: 21 Aug 2009 at 7:18pm
also antartica is melting :( and when that much ice melts... Water WILL rise, floods everyday, get use to it. haha

Adios, the last farewell

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 23 Aug 2009 at 7:16pm
we're just speeding up the cycle. global warming is real.

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 23 Aug 2009 at 7:53pm

The Population Bomb (1968) is a book written by /wiki/Paul_R._Ehrlich - Paul R. Ehrlich . A best-selling work, it predicted disaster for humanity due to /wiki/Overpopulation - overpopulation and the "population explosion". The book predicted that "in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death", that nothing can be done to avoid ma** /wiki/Famine - famine greater than any in the history, and radical action is needed to limit the overpopulation.

This book and the fear of a coming Ice Age, were the genesis of the first Earth Day in 1969.
Overpopulation never materialized and now were talking global warming instead of an Ice Age.
Im not smart enough to know wether global warming is true or not, but history has shown us that science is often hijacked by political interests. Politicians will often cite science in order to advance a certain political agenda. Remeber scientists are human beings that have political agendas themselves.
Im a skeptic on Global Warming, but I am a conservationist. We do need to protect the environment but not the cost of destroying our economy and prosperity.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 9:48am
If it's warmer we can grow more food to feed the people. And those rich a$$holes will lose their beachfront property. It's a win-win situation.


Posted By: Ether404
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 11:08am
Originally posted by BAIN

If it's warmer we can grow more food to feed the people. And those rich a$$holes will lose their beachfront property. It's a win-win situation.
i love this guy's mentality

If Gravity is a "P" and the Sun is an "H", it makes a FFFFFFF.

Posted By: Ether404
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 11:12am
Originally posted by Fluffy Fluffington

The Population Bomb (1968) is a book written by /wiki/Paul_R._Ehrlich - Paul R. Ehrlich . A best-selling work, it predicted disaster for humanity due to /wiki/Overpopulation - overpopulation and the "population explosion". The book predicted that "in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death", that nothing can be done to avoid ma** /wiki/Famine - famine greater than any in the history, and radical action is needed to limit the overpopulation.

This book and the fear of a coming Ice Age, were the genesis of the first Earth Day in 1969.
Overpopulation never materialized and now were talking global warming instead of an Ice Age.
Im not smart enough to know wether global warming is true or not, but history has shown us that science is often hijacked by political interests. Politicians will often cite science in order to advance a certain political agenda. Remeber scientists are human beings that have political agendas themselves.
Im a skeptic on Global Warming, but I am a conservationist. We do need to protect the environment but not the cost of destroying our economy and prosperity.
didn't they say that we were headed into an ice age about 15 years ago?  because i remember a ma**ive drop in temperature and scientists were scrambling for answers.  its the earth's cycle.    now all of a sudden its a crisis of global warming.  i'm sorry mr. gore.  go worry about man bear pig. 

If Gravity is a "P" and the Sun is an "H", it makes a FFFFFFF.

Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 2:49pm
There is a consensus for anthropogenic global warming by the following organizations:

- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
- National science academies of the G8+5
- InterAcademy Council
- International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
- European Academy of Sciences and Arts
- Network of African Science Academies
- National Research Council (US)
- European Science Foundation
- American a**ociation for the Advancement of Science
- Federation of American Scientists
- World Meteorological Organization
- American Meteorological Society
- Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
- Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
- International Union for Quaternary Research
- American Quaternary a**ociation
- Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London
- International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
- International Union of Geological Sciences
- European Geosciences Union
- Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences
- Geological Society of America
- American Geophysical Union
- American Astronomical Society
- American Institute of Physics
- American Physical Society
- American Chemical Society
- American Society for Microbiology
- Institute of Biology (UK)
- World Federation of Public Health a**ociations
- American College of Preventive Medicine
- American Public Health a**ociation
- American Medical a**ociation
- American Statistical a**ociation
- Engineers Australia (The Institution of Engineers Australia)
- Water Environment Federation
- Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management
- Federal Climate Change Science Program (US)

That is neither political, bad science, or pseudoscience.
 - HanFei


Posted By: GOW_KillinUGood
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 6:01pm
It won't matter anyways after 2012.  I for one welcome our Nibiru Overlords
[TUBE]bUvjPX2hWIs[/TUBE]    [TUBE]g0tJdXrSti8[/TUBE]

Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 6:40pm
Originally posted by Fluffy Fluffington

The Population Bomb (1968) is a book written by /wiki/Paul_R._Ehrlich - - overpopulation and the "population explosion". The book predicted that "in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death", that nothing can be done to avoid ma** /wiki/Famine - AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 6:45pm
Originally posted by BAIN

If it's warmer we can grow more food to feed the people. And those rich a$$holes will lose their beachfront property. It's a win-win situation.

LOL that's a nice idea, how about those people in the Maldives, Seychelles, and most of Oceania that will be under water though?  Also, we use more energy now than ever before to grow food, (oil, man power, coal) yet more people die of starvation than before....that is not the answer.

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 6:45pm
Originally posted by SRC_ROLLTIDE

Originally posted by Fluffy Fluffington

The Population Bomb (1968) is a book written by /wiki/Paul_R._Ehrlich - - overpopulation and the "population explosion". The book predicted that "in the 1970s and 1980s hundreds of millions of people will starve to death", that nothing can be done to avoid ma** /wiki/Famine -

Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 6:47pm
you know exactly what I'm talking about Tuna b/c you live in the same area as I do...The urban spread is occurring so rapidly here.  You see the same strip malls as I do that are open one day and closed the's not just a local problem.   No we just need some COMMON SENSE and say MAYBE WE DON'T NEED A WALGREENS ON EVERY CORNER LOL!!!

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 6:51pm
haha yeah. they are building a strip mall in moody and leeds. can you believe that? right freakin next to each other. it's suppose to be pretty big too. the same people that built the trussville strip mall are building the one in moody. or so i've heard. and the one being built in leeds is going right next to ba** pro shop, so you know that's going to be huge.

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 8:42pm
I love Ba** pro shop, its awesome ;)

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: puertoRICAN
Date Posted: 24 Aug 2009 at 9:33pm
this stuff scares me!!!!! Confused lol
hopefully nothing bad happens. hopeing is pritty much the most i can do!
btw...MAN BEAR PIG was the best thing on south park i've ever seen!

Watch in 720P....duh

Date Posted: 04 Oct 2009 at 2:09am
Is the earth warming? Yes.
Is man-made global warming a political hoax? Yes.
The left is scaring us with fears of a scorched earth via global warming the same way the right is scaring us with imminent terror attacks.
Don't believe the hype.


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2009 at 10:09am
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a nonprofit organization composed of the peer reviewed work of literally thousands of scientist from virtually every country of the world,  is considered the authoritative body on climate change.  Their 200+ page yearly summary, along with all of their documentation, is neither political, bad science, nor pseudoscience. - -


Date Posted: 04 Oct 2009 at 1:44pm
Wasn't ACORN a non-profit?


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2009 at 5:01pm
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Wasn't ACORN a non-profit?

Using an Ad Hominem Argument doesn't advance your stance... -


Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2009 at 6:43pm
Originally posted by HanFei

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Wasn't ACORN a non-profit?

Using an Ad Hominem Argument doesn't advance your stance... -
How is this an ad hominem argument?  If I remember my english 101 ad hominem is an attack "against the man"  or something along those lines.  You claim your group is a non-profit organization as if this somehow will confer legitamacy but Cokkenballs is merely pointing out that Acorn too was a non-profit and I think we all know what a stand-up sort of organization that was.  (This last was said with sarcasm in case you were wondering)

Date Posted: 04 Oct 2009 at 8:08pm
OK, here is one of the biggest reasons why I have such a problem with "global warming". Most of the people that support the theory (yes, it is a theory), don't even believe it themselves. If they did, they would be doing more about it than posting youtube videos on a gaming website.
Let's take a moment to put this into perspective. According to those who pray at the church of global warming, if we do not change our ways, we are headed towards imminent destruction of the earth. When I say destruction, I don't mean a fender-bender. I mean fire and brimstone, scorched earth, people dead and all that other fear-mongering hoopla. So, what is everyone that believes in the rubbish doing about it? Blogging?
A while back, Rolltide and I went back and forth on this very subject. It was friendly and Rolltide and I remain friends. At that time, I asked him specifically what he was doing to combat global warming. Now, I am paraphrasing here, but he said "What can I do?" "I'm just a college student."
I am using Rolltide as an example here. I am by no means attacking him. I find his response to be telling of how much he really does believe in man-made global warming. Seriously, if he truly believes that our current course will lead to the destruction of earth and the death of every living organism on earth, why isn't he doing more? This is the fate of our earth we're talking about here. We're not talking about using up all of the fluid in our Bic lighter and discarding it for a new one. We're talking about the end of life for everyone as we know it. If you truly believe that man is accellerating global warming, why are so many "activists" and "beLIEvers" sitting idle? It seems to me that most of the "activists" aren't on the side of man-made global warming because they believe it. They are on that side because that is what they have been told to believe.
Far too many Americans rely on someone else's pontification for their own intellectual identity. The bi-product is an un-inspired group of pseudo-activists who don't really believe in the cause they champion.
I already know what the global warming sympathizers are doing to help our earth (nothing). Here is a taste of what I do, every single mother-f()cking day.
*I drive a vehicle that I converted to run on WVO.
*I have converted four other vehicles to run on WVO. WVO is completely natural, renewable and emits less carbon emissions than ANY fossil fuel.
*Do you know what the #'s inside the triangle mean on plastic? I do. Learn them.
*Do you remove the caps from laundry detergent and soda/water bottles before recycling them? If not, you have rendered that item as un-recycleable. The cap is molded with a heavier (more dense) type of plastic that is recycled seperately from the bottle itself. Every bottle you have recycled with the cap left on is more than likely in a landfill somewhere. Nice work.
*I installed a tankless water heater in my home.
*When I do work on my house, I shop at House Parts first. They specialize in reclaimed (recycled) building materials.
*I buy toilet paper made from recycled paper.
*We don't flush after we pee in my house just to save water. (except if we had asparragus)
*I put a jam jar full of rocks in the tank of my toilet so it uses less water. (see the displacement theory)
*I cut the chords off of every electrical appliance I am replacing. DYK that scrapyards send electrical chords, speaker wire, cat5/rj45 and cable to be recycled. Right now it's $0.80/lb @ALPCO in Macedon NY.
*I take over 2 tons of scrap to ALPCO each month for recycling. This is metal that I find people tossing out to the curb just as I am driving around in my everyday life. Lawnmowers, hot water tanks, appliances etc. I toss them in my truck and take them to  the scrap yard. That's $0.075/lb. That's $150.00 per ton just for keeping it out of a landfill.
I could go on and on about the lengths I go through to help ensure that we all enjoy clean air and water. Sadly, the word environmentalist has been hijacked by global warming sympathizers. Even though I am more of an environmentalist than any of the "environmentalists" I know.
How many other Analysts for IBM do you know that pick through other peoples garbage to take out the ferrous and non-ferrous metals they have carelessly thrown out?
If you really and truly believe in man-made global warming, own it.
The effect man has on the earth's core temperature is about the same effect one fly landing in the Atlantic would have on ocean levels.


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2009 at 10:12pm
Originally posted by warfare

Originally posted by HanFei

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Wasn't ACORN a non-profit?

Using an Ad Hominem Argument doesn't advance your stance... -
How is this an ad hominem argument?

Person 1 makes claim X
There is something objectionable about Person 1
Therefore claim X is false


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 04 Oct 2009 at 11:51pm
This brings up a provocative discussion of group activism and group behaviors.

First and foremost, the label of theory neither discredit the models' accuracy nor prediction.  In "A Brief History of Time," Stephen Hawking says, "A theory is a good theory if it satisfies two requirements: [accurate description of] a large cla** of observations..., and... definite predictions about the results of future observations." He goes on to state, "Any physical theory is always provisional, in the sense that it is only a hypothesis; you can never prove it."

Although the standard model is "just a theory" it can describe virtually everything we see, touch, and interact with.  While it only uses 16 fundamental particles, it is the best shot we have at describing the world of the very small.  And, its label doesn't make it any less accurate. -

People and groups,
A lone individual makes no difference in environmental impact a of the population of America, ~306,000,000.  Their actions, however harsh or beneficial, will wash among the average of the group as a whole.  This statement, however brief, is the source of virtually all of our man made environmental problems and paradoxically a solution to those problems.

Group behavior creates, through our modified free market, 7.6 billion tons of industrial solid waste each year.  The group purchasing goods and services creates this coalesced demand.  As an individual behavior, collecting 24 Tons of metal a year is impressive.  Yet, when scaled out amongst Americas industrial waste stream this amounts to only 0.0000003%, a number that is literally statistically insignificant in respect to the total stream. -

Yet, it is possible for a group system to change.  If there is group activism, wherein a large number of people in a given area behave simultaneously in a similar way in order to achieve a common goal, the behavior of a group can change.  For instance, Best Buy's computer recycling program, an activist project, is doing more for recycling than any individual could ever hope to achieve alone.  They are changing they way people in the group view their unwanted electronic items, effectively changing the group's behavior.

Ergo, it doesn't matter how inherently ineffective or hypocritical an activist is, if and only if the group activism they instilled outweighs their own counter-productiveness.  Politicians are often a cliche example.  They fly out to an environmental rally to say a few words.  Although their transportation had a relatively large environmental impact, their policy changes far outstrip their individual shortcoming towards the goal at hand.

In short, we need activist like Best Buy because they are the sole chance the group has at changing detrimental group behavior.  Yet, that said, these activist have to be, as you alluded to, beneficial to the group and not just preaching on message boards and gaming threads.


Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 12:41am
Originally posted by HanFei

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Wasn't ACORN a non-profit?

Using an Ad Hominem Argument doesn't advance your stance... -
Lol, I KNEW as I was writing my half-remembered meaning of ad hominem you would throw a wikipedia definition my way Ermm and you didn't disappoint.
    But anyways, I'm curious since you have given a definition of what a theory is,  do you at least admit that since this theory of man-made global warming cannot be proven, that there IS room for doubt and skepticism?  I think what angers many people is that there is an attitude of "this debate is over" among those who believe. 

Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 1:22am
Cheers to HanFei for once again, raising the bar, raising awareness and bringing thought to the discussion sans feelings. I did not know about Best Buy's recycling program. I grab as many pc's as I can and cannibalize them for the gold in the processors. Of course, the balance gets recycled too.
For those of you that didn't read Han's post. Here's the summary.
Companies that recycle, like Best Buy, offset the armchair activists to a degree. However, that doesn't excuse your apathy.


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 8:09am
For FREE electronic recycling. -

Argumentum ad hominem is the logical fallacy of attempting to undermine a speaker's argument by attacking the speaker instead of addressing the argument. -

Although relativity is also a theory, there is little room for doubt of it's predictions.


Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 12:51pm
Originally posted by HanFei

For FREE electronic recycling. -

Argumentum ad hominem is the logical fallacy of attempting to undermine a speaker's argument by attacking the speaker instead of addressing the argument. -

Although relativity is also a theory, there is little room for doubt of it's predictions.
So now you're comparing the near certainty of the theory of relativity with the almost certainly flawed theory of man-made global warming?  Okay, I guess you answered my question and you have NO doubts.  Sounds like you'll make a really good scientist!  Clap 

Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 3:20pm
Here is a list of other theories I could come up with.  The label of a theory doesn't devalue it's credibility.

1. The Atomic Theory
2. The Theory of Matter and Energy: Conservation of Matter and Energy
3. The Cell Theory
4. The Germ Theory
5. The Theory of Plate Tectonics
6. The Theory of Evolution
7. The Big Bang Theory
8. Chaos Theory
9. Theory of Gravity
10. The Theory of Quantum Mechanics
11. The Theory of Special Relativity which subsumes The Theory of General Relativity which subsumes Newtonian theories of motion
12. The Photon Theory of Light Energy and its speed of light
13. The Theory of Electromagnetism as begun by Maxwell and continued with the work of others
14. The Theory of Radioactivity or Nuclear Theory
15. The Theory of Molecular Bonds
16. The Theory of States of Matter—or is this part of the Atomic Theory and the Molecular Bond Theory?
17. The Theory of Thermodynamics
18. The Theory of Homeostasis within Living Organisms
19. The Constructivist Theory of Learning
20. The theories of self and development of mental processes in the brain


Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 4:08pm
Originally posted by HanFei

Here is a list of other theories I could come up with.  The label of a theory doesn't devalue it's credibility.

1. The Atomic Theory
2. The Theory of Matter and Energy: Conservation of Matter and Energy
3. The Cell Theory
4. The Germ Theory
5. The Theory of Plate Tectonics
6. The Theory of Evolution
7. The Big Bang Theory
8. Chaos Theory
9. Theory of Gravity
10. The Theory of Quantum Mechanics
11. The Theory of Special Relativity which subsumes The Theory of General Relativity which subsumes Newtonian theories of motion
12. The Photon Theory of Light Energy and its speed of light
13. The Theory of Electromagnetism as begun by Maxwell and continued with the work of others
14. The Theory of Radioactivity or Nuclear Theory
15. The Theory of Molecular Bonds
16. The Theory of States of Matter—or is this part of the Atomic Theory and the Molecular Bond Theory?
17. The Theory of Thermodynamics
18. The Theory of Homeostasis within Living Organisms
19. The Constructivist Theory of Learning
20. The theories of self and development of mental processes in the brain
Who's quibbling about labels?  I merely asked a very direct question - do you or don't you admit to the possibility that this theory of man-made global warming is subject to doubt or question. 
Come to think of it maybe it is not surprising that you won't answer.  I remember reading an article in a newspaper some months ago and those in the scientific community who don't worship at the altar of MMGW say there is a tremendous amount of peer pressure to conform.   There was even a mention of the word "blacklisting" Shocked.

Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 4:31pm
Originally posted by HanFei

Here is a list of other theories I could come up with.  The label of a theory doesn't devalue it's credibility.

1. The Atomic Theory
2. The Theory of Matter and Energy: Conservation of Matter and Energy
3. The Cell Theory
4. The Germ Theory
5. The Theory of Plate Tectonics
6. The Theory of Evolution
7. The Big Bang Theory
8. Chaos Theory
9. Theory of Gravity
10. The Theory of Quantum Mechanics
11. The Theory of Special Relativity which subsumes The Theory of General Relativity which subsumes Newtonian theories of motion
12. The Photon Theory of Light Energy and its speed of light
13. The Theory of Electromagnetism as begun by Maxwell and continued with the work of others
14. The Theory of Radioactivity or Nuclear Theory
15. The Theory of Molecular Bonds
16. The Theory of States of Matter—or is this part of the Atomic Theory and the Molecular Bond Theory?
17. The Theory of Thermodynamics
18. The Theory of Homeostasis within Living Organisms
19. The Constructivist Theory of Learning
20. The theories of self and development of mental processes in the brain
Ok Han, now you're just showing off. You're unflappable, I admire that. i wish I had your ability to stay focused on the topic instead of being caught up in the emotion of the event.
BTW, does #15 have anything to do with there being so many different actors who have portrayed James Bond?
All kidding aside, are you a subject matter expert on thermodynamics? I ask because I may have some questions regarding the heating system I have concocted for my waste vegetable oil system in my truck. Specifically, I have concerns about over heating my oil before it is introduced to the combustion chamber.


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 4:58pm
Yes, thermodynamics is one of the most important cla**es we take. Since most of the text book problems we are given are "cooked up" to give us all the information we need to find a solution, I'm not sure how much help I can provide. 

I admire your vegetable oil conversion. 

The vast majority of scientists, as seen by the IPCC's report, agree with anthropogenic global climate change.  All new scientific experimentation is subject to doubt and scrutiny to ensure accuracy in the scientific process.


Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 5:04pm
Originally posted by HanFei

Yes, thermodynamics is one of the most important cla**es we take. Since most of the text book problems we are given are "cooked up" to give us all the information we need to find a solution, I'm not sure how much help I can provide. 

I admire your vegetable oil conversion. 

The vast majority of scientists, as seen by the IPCC's report, agree with anthropogenic global climate change.  All new scientific experimentation is subject to doubt and scrutiny to ensure accuracy in the scientific process.
@Hanfei (LoL)
Pretty tepid but k I'll leave you alone now.

Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 5:13pm
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

OK, here is one of the biggest reasons why I have such a problem with "global warming". Most of the people that support the theory (yes, it is a theory), don't even believe it themselves. If they did, they would be doing more about it than posting youtube videos on a gaming website.
Let's take a moment to put this into perspective. According to those who pray at the church of global warming, if we do not change our ways, we are headed towards imminent destruction of the earth. When I say destruction, I don't mean a fender-bender. I mean fire and brimstone, scorched earth, people dead and all that other fear-mongering hoopla. So, what is everyone that believes in the rubbish doing about it? Blogging?
A while back, Rolltide and I went back and forth on this very subject. It was friendly and Rolltide and I remain friends. At that time, I asked him specifically what he was doing to combat global warming. Now, I am paraphrasing here, but he said "What can I do?" "I'm just a college student."
I am using Rolltide as an example here. I am by no means attacking him. I find his response to be telling of how much he really does believe in man-made global warming. Seriously, if he truly believes that our current course will lead to the destruction of earth and the death of every living organism on earth, why isn't he doing more? This is the fate of our earth we're talking about here. We're not talking about using up all of the fluid in our Bic lighter and discarding it for a new one. We're talking about the end of life for everyone as we know it. If you truly believe that man is accellerating global warming, why are so many "activists" and "beLIEvers" sitting idle? It seems to me that most of the "activists" aren't on the side of man-made global warming because they believe it. They are on that side because that is what they have been told to believe.
Far too many Americans rely on someone else's pontification for their own intellectual identity. The bi-product is an un-inspired group of pseudo-activists who don't really believe in the cause they champion.
I already know what the global warming sympathizers are doing to help our earth (nothing). Here is a taste of what I do, every single mother-f()cking day.
*I drive a vehicle that I converted to run on WVO.
*I have converted four other vehicles to run on WVO. WVO is completely natural, renewable and emits less carbon emissions than ANY fossil fuel.
*Do you know what the #'s inside the triangle mean on plastic? I do. Learn them.
*Do you remove the caps from laundry detergent and soda/water bottles before recycling them? If not, you have rendered that item as un-recycleable. The cap is molded with a heavier (more dense) type of plastic that is recycled seperately from the bottle itself. Every bottle you have recycled with the cap left on is more than likely in a landfill somewhere. Nice work.
*I installed a tankless water heater in my home.
*When I do work on my house, I shop at House Parts first. They specialize in reclaimed (recycled) building materials.
*I buy toilet paper made from recycled paper.
*We don't flush after we pee in my house just to save water. (except if we had asparragus)
*I put a jam jar full of rocks in the tank of my toilet so it uses less water. (see the displacement theory)
*I cut the chords off of every electrical appliance I am replacing. DYK that scrapyards send electrical chords, speaker wire, cat5/rj45 and cable to be recycled. Right now it's $0.80/lb @ALPCO in Macedon NY.
*I take over 2 tons of scrap to ALPCO each month for recycling. This is metal that I find people tossing out to the curb just as I am driving around in my everyday life. Lawnmowers, hot water tanks, appliances etc. I toss them in my truck and take them to  the scrap yard. That's $0.075/lb. That's $150.00 per ton just for keeping it out of a landfill.
I could go on and on about the lengths I go through to help ensure that we all enjoy clean air and water. Sadly, the word environmentalist has been hijacked by global warming sympathizers. Even though I am more of an environmentalist than any of the "environmentalists" I know.
How many other Analysts for IBM do you know that pick through other peoples garbage to take out the ferrous and non-ferrous metals they have carelessly thrown out?
If you really and truly believe in man-made global warming, own it.
The effect man has on the earth's core temperature is about the same effect one fly landing in the Atlantic would have on ocean levels.
I was trying to read this and half way through i woke up to a guy leaning over me yelling:
Live Damn you Live!!!
serioulsy though, i dont doubt global warming exists. I do however feel that the left has embraced this and is exploting it as a means to extend control over the economy and our economic liberties.
The right did the same with 9/11. They expolited the attack to create fear to exert greater control over our civil liberties.
I have some interesting quotes from leading environmentalists/Scientists that will shock you.
Ill try and dig them up later tonight.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Date Posted: 05 Oct 2009 at 10:16pm
Fluff, I agree that there has been some sensationalism over terror in the post-911 era. There are quite a few people who point to things like the Patriot Act and complain about their civil liberties being violated. I'll ask you the same question I ask everyone. Do you personally know anyone who has had their civil liberties violated as a direct result of the Patriot Act or like legislation? Nobody has ever been able to truthfull answer yes. I'm not saying that the gov't should be able to perform a virtual body cavity search at will, I'm just saying that  it isn't nearly as bad as some have made it out to be.


Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 06 Oct 2009 at 12:15am
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Fluff, I agree that there has been some sensationalism over terror in the post-911 era. There are quite a few people who point to things like the Patriot Act and complain about their civil liberties being violated. I'll ask you the same question I ask everyone. Do you personally know anyone who has had their civil liberties violated as a direct result of the Patriot Act or like legislation? Nobody has ever been able to truthfull answer yes. I'm not saying that the gov't should be able to perform a virtual body cavity search at will, I'm just saying that  it isn't nearly as bad as some have made it out to be.

I agree  with you c0ck, however, its not that civil liberties have been violated or not .... but it's the precedent that's set. Once you take one step the next one is easier. Once the government takes the step towards a public option in health insurance ... the next step becomes easier, and the next after that.

The Patriot act is the same, although our civil liberties are broadly in tact we have taken a step towards a dangerous direction. The next one will be easier.

Global Warming is the perfect calamity to take dangerous steps in the economic sphere that the left has always wanted to pursue but never had a good enough justification. 

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Date Posted: 06 Oct 2009 at 11:40am
Excellent point Fluffy.


Date Posted: 06 Oct 2009 at 11:55pm
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

OK, here is one of the biggest reasons why I have such a problem with "global warming". Most of the people that support the theory (yes, it is a theory), don't even believe it themselves. If they did, they would be doing more about it than posting youtube videos on a gaming website.
Let's take a moment to put this into perspective. According to those who pray at the church of global warming, if we do not change our ways, we are headed towards imminent destruction of the earth. When I say destruction, I don't mean a fender-bender. I mean fire and brimstone, scorched earth, people dead and all that other fear-mongering hoopla. So, what is everyone that believes in the rubbish doing about it? Blogging?
A while back, Rolltide and I went back and forth on this very subject. It was friendly and Rolltide and I remain friends. At that time, I asked him specifically what he was doing to combat global warming. Now, I am paraphrasing here, but he said "What can I do?" "I'm just a college student."
I am using Rolltide as an example here. I am by no means attacking him. I find his response to be telling of how much he really does believe in man-made global warming. Seriously, if he truly believes that our current course will lead to the destruction of earth and the death of every living organism on earth, why isn't he doing more? This is the fate of our earth we're talking about here. We're not talking about using up all of the fluid in our Bic lighter and discarding it for a new one. We're talking about the end of life for everyone as we know it. If you truly believe that man is accellerating global warming, why are so many "activists" and "beLIEvers" sitting idle? It seems to me that most of the "activists" aren't on the side of man-made global warming because they believe it. They are on that side because that is what they have been told to believe.
Far too many Americans rely on someone else's pontification for their own intellectual identity. The bi-product is an un-inspired group of pseudo-activists who don't really believe in the cause they champion.
I already know what the global warming sympathizers are doing to help our earth (nothing). Here is a taste of what I do, every single mother-f()cking day.
*I drive a vehicle that I converted to run on WVO.
*I have converted four other vehicles to run on WVO. WVO is completely natural, renewable and emits less carbon emissions than ANY fossil fuel.
*Do you know what the #'s inside the triangle mean on plastic? I do. Learn them.
*Do you remove the caps from laundry detergent and soda/water bottles before recycling them? If not, you have rendered that item as un-recycleable. The cap is molded with a heavier (more dense) type of plastic that is recycled seperately from the bottle itself. Every bottle you have recycled with the cap left on is more than likely in a landfill somewhere. Nice work.
*I installed a tankless water heater in my home.
*When I do work on my house, I shop at House Parts first. They specialize in reclaimed (recycled) building materials.
*I buy toilet paper made from recycled paper.
*We don't flush after we pee in my house just to save water. (except if we had asparragus)
*I put a jam jar full of rocks in the tank of my toilet so it uses less water. (see the displacement theory)
*I cut the chords off of every electrical appliance I am replacing. DYK that scrapyards send electrical chords, speaker wire, cat5/rj45 and cable to be recycled. Right now it's $0.80/lb @ALPCO in Macedon NY.
*I take over 2 tons of scrap to ALPCO each month for recycling. This is metal that I find people tossing out to the curb just as I am driving around in my everyday life. Lawnmowers, hot water tanks, appliances etc. I toss them in my truck and take them to  the scrap yard. That's $0.075/lb. That's $150.00 per ton just for keeping it out of a landfill.
I could go on and on about the lengths I go through to help ensure that we all enjoy clean air and water. Sadly, the word environmentalist has been hijacked by global warming sympathizers. Even though I am more of an environmentalist than any of the "environmentalists" I know.
How many other Analysts for IBM do you know that pick through other peoples garbage to take out the ferrous and non-ferrous metals they have carelessly thrown out?
If you really and truly believe in man-made global warming, own it.
The effect man has on the earth's core temperature is about the same effect one fly landing in the Atlantic would have on ocean levels.

Actually my response after I told you what those plastic numbers mean was that I do all that I can being a college student (limited funds..hell it would be fun to have a bio diesel car)....While I do admire your "environmental approach" and all your recycling efforts and such... lets remember the basis of the problem.  All that recycling takes energy to convert.  The form of energy we are using now is the problem.  The bottom line is the problem must be hit head on from ENERGY not by if we are recycling the tops to our soda bottles.  If anything that is contributing more to the problem.  What is so wrong with wanting to have cleaner sources of energy?  As I have said before suppose the hypothesis of global warming being caused by man is what?  The "side effects" of alternative energy are cleaner air, cleaner water and for you economic whores out there, not to mention the jobs it would bring with it.  The point is the correlations are there, the evidence is alarming.  For a vast majority of people, myself included, we can turn off the lights when we leave a room, turn the air up to 76, yada yada yada (which are good and all), but, until a REAL solution is allowed to pa** through all the red tape of government and the US gets on board with the Kyoto Protocol, we are only spinning our bio diesel truck in mud.  Not to mention fossil fuels are finite.  So yeah I am BLOGGING because my voice is being heard about this. 
If theories don't get you going how about an actual of conservation of matter which says matter cannot be created or destroyed.  Fact CO2 is a greenhouse gas.  Fact burning fossil fuels releases CO2.  So when we fire up the factory, all those byproducts (ie CO2) don't disappear into Bunnyland.  Now of course the oceans and lands and plants take up a lot of this CO2 but then another law is encountered...the law of diffusion which deals with particles moving from areas of higher concentrations to lower concentrations.  At some point the oceans and land have soaked up as much CO2 as physically possible.  At that point all those billions of tons of CO2 and other greenhouse gases we put up there every day stay there.  Equilibrium is reached with the earth and waters and the only thing occurring then is more and more CO2 being added.  Of course Han Fei seems like more of the chemist here than I am so if I am wrong feel free to correct. 
If people can walk on the moon, a cleaner energy source can be found and utilized.  

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 12:29am
Originally posted by Fluffy Fluffington

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Fluff, I agree that there has been some sensationalism over terror in the post-911 era. There are quite a few people who point to things like the Patriot Act and complain about their civil liberties being violated. I'll ask you the same question I ask everyone. Do you personally know anyone who has had their civil liberties violated as a direct result of the Patriot Act or like legislation? Nobody has ever been able to truthfull answer yes. I'm not saying that the gov't should be able to perform a virtual body cavity search at will, I'm just saying that  it isn't nearly as bad as some have made it out to be.

I agree  with you c0ck, however, its not that civil liberties have been violated or not .... but it's the precedent that's set. Once you take one step the next one is easier. Once the government takes the step towards a public option in health insurance ... the next step becomes easier, and the next after that.

The Patriot act is the same, although our civil liberties are broadly in tact we have taken a step towards a dangerous direction. The next one will be easier.

Global Warming is the perfect calamity to take dangerous steps in the economic sphere that the left has always wanted to pursue but never had a good enough justification. 

The only dangerous step is to not take any steps at all.  Global warming is not just a United States problem...*deep breath* its global.  Sorry but your statement sounds a bit selfish to me.  Not to do anything because it may cause a slippery slope based on what your political agenda is?  I'm sure the people in the Maldives will care when their islands are overtaken by the seas.  What would Jesus do Question Confused

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 1:48am
Originally posted by SRC_ROLLTIDE

Originally posted by Fluffy Fluffington

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Fluff, I agree that there has been some sensationalism over terror in the post-911 era. There are quite a few people who point to things like the Patriot Act and complain about their civil liberties being violated. I'll ask you the same question I ask everyone. Do you personally know anyone who has had their civil liberties violated as a direct result of the Patriot Act or like legislation? Nobody has ever been able to truthfull answer yes. I'm not saying that the gov't should be able to perform a virtual body cavity search at will, I'm just saying that  it isn't nearly as bad as some have made it out to be.

I agree  with you c0ck, however, its not that civil liberties have been violated or not .... but it's the precedent that's set. Once you take one step the next one is easier. Once the government takes the step towards a public option in health insurance ... the next step becomes easier, and the next after that.

The Patriot act is the same, although our civil liberties are broadly in tact we have taken a step towards a dangerous direction. The next one will be easier.

Global Warming is the perfect calamity to take dangerous steps in the economic sphere that the left has always wanted to pursue but never had a good enough justification. 

The only dangerous step is to not take any steps at all.  Global warming is not just a United States problem...*deep breath* its global.  Sorry but your statement sounds a bit selfish to me.  Not to do anything because it may cause a slippery slope based on what your political agenda is?  I'm sure the people in the Maldives will care when their islands are overtaken by the seas.  What would Jesus do Question Confused
You're making my point. The only dangerous step is not take any. . .Pontification aside, if this is more than just a political message to you, why are you idle? Apparently there are lives at stake.


Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 2:05am
Originally posted by SRC_ROLLTIDE

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

OK, here is one of the biggest reasons why I have such a problem with "global warming". Most of the people that support the theory (yes, it is a theory), don't even believe it themselves. If they did, they would be doing more about it than posting youtube videos on a gaming website.
Let's take a moment to put this into perspective. According to those who pray at the church of global warming, if we do not change our ways, we are headed towards imminent destruction of the earth. When I say destruction, I don't mean a fender-bender. I mean fire and brimstone, scorched earth, people dead and all that other fear-mongering hoopla. So, what is everyone that believes in the rubbish doing about it? Blogging?
A while back, Rolltide and I went back and forth on this very subject. It was friendly and Rolltide and I remain friends. At that time, I asked him specifically what he was doing to combat global warming. Now, I am paraphrasing here, but he said "What can I do?" "I'm just a college student."
I am using Rolltide as an example here. I am by no means attacking him. I find his response to be telling of how much he really does believe in man-made global warming. Seriously, if he truly believes that our current course will lead to the destruction of earth and the death of every living organism on earth, why isn't he doing more? This is the fate of our earth we're talking about here. We're not talking about using up all of the fluid in our Bic lighter and discarding it for a new one. We're talking about the end of life for everyone as we know it. If you truly believe that man is accellerating global warming, why are so many "activists" and "beLIEvers" sitting idle? It seems to me that most of the "activists" aren't on the side of man-made global warming because they believe it. They are on that side because that is what they have been told to believe.
Far too many Americans rely on someone else's pontification for their own intellectual identity. The bi-product is an un-inspired group of pseudo-activists who don't really believe in the cause they champion.
I already know what the global warming sympathizers are doing to help our earth (nothing). Here is a taste of what I do, every single mother-f()cking day.
*I drive a vehicle that I converted to run on WVO.
*I have converted four other vehicles to run on WVO. WVO is completely natural, renewable and emits less carbon emissions than ANY fossil fuel.
*Do you know what the #'s inside the triangle mean on plastic? I do. Learn them.
*Do you remove the caps from laundry detergent and soda/water bottles before recycling them? If not, you have rendered that item as un-recycleable. The cap is molded with a heavier (more dense) type of plastic that is recycled seperately from the bottle itself. Every bottle you have recycled with the cap left on is more than likely in a landfill somewhere. Nice work.
*I installed a tankless water heater in my home.
*When I do work on my house, I shop at House Parts first. They specialize in reclaimed (recycled) building materials.
*I buy toilet paper made from recycled paper.
*We don't flush after we pee in my house just to save water. (except if we had asparragus)
*I put a jam jar full of rocks in the tank of my toilet so it uses less water. (see the displacement theory)
*I cut the chords off of every electrical appliance I am replacing. DYK that scrapyards send electrical chords, speaker wire, cat5/rj45 and cable to be recycled. Right now it's $0.80/lb @ALPCO in Macedon NY.
*I take over 2 tons of scrap to ALPCO each month for recycling. This is metal that I find people tossing out to the curb just as I am driving around in my everyday life. Lawnmowers, hot water tanks, appliances etc. I toss them in my truck and take them to  the scrap yard. That's $0.075/lb. That's $150.00 per ton just for keeping it out of a landfill.
I could go on and on about the lengths I go through to help ensure that we all enjoy clean air and water. Sadly, the word environmentalist has been hijacked by global warming sympathizers. Even though I am more of an environmentalist than any of the "environmentalists" I know.
How many other Analysts for IBM do you know that pick through other peoples garbage to take out the ferrous and non-ferrous metals they have carelessly thrown out?
If you really and truly believe in man-made global warming, own it.
The effect man has on the earth's core temperature is about the same effect one fly landing in the Atlantic would have on ocean levels.

Actually my response after I told you what those plastic numbers mean was that I do all that I can being a college student (limited funds..hell it would be fun to have a bio diesel car)....While I do admire your "environmental approach" and all your recycling efforts and such... lets remember the basis of the problem.  All that recycling takes energy to convert.  The form of energy we are using now is the problem.  The bottom line is the problem must be hit head on from ENERGY not by if we are recycling the tops to our soda bottles.  If anything that is contributing more to the problem.  What is so wrong with wanting to have cleaner sources of energy?  As I have said before suppose the hypothesis of global warming being caused by man is what?  The "side effects" of alternative energy are cleaner air, cleaner water and for you economic whores out there, not to mention the jobs it would bring with it.  The point is the correlations are there, the evidence is alarming.  For a vast majority of people, myself included, we can turn off the lights when we leave a room, turn the air up to 76, yada yada yada (which are good and all), but, until a REAL solution is allowed to pa** through all the red tape of government and the US gets on board with the Kyoto Protocol, we are only spinning our bio diesel truck in mud.  Not to mention fossil fuels are finite.  So yeah I am BLOGGING because my voice is being heard about this. 
If theories don't get you going how about an actual of conservation of matter which says matter cannot be created or destroyed.  Fact CO2 is a greenhouse gas.  Fact burning fossil fuels releases CO2.  So when we fire up the factory, all those byproducts (ie CO2) don't disappear into Bunnyland.  Now of course the oceans and lands and plants take up a lot of this CO2 but then another law is encountered...the law of diffusion which deals with particles moving from areas of higher concentrations to lower concentrations.  At some point the oceans and land have soaked up as much CO2 as physically possible.  At that point all those billions of tons of CO2 and other greenhouse gases we put up there every day stay there.  Equilibrium is reached with the earth and waters and the only thing occurring then is more and more CO2 being added.  Of course Han Fei seems like more of the chemist here than I am so if I am wrong feel free to correct. 
If people can walk on the moon, a cleaner energy source can be found and utilized.  

I didn't ask you to try and further your point about the evils of man and our love affair with fossil fuels. I asked you to tell me what you specifically are doing to save the hundreds of millions of lives at stake. How can anybody that believes what you do not devote their life to this?


Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 8:06am
As I said above, all those small things i.e. turning off unused lights, keeping the AC on 76 in the summer, not taking necessary trips in the car if I can carpool with someone else.  I told you that I recycle too last time, although recycling is not as good as everyone thinks.  How am I being idle?  I have a belief and I am telling it how it is.  I am in school in hopes of getting a general biology degree so I can devote a career in some area of environmental research (not sure which area yet).  The point as I stated is all these things only slow the process now.  Most scientists think global warming is irreversible at this point.  Until our government gets on board with the rest of the world and pledge to reduce carbon emissions what the hell else do you want me to do?  Luckily the Bush error is over and I read how Obama is going to require the federal government to cut their carbon footprint.  At this point, that's a great start.  I know you are trying to paint me in that light of "sitting on my hands."  Well good try. 
Lets be realistic.  We aren't going back to the horse and buggy era.  All those small steps are good and all, but not everyone follows them because it isn't mandatory.  The only solution is to go to the head of the snake and find new, cleaner ways of making energy. 

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 9:02am
Originally posted by SRC_ROLLTIDE

As I said above, all those small things i.e. turning off unused lights, keeping the AC on 76 in the summer, not taking necessary trips in the car if I can carpool with someone else.  I told you that I recycle too last time, although recycling is not as good as everyone thinks.  How am I being idle?  I have a belief and I am telling it how it is.  I am in school in hopes of getting a general biology degree so I can devote a career in some area of environmental research (not sure which area yet).  The point as I stated is all these things only slow the process now.  Most scientists think global warming is irreversible at this point.  Until our government gets on board with the rest of the world and pledge to reduce carbon emissions what the hell else do you want me to do?  Luckily the Bush error is over and I read how Obama is going to require the federal government to cut their carbon footprint.  At this point, that's a great start.  I know you are trying to paint me in that light of "sitting on my hands."  Well good try. 
Lets be realistic.  We aren't going back to the horse and buggy era.  All those small steps are good and all, but not everyone follows them because it isn't mandatory.  The only solution is to go to the head of the snake and find new, cleaner ways of making energy. 
I don't know, I just thought that with lives allegedly at stake, the "believers" would be doing more than carpooling and setting their A/C to 76 degrees.


Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 12:07pm

World is a dangerous place when the water levels will rise due to global warming. But im not scared of global warming as much as i am scared of war breaking out for fresh water. i honestly believe the next war will be over water and not oil =o. Adding to the debate i must say that i do not do my part in maintaining the environment in my city. I take the easy way out and most people around here drive huge f***ing trucks and we have oil production which adds to the problem. Im sorry but greed outweighs any morals set in place. The earth might get warmer , but the majority of people's attitudes are cold towards change (for the environment that is).


Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 12:45pm
Yingyqng you sort of prove my point that I am trying to get across to Cokk. We are all guilty. At the same time we are set in our ways of life. That's why I said the answer lies at the head of the snake. Only if changes are made at the energy level can things truly change. It's either that or start stepping on civil liberties. The true problem is out of the average Joe's hands. We can all do things willingly to slow the process but the fundamental problem goes unresolved. However, I do feel the drum beat for change is getting louder.
Cokk you make a good point b/c i could do more. We could do more. But unless we are all willing to go back to the stone age, fundamental changes must begin to take shape. Before you can walk you must crawl and the crawling part is changing the minds of those who don't think this is an issue. Only when people are on board with the idea can any ground be made.

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 1:01pm
Originally posted by SRC_ROLLTIDE

Yingyqng you sort of prove my point that I am trying to get across to Cokk. We are all guilty. At the same time we are set in our ways of life. That's why I said the answer lies at the head of the snake. Only if changes are made at the energy level can things truly change. It's either that or start stepping on civil liberties. The true problem is out of the average Joe's hands. We can all do things willingly to slow the process but the fundamental problem goes unresolved. However, I do feel the drum beat for change is getting louder.
Cokk you make a good point b/c i could do more. We could do more. But unless we are all willing to go back to the stone age, fundamental changes must begin to take shape. Before you can walk you must crawl and the crawling part is changing the minds of those who don't think this is an issue. Only when people are on board with the idea can any ground be made.
maybe there will be a movement , but in all honestly its hard for me to get out of my comfort zone to actually do those extra little things daily to make the world less polluted


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 1:28pm
The Energy Information Administration, a subgroup within the Department of Energy, has the following energy consumption projects. -

Virtually every year, electrical consumption has increased, not only in the US, but across the globe.  This trend that will continue to hold true as nations like India and China, having 37% of the world's population, demand energy consumption comparable to leading nations. -


Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 07 Oct 2009 at 6:40pm
Originally posted by SRC_ROLLTIDE

law of conservation of matter... says matter cannot be created or destroyed.  Fact CO2 is a greenhouse gas.  Fact burning fossil fuels releases CO2.  So when we fire up the factory, all those byproducts (ie CO2) don't disappear into Bunnyland.... At that point all those billions of tons of CO2 and other greenhouse gases we put up there every day stay there. 

If people can walk on the moon, a cleaner energy source can be found and utilized.  

Your statement is accurate, if we add  the following segment after destroyed: "in chemical reactions."

Several nuclear processes destroy matter, converting it into energy - Fission, Spontaneous Fission, Fusion, and Annihilation.  These do not violate the 1st Law of Thermodynamics, also called Law of Conservation of Energy, energy can neither be created nor destroyed only changed in form. -

Regardless, you central point remains the same; CO2 is being created at an unprecedented scale, effectively accumulating in our atmosphere.
Total CO2 emissions per day from all the coal fired power plants in India was 1.1 thousand tons per day in 1997-98 and annual emission has been computed to be 395 million tons. -


Posted By: SilverJ-17
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 1:00am
I don't necessarily totally believe in it, but I have taken some measures to recycling, turning off unused lights and appliances, etc.

However, if anything, I think the world might be getting close to a cool down, though this is mainly based on my observations of my state's weather.  For us, as far as I know it, the last two or three summers have been kind of cool/ ended fairly early, or at least earlier than they have or I expect.  I mean, look at July here.  A big chunk of this year's July was in the lower 80's and 70's (We even had a few days that didn't even make it out of the 60's.), unlike a typical July in Indiana.  Right now, we're 5-10 degrees below average and have had a lot days like that recently.

Lol, maybe the Day After Tomorrow thing is starting to happen and by that, I mean the Global Warming (if it is indeed true) has reached it's peak and now, an (mini) ice age is about to happen.

Btw, if something like the movie "The Day After Tomorrow" happened.  It wouldn't be so instantaneous, like the movie.  Movies about disasters are usually made to be far dramatic than it really would be.  From what I've heard, it would take a decade or so, for something like this to come into full effect.


Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 1:24am
Didn't Al Gore say we already pa**ed the point of no return?
Rolltide, you say you don't recycle because it is essentially pointless. Why isn't your belief of the global warming folklore met with the same apathy?


Posted By: LOL-i-ZER
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 4:23am
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Most of the people that support the theory (yes, it is a theory), 
The effect man has on the earth's core temperature is about the same effect one fly landing in the Atlantic would have on ocean levels.
First: it is not a Theory: hundreds of reports and analyses proove that there is a global warming going on. Exxon , Total... and other companies like this try to make people doubt about it, for their own benefit. I work with a lot of scientist working on global warming. I can tell you that every 3 years, they are astonish to see that the changes have gone worst then the worst theory has predicted.
Second: you look to be a great person, as you do a lot in order to lower your environmental impact on earth.  But I can tell you that the effect of man is huge on temperature. When we talk about global warming, people think about temperature rising up to 10 or 20 degrees. But its not the case. Keep in mind that the difference between ice age and now is just 2 or 3 degrees (average on the year long). 6 degrees it's the level of species extinction.
last: the proble of global warming, is that as always, the rich countries will not suffer much. Only the poors one will be destroyed. We pollute, they die. always the same story.
conclusion: I personnaly think it is too late for man kind. What we are curently observing is just the start phase of a very complicated process, that will drive the world to a major change. We have to be realistic: throughout the ages, Earth has changed dramaticly. lots of species have disappeared; new ones have rosen. Our time has come. I don't think I will see it, but I think my kids will.
tw: have you watched the movie "HOME" on youtube ? have a look, it's beautifull and interesting

Free Agent

Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 11:34am
Originally posted by LOL-i-ZER

1) It is not a Theory: hundreds of reports and analysis prove that there is a global warming going on.... worst then the worst theory has predicted.

2) Exxon , Total... and other companies like this try to make people doubt about it, for their own benefit.

1) Discrepancy?  If it is not a theory, then is it a law?  A scientific law must always apply under the same conditions, and implies a causal relationship between its elements.  Climate Change models can't pa** these stringent conditions.

2) This is 1 of the 7 signs of pseudoscience - The discoverer says that a powerful establishment is trying to suppress his or work.

Can you show me 1 ad from either of these firms against anthropogenic climate change?


Posted By: LOL-i-ZER
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 1:12pm
1) men produce CO².  CO² is a gaz with warming affects. temperatures rose in the last 50 years faster than ever before (prooved by ice analysis). I see causes and effects here: it's sounds like a law, not a theory
2) I drive a Ford Focus 1.6 TDCI (diesel, French model), an American car. I can drive 60 miles with a gallon...with an American car!!  How can you explain that you don't have that car in US ? there is a version( FORD SEDON or something like that), with a big engine, that use a lot of fuel. Why ? because American are big pigs that drive only big cars ! No, I don't think so. I've lived in the US and I know Americans people. There are like everybody: they have not completly the choice of their behaviour. How can they buy a "green" car if there are any for sale !
My AMERICAN FORD  car use less fuel than the Toyota PRIUS! with no electric engine inside !!  WHY ???!!
May be becaus eEXXON, is the biggest company in the world, with profits bigger than most country budget in the world. Of course they are not making any add or notes or anything else about  global warming. But they do their  best to be sure that the situation remains the same as long as possible. It's a kind of deny I think.
Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, the French TOTAL company, do the same. A french company developped 10 years ago a car that run 60 miles with air pressurized and half a liter of fuel.
Guess what !  no one cares. and everything has been done in order for this company not to sale any car. But it still exist.

Free Agent

Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 2:26pm
The everyday use of the word theory does not mean the same thing from the the word theory in science: Wikipedia

A theory, in the scientific sense of the word, is an analytic structure designed to - explain a set of empirical observations. A scientific theory does two things:

  1. it identifies this set of distinct observations as a cla** of - phenomena , and
  2. makes a**ertions about the underlying - reality that brings about or affects this cla**.
Take evolution for example.  It is a theory in the sense that the causes of it are not totally understood.  We know evolution does occur by looking at fossils, bacteria becoming "immune" to antibiotics, even by the way every breed of dog came into existence (they all came from wolves).  So to explain this, a HYPOTHESIS is gathered to support the findings.  Such is the case in how natural selection explains evolution.
With global warming, you have a theory in that the world is warming.  The evidence is there no matter how you slice it (ice core sampling, the correlations of CO2 and temperature, etc.).  The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon.  It is why Venus is the hottest planet (its atmosphere is primarily CO2).  It is also why the earth is a perfect temperature to support life.  However, the equilibrium has been put into a tailspin because of the excess of CO2.  The hypothesis is that man is much to blame for this excess CO2 (about 25 billion tons a year).

And Cokk, nowhere did I say I didn't recycle because I do.  I said recycling really is not as good as people make it out to be.  It still takes energy (although less) to break down those recycled items into their components for reuse.  It is good from the sense of keeping it out of landfills.  But, the long term answer is finding cleaner ways to make energy. 
And as far as what Al Gore said, let me pose this question to you.  God forbid you or a loved one is told you have some ailment and are given, say, 3 months to live.  Are you going to do everything in your power to fight and live, or are you going to go home to die?
My central idea has not waivered one bit.  Even if this is crying wolf, the benefits of finding cleaner energy will pay for itself in the long run.  Not even the most of critics can deny that.

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: SilverJ-17
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 2:46pm
I do admit that some of the benefits are worth it.  The effects of turning off the lights and other stuff you're not using has shown up on the old energy bill, as have the effects of a big chunk of my lights being energy saver light bulbs. (I mainly got them because getting new bulbs every 3 or 4, if not 5/6 months, seems more likely to cost more than paying more for ones that are more likely to last 2-3 years.)  I'm going with 2-3 instead of five, since five year bulbs probably don't last that long if you use them like I do, though I'm not sure how much more I use them than the next person.  I just know that I probably have my lights on a bit longer than most people, even if you consider me turning them off when I'm not in the room, which I've been forgetting to do a little more, recently.


Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 3:14pm
The earth has been warming for 50 years? How do you explain the "global cooling" scare of the late 70's?
Also, the earth has come out of 7 previous ice ages. How did Exxon warm the earth on those occaisions?


Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 3:46pm
well I would hope we know more now than in the 70s considering technology has come light years.  

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: TuNA FISh
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 3:50pm
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

The earth has been warming for 50 years? How do you explain the "global cooling" scare of the late 70's?
Also, the earth has come out of 7 previous ice ages. How did Exxon warm the earth on those occaisions?

we know global warming is natural, but i think the point is that we're speeding up the process. how could we not be speeding it up?

The sun was high and so was I
- Best Coast

psn: HardhatTuna
XBL: Tuna is QnL

Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 4:07pm
To add some numbers to this discussion.  Year changes in upper left, while difference from mean changes in upper right. -


Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 4:32pm
Global Warming-Yes
Man Made Global Warming-Not really!
The Earth is Ma**ive, and you believe what we have done in 100 measley years will effect how this planet will change, a planet that was here for billions of years! Imagine the size of your room, not very big huh? Now imagine the size of your room but make the ceiling 6 miles high! If you want to stop the change of our climate (like a mosquito swapping engine in your car) go kill a few million cows! Ever seen a cow in the wild? How many more cows do you think there are today as opposed to 200 years ago? Ever heard of warming periods? Ever heard of the ice age?

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 4:40pm
Originally posted by LOL-i-ZER

1) men produce CO².  CO² is a gaz with warming affects. temperatures rose in the last 50 years faster than ever before (prooved by ice analysis). I see causes and effects here: it's sounds like a law, not a theory
2) I drive a Ford Focus 1.6 TDCI (diesel, French model), an American car. I can drive 60 miles with a gallon...with an American car!!  How can you explain that you don't have that car in US ? there is a version( FORD SEDON or something like that), with a big engine, that use a lot of fuel. Why ? because American are big pigs that drive only big cars ! No, I don't think so. I've lived in the US and I know Americans people. There are like everybody: they have not completly the choice of their behaviour. How can they buy a "green" car if there are any for sale !
My AMERICAN FORD  car use less fuel than the Toyota PRIUS! with no electric engine inside !!  WHY ???!!
May be becaus eEXXON, is the biggest company in the world, with profits bigger than most country budget in the world. Of course they are not making any add or notes or anything else about  global warming. But they do their  best to be sure that the situation remains the same as long as possible. It's a kind of deny I think.
Don't misunderstand what I'm saying, the French TOTAL company, do the same. A french company developped 10 years ago a car that run 60 miles with air pressurized and half a liter of fuel.
Guess what !  no one cares. and everything has been done in order for this company not to sale any car. But it still exist.
Hope you didnt buy that focus as a fuel saver in hopes to 'Save the Earth'! If you did, guess what, a small division of motorsports just consumed what you saved in 10 years! Millions of teenagers just got there first car! You essentially cut 1 blade of gra** in your yard, but 50 blades just grew in its place!

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 5:19pm
Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

The Earth is Ma**ive

45.01 people per square kilometer on the earth, using a 2007 estimate.  
The earth is not as ma**ive as you think.... - -


Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 5:29pm
Originally posted by HanFei

Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

The Earth is Ma**ive
45.01 people per square kilometer on the earth, using a 2007 estimate.  The earth is not as ma**ive as you think.... - -
45.01 repeating??? Is that counting the water area as well? Besides, more my point was, your room is small, but with 6 mile high ceilings times every ones bedroom...

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 6:11pm
Originally posted by LOL-i-ZER

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Most of the people that support the theory (yes, it is a theory), 
The effect man has on the earth's core temperature is about the same effect one fly landing in the Atlantic would have on ocean levels.
First: it is not a Theory: hundreds of reports and analyses proove that there is a global warming going on. Exxon , Total... and other companies like this try to make people doubt about it, for their own benefit. I work with a lot of scientist working on global warming. I can tell you that every 3 years, they are astonish to see that the changes have gone worst then the worst theory has predicted.
Second: you look to be a great person, as you do a lot in order to lower your environmental impact on earth.  But I can tell you that the effect of man is huge on temperature. When we talk about global warming, people think about temperature rising up to 10 or 20 degrees. But its not the case. Keep in mind that the difference between ice age and now is just 2 or 3 degrees (average on the year long). 6 degrees it's the level of species extinction.
last: the proble of global warming, is that as always, the rich countries will not suffer much. Only the poors one will be destroyed. We pollute, they die. always the same story.
conclusion: I personnaly think it is too late for man kind. What we are curently observing is just the start phase of a very complicated process, that will drive the world to a major change. We have to be realistic: throughout the ages, Earth has changed dramaticly. lots of species have disappeared; new ones have rosen. Our time has come. I don't think I will see it, but I think my kids will.
tw: have you watched the movie "HOME" on youtube ? have a look, it's beautifull and interesting
Lolizer you're being far too pessimistic.  Even IF the earth were to heat up such that most of the population were to die off,  then wouldn't this so-called man-made global warming stop?!? You say the poor countries are done for, well that's a pretty sizable chunk of the earth's population.  Therefore, most of these pesky humans will be gone (according to your doomsday scenario) and presto no more man-made global warming.
On the contrary, you Europeans have a more pressing catastrophe on the near horizen anyway and that is your native populations are not reproducing fast enough to sustain themselves.  I'm pretty sure I read that Italy is on the verge of obliterating itself from earth's gene pool.  Russia is in the same boat, in fact most if not all the population growth is coming from the immigrant populations in your countries.   

Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 8:01pm
Originally posted by warfare

Lolizer you're being far too pessimistic.  Even IF the earth were to heat up such that most of the population were to die off,  then wouldn't this so-called man-made global warming stop?!? You say the poor countries are done for, well that's a pretty sizable chunk of the earth's population.  Therefore, most of these pesky humans will be gone (according to your doomsday scenario) and presto no more man-made global warming.
On the contrary, you Europeans have a more pressing catastrophe on the near horizen anyway and that is your native populations are not reproducing fast enough to sustain themselves.  I'm pretty sure I read that Italy is on the verge of obliterating itself from earth's gene pool.  Russia is in the same boat, in fact most if not all the population growth is coming from the immigrant populations in your countries.   

Who cares if native Italians go extinct.  The world is so connected now, that is going to become more common.  I don't think our species is in trouble (1 billion added in 12 years).  It would be a good thing to stop breeding like rabbits.

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 8:09pm
Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

Global Warming-Yes
Man Made Global Warming-Not really!
The Earth is Ma**ive, and you believe what we have done in 100 measley years will effect how this planet will change, a planet that was here for billions of years! Imagine the size of your room, not very big huh? Now imagine the size of your room but make the ceiling 6 miles high! If you want to stop the change of our climate (like a mosquito swapping engine in your car) go kill a few million cows! Ever seen a cow in the wild? How many more cows do you think there are today as opposed to 200 years ago? Ever heard of warming periods? Ever heard of the ice age?

You make a good point with the cows.  The deforestation to hold these cows, not to mention the process just to get a hamburger at the local fast food takes so much energy (I'm guilty here).  100 years may not be that great on the time scale of Earth, but what you are seeing is the BEGINNING of something much larger.  Also when you take into account of all the space in the entire universe that life can live, Earth is pin-head.  Watch that Pale Blue Dot in this same section.

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 08 Oct 2009 at 9:48pm
I refuse to argue the science of global warming. I only entered this thread to ask why the folk lore believers weren't doing anything about it since lives are allegedly at stake. My question has been, for the most part, answered, punditry.


Posted By: LOL-i-ZER
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 3:00am
Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

  Hope you didnt buy that focus as a fuel saver in hopes to 'Save the Earth'! If you did, guess what, a small division of motorsports just consumed what you saved in 10 years! Millions of teenagers just got there first car! You essentially cut 1 blade of gra** in your yard, but 50 blades just grew in its place!
Of course I did ! that was the family car with the lowest fuel consumption, and the lowest CO² emission 119g/km.
And yes I agree, it's just a water drop effect in an ocean world. But think to that: it's that kind of water drop that is making the global warning: the behaviour of all single man on earth has an effect. So why can we try to make a change, individually?
But you, the king of discussion we are having right know explain why I'm so pessimitic: the house is burning, and we are discussing if we should open the window because it's getting hard to breath !
here is a link -
that's the group that unite all the expert in the world, and that analyse all the study in the world on global warming (under United Nation, and World Meteorological Organisation supervision). Look at what they say. It's not me.
here is the last report:**essment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr.pdf -**essment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr.pdf

Free Agent

Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 4:47am
Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

Originally posted by HanFei

Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

The Earth is Ma**ive
45.01 people per square kilometer on the earth, using a 2007 estimate.  The earth is not as ma**ive as you think.... - -
45.01 repeating??? Is that counting the water area as well? Besides, more my point was, your room is small, but with 6 mile high ceilings times every ones bedroom...

The second link sourced shows that figure is just land, not water.


Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 8:31am
Originally posted by LOL-i-ZER

Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

  Hope you didnt buy that focus as a fuel saver in hopes to 'Save the Earth'! If you did, guess what, a small division of motorsports just consumed what you saved in 10 years! Millions of teenagers just got there first car! You essentially cut 1 blade of gra** in your yard, but 50 blades just grew in its place!
Of course I did ! that was the family car with the lowest fuel consumption, and the lowest CO² emission 119g/km.
And yes I agree, it's just a water drop effect in an ocean world. But think to that: it's that kind of water drop that is making the global warning: the behaviour of all single man on earth has an effect. So why can we try to make a change, individually?
But you, the king of discussion we are having right know explain why I'm so pessimitic: the house is burning, and we are discussing if we should open the window because it's getting hard to breath !
here is a link -
that's the group that unite all the expert in the world, and that analyse all the study in the world on global warming (under United Nation, and World Meteorological Organisation supervision). Look at what they say. It's not me.
here is the last report:**essment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr.pdf -**essment-report/ar4/syr/ar4_syr.pdf
Umm were you directing that king-of-discussion at me?(I'M the one who said you were being pessimistic Ermm)  If so then...
I'm half serious when I say that if what you say comes to pa**, that is, that a sizable portion of the earth's population is doomed to extinction, then isn't this ultimately a self-correcting problem???  As the poor countries of the world begin to die off (as you say they will) then the impact of man on global warming will become less and less....voila problem solved.  If you're wrong things will turn out all right and if you're right the problem will self-correct!!  WIN-WIN Smile
Not to mention the added benefit of pleasing people like Rolltide ("Who cares if native Italian populations go extinct") who think there are far too many of us (humans) anyway. Just saying....

Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 12:30pm
Again, I remind everyone that if the global warming believers held their belief for reasons other than their political punditry, they would be doing more to save the lives they alledge are at risk.


Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 2:07pm
No need to worry, Glorious Leader Obama will soon pa** a law banning Bad Weather.
In only 6 months he's solved most of humanities problems and has received the Nobel Peace Prize.
He'll solve global warming over the weekend.
Just when you thought the Nobel committee couldn't outdo itself after awarding the Peace Prize to Ya**er Arafat!

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 3:03pm
Hey, let's be fair. Obama accomplished quite a bit during the nine days he was in office while the Nobel Prize voting was still open.


Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 4:00pm
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Again, I remind everyone that if the global warming believers held their belief for reasons other than their political punditry, they would be doing more to save the lives they alledge are at risk.

Cokk I have no political agenda when it comes to global warming. The democrats are just as much to blame as are the republicans on the issue. I do have a problem when you try these subtle character attacks on me when you don't even know me.. I think I have made my point extremely clear and if you still do not understand, well I'm sorry. I don't know how to make it any clearer. At least I acknowledge the possibility of a problem and the consequences of doing nothing as opposed to turning away and not even attempting to contemplate if this is a problem. Therefore you are no better than the rest of us "global warmer believers".    

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 4:02pm
Originally posted by SRC_ROLLTIDE

Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Again, I remind everyone that if the global warming believers held their belief for reasons other than their political punditry, they would be doing more to save the lives they alledge are at risk.

Cokk I have no political agenda when it comes to global warming. The democrats are just as much to blame as are the republicans on the issue. I do have a problem when you try these subtle character attacks on me when you don't even know me.. I think I have made my point extremely clear and if you still do not understand, well I'm sorry. I don't know how to make it any clearer. At least I acknowledge the possibility of a problem and the consequences of doing nothing as opposed to turning away and not even attempting to contemplate if this is a problem. Therefore you are no better than the rest of us "global warmer believers".    
In regards to my being no better than your fellow "believers", I take exception to that. I do more for the environment than anyone you know. Lumping me in with a bunch of do-nothings who tell the rest of the world how they need to change while doing nothing themselves is ludicrous. The point I was trying to make ever so gently was this. I believe that people who don't vote shouldn't run their mouths about the state of our country. The same goes for the psuedo-environmentalists. If you are not going to do anything about the climate change stop crying about how the world is going to end. If you really believed your own hype, there would be less words and more action. As it stands now, the action column is empty.


Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 6:57pm
And the point I have been trying to make ever-so-gently is we need to change our energy sources.  I have never one time on here told you or anyone what they need to do or change about themselves.  It is not about forcing people to change but simply to change.  Look, I'm an optimist, but I'm also a realist.  We aren't going back to the horse and buggy days.  We are too set in our ways now.  Fossil fuel was a great thing in 1910, 1950, and even 1990.  But technology has come too far to continue down a dead end road.  That has been my message the whole time.  Not to stop driving your car or anything like that. 

As far as my "action column" I see nothing in yours that is not in mine other than maybe the bio diesel truck.  I think the things you do and I do are good, but they are only a band aid over a festering sore.  I'll say it again, so what if global warming by chance is not as severe or as bad as most scientists think.  Can you think of one negative aspect of changing more to solar energy?  Or harvesting the wind?  It can be done.
I'm not a Congressman.  I do not make the laws.  But I'm using the most powerful tools I have and thats my voice and my pen.  For "real" change that is where you start. 

To write your Senator about this or any other issue: -
To write your Representative about this or any other issue: -

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 7:00pm
No hard feelings, ^^^argument without killing people over it is what this country is about Thumbs Up

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: HanFei
Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 7:31pm


Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 8:31pm
Originally posted by SRC_ROLLTIDE

No hard feelings, ^^^argument without killing people over it is what this country is about Thumbs Up
Absolutely no hard feelings at all. If we all believed the same sh1t, there'd be no difference between any of us.
I have stated before and I will state again. We can be friends and not believe the same stuff.
If James Carville can be married to Mary Matalin, we can discuss climate change without hating on each other.


Date Posted: 09 Oct 2009 at 11:06pm
is this one of those soupy Full House moments that make me feel gross? LOL yep yep agreed

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: LOL-i-ZER
Date Posted: 10 Oct 2009 at 5:39am
Originally posted by warfare

As the poor countries of the world begin to die off (as you say they will) then the impact of man on global warming will become less and less....voila problem solved. 
Poor countries are not polluating. The rich does. So if they face the global warming effect, their fate will not affect the warming. Guess how many cars, TVs, air conditionning .. have africans ? None of course.

Free Agent

Date Posted: 11 Oct 2009 at 8:36pm

Is the earth really warming up? -


Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 12 Oct 2009 at 9:30am

Is the earth really warming up? -
Dammit Cokken I refuse to read this garbage! WERE GOIN  TO HAVE TO SEND YOU TO
This skepticism you are showing, questioning the status quo and conventional wisdom
is just down right stupid! Our glorious leaders and their heroic scientists have commanded that we
beleive global warming is HAPPENING and its OUR FAULT!
We must give up our rights so that they can rescue us from ourselves. It's the only way.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Date Posted: 12 Oct 2009 at 6:13pm
Originally posted by COKKENBALLS

Is the earth really warming up? -

crossing my fingers there is something to this

No pension to retire <_<
"They've got a name for the winners in the world...they call Alabama the Crimson Tide."-Steely Dan
AKA: RollTideAlabama, Rage-of-ROLLTIDE, Fear-of-ROLLTIDE

Posted By: warfare
Date Posted: 24 Nov 2009 at 3:18am

If you've been watching the news lately there has been an interesting development in the on-going drama of global warming.
This ==> - is just one article about the "Climate-gate" scandal. 

If the hacked emails and documents are genuine,  and by all accounts so far they appear to be, then at the very least they show the unethical and thuggish instincts of some rather well respected scientists and the institutions they represent - including the much quoted IPCC ...

Edit: Other articles - - - - - - - - - - - = - - - - -

Posted By: Fluffy Fluffington
Date Posted: 24 Nov 2009 at 1:15pm
Originally posted by warfare

If you've been watching the news lately there has been an interesting development in the on-going drama of global warming.
This ==> - is just one article about the "Climate-gate" scandal. 

If the hacked emails and documents are genuine,  and by all accounts so far they appear to be, then at the very least they show the unethical and thuggish instincts of some rather well respected scientists and the institutions they represent - including the much quoted IPCC ...

nice post. I read this yesterday. There are lots of cases of the scientific community doing this.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

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