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Battlefield 3

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Category: Other Video Games
Forum Name: Battlefield 3
Forum Discription: By EA / DICE
Printed Date: 07 Sep 2024 at 7:33pm
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Topic: Battlefield 3
Posted By: OneMan1Army
Subject: Battlefield 3
Date Posted: 16 Apr 2011 at 9:53pm

This 12 minutes gameplay of Battlefield 3 caught my intention. If Call of Duty doesn't step there game up with graphics, I might as well plan to purchase this game in the fall.

Here's the link... -

"No words for my enemies yet I pray for them but I really have no energy"

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 7:17am
Originally posted by OneMan1Army

If Call of Duty doesn't step there game up with graphics, I might as well plan to purchase this game in the fall. -
I'll pretend I never seen this!

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 7:23am

hahaha i know right.. bad company 2 is better than COD in pretty much every aspect... so batlefield 3 will much much much more of a better than all the CODs put together... and your only gonna buy it if cod dont step up their graphics..? nothing cod can do will match battlefield lol


Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 7:27am
CoD may have a slight edge of graphics when it comes to trees, building and character models.  But you can't destroy buildings in CoD.  BC2 was 3 times as good as any CoD offering.  It was a good vid that Oneman linked us to, but I'm interested in seeing the same footage running on a PS3.

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 7:38am
just watched the trailer... i thought it was going to be a whole new 12 minute footage vid,.. but its just updates on the vids ive already seen lol... a little dissapoineted with that trailer but even so... looks fkn amazing... cant wait for jet fighitng online... only in some maps/modes itll be in but that does mean.... theres gonna ber some HUGE maps :O


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 7:39am
i know. but i would say that beter tree graphics is the only thing cod has over battlefield LOL,... well... not battlefield 3! lol


Posted By: danjel3+5
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 9:00am
I'll defo try the demo, I've always had trouble connecting to the EA servers though... I would defo be playing BF2 now if my router didn't stop me.

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iAMgaming... where unimportant people come to feel important.

Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 12:45pm

Graphics are cool, idea was cool.... but waiting 5 mins to get a kill... then getting killed and having to travel a 1000 miles just to find some again after waiting 15 secs to spawn is just dumb. Unless you have patience and alot of spare time, i think COD is better if you like action.


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 3:26pm
lol nah battlefiled has way better action online... the only nreason there is more gufights online is cos the maps are smaller... battlefiled does everything bigger.. bigger maps.. i think more guns not sure... if not in bc2 then most probably more guns in b3... HUge maps... which means ACTUAL sniping and not "sniping" from a few metres away lol... and the sniping is realistic.,.. tons of vehicles to choose from... batlefiled is better than cod in pretty much every aspect and its epic.... cod is a arcadish lkind of run and gun game whith tiny maps.. dont mean it has more action... in rush for example your base being invaded by various tanks... helicopters... aswell as snipers from afar... is more action that cod could offer lol..... the campaign in CoD however is better


Posted By: OneMan1Army
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 3:37pm
Originally posted by ThAtSmAtT

hahaha i know right.. bad company 2 is better than COD in pretty much every aspect... so batlefield 3 will much much much more of a better than all the CODs put together... and your only gonna buy it if cod dont step up their graphics..? nothing cod can do will match battlefield lol

I don't know if Bad Company 2 had better graphics than MW2 and Black Ops. I played Bad Company 2 demo when my HDTV broke. As far as SDTV, MW2 & Black Ops clearly won for graphics. I know Bad Company 2 have more realistic action than any Call of Duty games. It's just my opinion tho.

"No words for my enemies yet I pray for them but I really have no energy"

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 3:52pm
lol yeah bad company 2 didnt exactly have amazing graphics... but this one has lol.... and in temrs of gameplay bc2 was way better.... much less flaws.. hardly any infact... and it is more realistic.. and just has more action than cod altogether.. since its more epic and alot more you can do.. as well as it hbeing more realistic lool


Posted By: OneMan1Army
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 4:18pm
Originally posted by ThAtSmAtT

lol yeah bad company 2 didnt exactly have amazing graphics... but this one has lol.... and in temrs of gameplay bc2 was way better.... much less flaws.. hardly any infact... and it is more realistic.. and just has more action than cod altogether.. since its more epic and alot more you can do.. as well as it hbeing more realistic lool
I disagree with you about the action. Think about it. Why alot of people play CoD games than any other of shooter games? It's because it a foot soldier type games. Most people can't stand playing a war game with vehicles. The developers make so many guns so you can use them and yet, people love to hop in vehicles. To me, CoD is better because everyone has an equal opportunity to kill their opponents. Killstreaks are the only way you can get inside a vehicle. You have to earn it.

"No words for my enemies yet I pray for them but I really have no energy"

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 9:10pm
People play Call of Duty for 1) Activision thrown more advertisement money at the last two games than any 10 games combined, and 2) It's a mainstream game now.  Popularity is the standard of mediocrity. 

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 9:10pm
lol.. actually people have no where close to an equal chance... not at all... for example black ops cos of the matchmaking is not good the game can put u in games with high rank/level players who have all these perks and guns which you dont have... and the low level guns are crap compared to the higher level ones in most cases... the only game in whihc people have an equal opportunity is games like ut3/quake etc where there are no killstreaks/perks whatsoever and who wins is based entirly on someones individual skill without perks/killstreaks helping them..... battlefield has no perks and therefore more balanced as people dont have advantages... not only that.. both sides have vehicles that can be accessed at any time in battlefield... and they usually have a similar amoun of vehicles.. also its good there are no killstreaks in battlefield... i dont get why people who are doing well in a game neeeds to be rewarded with ways to get free easy kills such as dogs or heli's... they dont excactly need it... KS's promote camping.... and in CoD a team can win by a few players camping to get bkillstreaks.. and then a team is rewarded with dogs/heli's whihc pretty much is gamewinning... its too easy... on bc2 is players camp their team will lose... simple.... and the only reason people play cod alot if cos all cod done was make 1 or 2 good games... WaW and MW... then whatever game they make no matter how bad it is (MW2) people would mindlessly buy the next games in the franchise anyway... and poeple also buy it cos its such a noob friendly game and anyone can play it and take a few weeks to get good... bc2 is less populated cos it takes more skill and strategy to play... why do u think ut3 is even much less populated..? cos its probably the hardest fps on the ps3... plus bc2 has way more action... only reason people seem to think cod has alot of action is only cos the maps are smal and encounters are more frequent.. but bc2 has many more ways to kill and die.. and its larger scale... u can do more things such as fly vehicles... black ops is the first in the series in which u can actually control ur own nheli.. but thats it.. one heli... bc2 is overall more epic, fun and skill based


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 9:13pm
sorry my bad..... bc2 does have perks.. but no where near as an advantages as the ones in CoD give....


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 9:30pm
i just still dont get how u can say everyone has an equal oppourtunity when low level people have nothing and go against poeple who have perks which give them great advantages to someone who has no perks... and the game is not baalneced giving poeple free kills they dont need with killstreas... the game is so easy to get decent/good at and takes no real skill... most players play cheaply to rack up kills for killstreaks and win the game... the game just promotes cheap play with the setup it has..... it was even easier to gain high level killstreaks in mw2 where the kills from a killstrerak reward count towards the next killstreaks... meaning it promoteed even more camping and cheap play..... bc2 people have to work as a team to win and not go off and do their own thing plus its actually hard and takes skill... sorry for the long posts but i really do get confused as to how poeple prefer CoD over battlefield... i do play cod cos it is addicting.. dont mean that as a game its good...


Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 9:48pm
Multi-post!!!! lol its not hard to learn cod
But i think your trying to defend what game you like better. In the end its what a person wants out of a game which makes it better. Some will like cod, some will like battlefield, fehtalatee will like toy story. Its just a matter of opinion. In my post i explained why i liked cod better, your trying to fight and changed ppls minds lol.


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: OneMan1Army
Date Posted: 17 Apr 2011 at 10:13pm
Originally posted by SP61gTSupra

People play Call of Duty for 1) Activision thrown more advertisement money at the last two games than any 10 games combined, and 2) It's a mainstream game now.  Popularity is the standard of mediocrity. 
I don't care if Call of Duty is a mainstream game. I want to play a game that is different than Call of Duty and have no vehicles. I research games, check reviews and look at gameplay as well. Im type of person who don't waste his money on a game and few weeks later returning the game because it sucks.

"No words for my enemies yet I pray for them but I really have no energy"

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 7:21am
lol nah seph im just stating my opinion too.. even if it was a long ass post xD... but i just liked the bc2 was just more epic/large scale and had loads of vehicles... i didnt use them much but it made the action more dramatic as your fighting off multiple tanks and helicopters... and im not trying to be bias by just defending the game i prefer... i also like CoD alot cos its addictive however there are tons of flaws in CoD games and not many in bc2.. and in bc2 most of the time the team will actually work as a team while in CoD most of the time the rest of ur team would wanna do their ownn thing, not worry about winning just to get their precious killstreaks lol.. how many times in domination for example have u seen a team dominate the other team on k/d but the other team still won the game? lol


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 7:22am
the answer is i would say 60% of the time lol


Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 1:58pm
this looks very interesting. but what's the online play like? 


Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 2:15pm

Well i keep seeing the trailer for this on TV and i must say im getting interested lol. Looks amazing, still like how COD is set up for multiplayer better, but never know, if the game is anything like the trailer, it might change my mind.


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 6:03pm
waitn on my BF3 BETA invite....sometime b4 Oct 10 lol woooooo

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Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 6:22pm
just check some online bc2 gameplay on youtube.. itll give u a good idea on what battlefield is like seph... its really good.. as i said.,.. apart from ut3.. battlefiled is my fave fps... and ive played alot of the fps's on ps3 lol.. and the last few secs of the trailer is online play.. but thats just a few secs lol


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 8:08pm
I'll buy this no doubt cos its looking good. Anyway imo a quick run down of the war games fps that ive bought/played in order of preference.

1 KZ3 - Guerilla warfare: toe 2 toe killin a plenty Warzone: combi of modes plus more, very challenging and Operations: objectives based attack/defend mode. Hardly any vehicles (2 maps I think). Best campaign of all.
2 BBC2 - great maps lots of fun but yes its easy to get overrun with tanks, copters etc. I liked the campaign but lost interest.
3 CoD - good fun but small maps mean its either sniping or t-bagging a plenty. CoD4 was a really cool game, campaign was fun but short
4 MAG - didnt like the appearance and the number of ppl playing made it impossible 2 enjoy/get good at if u werent in a clan or had mates playing alongside u. Overrated imo, no campaign yuk
5 MoH - havent bougth it cos I heard it was slow and sniping was realistic haha. Got an old title that i luved tho purely because it was arcade runnin-killin 
Ghost recon too is a fab fps but I only played campaigns/LAN but realistic feel great fun v.good maps and never bothered to finish them. Id rank it proly above CoD if the game online is as good as the campaigns.

I think sometimes a game appeals to u more if it can get u in the groove. if ur role playing a soldier or want an arcade shoot em up or maybe enjoy solo or team based objective type games u lean towards them. Things like weapons (feel, handle, specialism) or grenades, C4, rockets then theres vehicles add appeal. Thats how my mind works anyway. 

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 8:40pm
Originally posted by ThAtSmAtT

just check some online bc2 gameplay on youtube.. itll give u a good idea on what battlefield is like seph... its really good.. as i said.,.. apart from ut3.. battlefiled is my fave fps... and ive played alot of the fps's on ps3 lol.. and the last few secs of the trailer is online play.. but thats just a few secs lol
wait what??? lol i own the game, thats why i posted my opinion how how long it takes to do anything in the game, if i didn't own it i wouldn't have compared it to cod... i played battlefield online for a day, and thought it sucked, gave it a try 6 months later, it still sucked, haven't touch it since. anyone wanna buy a copy? lol


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 18 Apr 2011 at 8:57pm

Not to go against anything i said or anything, my view is still the same, but i did go on youtube, and this guys montages are cool, almost made me put in the game again



aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2011 at 1:02pm
Originally posted by Sephiroth_V7

Originally posted by ThAtSmAtT

just check some online bc2 gameplay on youtube.. itll give u a good idea on what battlefield is like seph... its really good.. as i said.,.. apart from ut3.. battlefiled is my fave fps... and ive played alot of the fps's on ps3 lol.. and the last few secs of the trailer is online play.. but thats just a few secs lol
wait what??? lol i own the game, thats why i posted my opinion how how long it takes to do anything in the game, if i didn't own it i wouldn't have compared it to cod... i played battlefield online for a day, and thought it sucked, gave it a try 6 months later, it still sucked, haven't touch it since. anyone wanna buy a copy? lol
I agree...I wasnt impressed with Battlefield 2...
Campaign was a JOKE...
Could only party up with 4 ppl..
Oh yes, Online play was so much fun...You spent more time looking for action then actually being involved....Graphics were average?

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2011 at 4:41pm
lol i dont get wjhy people complain about not getting into the action.. theres something called squad spawn.. so when u die wait a few secs to respawn then spawn with someone already in the action.. if ur whole squad is dead at the same time whihc dont happen often... theres usually a helicopter or other vehicles to take u to the action in a matter of seconds.. i just think theres alot more action in bc2 cos there was vehicles u could actually control unlike ncod (apart frm the gunship in BO thats it).... much bigger maps so larger scale gunfights... also apart from action side of things the bullet damage is much more realistci and theres alot less "wtf" moments which happen all the time in cod... idk.... its just ive never had a problem with the action and pace of the game..... just squad spawn... and even if u dont like bc2.... im pretty sure the next battlefield will be amazing and surpass cod and most othwer shooters in almost every aspect lol... also putting a few anti tank mines under the quad bikes and wait for someone on ur team to get on one then shoot the mines and watching them get blown across the map is freaking hilarious xD
also seph... meh that guys montage is p[retty average imo... ive seen much better... dunno why he included snipes on idle players and no scopes against people 2 feet away..... aswell as the pistol shots.. werent montage worthy really....


Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 21 Apr 2011 at 5:55pm

Is there an official release date yet?

Posted By: -CYAN1DE-
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 1:43pm
Oh yea this will be BYE BYE COD. Sweet graphics, and  action..
Now i believe the guys behind MW3 have said they wont create a new engine for MW3 (OMG, NO HE DIDNT..) so i wonder which one will be more populair..
8 Nov 2011 - Modern Warfare 3
15-20 Nov 2011 - Battlefield 3 (im not sure if this is the accurate release date but i thought i remembered it right...)
I never played battlefield, but the trailer looked really good and gave me more of a "war" feeling than any cod ive seen today. TOO INTENSE haha

Complete" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 5:23pm
yeah itll be much better than cod tbh... and lol.... battlefield 3 is gonna have more money spent on marketing/advertising that CoD! lol... i think its 100 mil thats going into b3 marketing xD lol.. hopefully thatll result in more people playing batlefield than it just always be the same old people buying the next cod and forget everything else lol


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 5:39pm
it will  have go some to outsell MW3, COD has a huge following and the hype will be more like frenzy. Dont get me wrong BBC is a better series imo but COD has more appeal. Is there a bigger game franchise than COD? Possibly only Super Mario, GTA and World of Warcraft but only GTA is multi platform. Most will buy COD or both.

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 20 May 2011 at 7:42pm
i knwo that trin lol... its be nearly impossible t outsell cod but im saying that i hope this level of advertising will get more people playing battlefield 3.. as the game deserves it, being as great as the series is


Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 23 May 2011 at 2:15pm
These graphics just need a 720p or 1080p..Cool

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: OneMan1Army
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2011 at 1:57pm" rel="nofollow -
Here is a link of multiplayer for Battlefield 3

"No words for my enemies yet I pray for them but I really have no energy"

Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2011 at 3:56pm
That $h!t looks pretty intense...I do like the Melee's in this game.

Posted By: QwEsT
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2011 at 4:24pm
*In Bart Scott's voice* "Can't wait! " LoL
This game going 2 be great.

PSN: qwest4victory    A-R_l2eQwEsT

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 21 Jul 2011 at 4:36pm
i got an email from them yesterday telln me my beta spot is reserved and will be out in september....soo wooo  not too much longer! xD

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2011 at 3:30pm
Originally posted by TX2k7

i got an email from them yesterday telln me my beta spot is reserved and will be out in september....soo wooo  not too much longer! xD
.. i hate u... and everything u stand for -_-


Posted By: iTz-He4DSh0T
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2011 at 3:51pm
Originally posted by ThAtSmAtT

.. i hate u... and everything u stand for -_-

The Alpha Version of BF3 (PC) got leaked a few days ago Big smileWink



Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 23 Jul 2011 at 3:59pm
BF3 > mw3.. just how bc2 > mw2... :D


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2011 at 2:37am
LOL shoulda got Limited Edition of MoH brutha, ur gnna miss out! ;) dnt worry ill let u know how it is in a lil over a month wen im beta testing it :P

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Posted By: GhostofalucarD
Date Posted: 24 Jul 2011 at 1:02pm
limited ed of MoH? i say you deserve the beta if you bought that game lol


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2011 at 3:25am

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 18 Aug 2011 at 6:45am
saw that yesterday.... that sh1t looks awesome :O


Posted By: -CYAN1DE-
Date Posted: 05 Sep 2011 at 1:59pm
I agree, such a chaos.. just what you'd expect in a total war.
This game is gonna rock spot on! (both singleplayer as multi)

Complete" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Arkos315
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2011 at 5:38am
The only good thing about bc2 was the dog tag collection for knifing clowns
Other then that I just don't see this even compare to cod


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2011 at 5:53am
lol.. wow..... cod is terribad end of


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2011 at 5:54am
worst comment of the year akos well done xD


Posted By: Arkos315
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2011 at 5:56am
Lol opinions opinions


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2011 at 6:03am
but i just dont get how people can even compare cod to such a great game when CoD is a pile of crap lol.. come on mw2 had millions of flaws with it.. BO improved those flaws but the gameplay got more boring.. and veen that still had plenty wrong with it...bullet damage and hit detection is horrible... very noob friendly, and tons ofother things and lol i could go on for years about how bad mw2 was.... battlefield is actually a GOOD game without those problems... i just think some ppl dont know what good games actually are xD


Posted By: Arkos315
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2011 at 6:11am
Idk I just don't see battlefield like you do,
just like u don't see cod like I do


Posted By: ThAtSmAtT
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2011 at 6:20am
fair enough just opinions vs opinions lol


Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 24 Sep 2011 at 3:16pm
Both games are great, just depends on what style of play you enjoy.


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: iTz-He4DSh0T
Date Posted: 27 Sep 2011 at 10:39pm
Just Played the Beta & controls feel really similar to Call of Duty....... Which is odd for a Battlefield Game haha, But I love how Fast & Fluid it is compared to Bad Company 2.

Graphics of the game are Nice on Console but not breath taking like the PC Version,
Gameplay is alot Faster but still a little bit Campy.

And who said Battlefield isn't n00b Friendly...... I coming top in nearly every game & I'm n00b at Battlefield haha


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 12:22am
just test drove this baby n i thought it was beautiful, i do not regret deciding on BF3 over MW3

ability to lay down unlike BFBC2 is nice, yes this means i ran into a few ppl who try to camp but the snipers reflect so u can see them and DICE did a great job at counter measuring camping n such.

gameplay is faster & more intense than BC2 at least thats the feeling i took. finished 3 games of Rush on Operation Metro with 5500+ points each
loving the beta just wish i could test drive a vehicle!

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Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 12:26am
Xcal from youtube jsut finished doing a livestream of the closed beta
His verdict: Its a fun game, however it is VERY campy, people are prone half the time shooting from bushes, its very COD like in that regard. I would imagine a sniping class is going to be the most annoying, He used the UMP-45 in the game too, lets just say the UMP is nothing like mw2 ;)


Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 1:46pm
is the PS3 beta available? if so, where?


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 4:28pm
its open to those whose emails were registered for early access which was obtained either by buying Medal of Honor Limited Edition last year or i think pre-ordering the game from some site idk, but i got my email and so a few hours later the beta was in the store for me.
for everyone else, the beta will go public tomorrow

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Posted By: Deadaim
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 4:50pm
pretty lame preorder bonus.. I'd want atleast a week of closed beta access.
anyhow, they announced this 1.6million tourney for this game.. I was very excited and was hoping it was on PC.. apparently its console only though.
I will be checking the beta out, and most likely buying it for ps3 instead of PC.. although I am not completely decided yet.


Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 7:45pm
Get if for PS3 Deadaim, join the cool kids. I am


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 9:06pm
Moved this into the BF3 thread


Posted By: iTz-He4DSh0T
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 9:15pm
Originally posted by JPINATOR

Moved this into the BFBC3 thread

its Battlefield 3, Not Bad Company 3 LOL
Bad Company is a Spin-off to the series.


Posted By: Sephiroth_V7
Date Posted: 28 Sep 2011 at 9:45pm
Damnit headhunter you beat me to the punch lol


aka - priebe69, DEEP_BrokeBack, GOW_AftaBirth

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 29 Sep 2011 at 12:05am
the preorder bonus from gamestop was get the Back To Karkand DLC free so hey xD

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Posted By: Deadaim
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2011 at 9:50am
I wasnt impressed. felt like an alpha not a beta.


Posted By: OneMan1Army
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2011 at 10:02am
The graphics looks amazing. It's easy to get use to the game.
Only problem I got yesterday was getting kicked out due to sh*tting on my competitors. This is foul.

"No words for my enemies yet I pray for them but I really have no energy"

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2011 at 10:35am
i thought some of the graphics were bad and some were good. the kill cam graphics need work. the best graphics were at the end of the level in the city. but Deadaim is correct. it's more an alpha than beta. needs alot of tweaking. i'd like to try out some of the other modes too.


Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2011 at 2:32pm

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Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 30 Sep 2011 at 6:57pm
Haha da guy with da golden d*** xD

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
Crucial Sport 16GB 1866 RAM
GeForce GTX970 4GB VRAM
Antec 1100 Tower Case
NZXT Sleeved Blue LED Kit 1M
2x 2TB Seagate HDD
2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: J_Rivers
Date Posted: 01 Oct 2011 at 10:10pm
I'm not going into great detail as I did on the A-R site... This game blows a mean ¢ock & EA is doin' real fu¢king bad if they honestly believe that this game is going to topple CoD.


Posted By: summ3rblink
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2011 at 1:52am
^propably it won't what comes to amount of sold games. But I think for those, who like more realistic war games, it's a good choice.
In MW or MAG you couldn't rpg the doorways three sizes bigger in case your lard a$$ wouldn't fit in other ways. Hell, in BF one can even grenade the trees down for  camouflage. TIIMBEEERrr& sorry Dogmatix/Idefix!
Yes, the beta is more like alpha and buggy as anything. For an UT3 Vctf/War player this one with it's vehicles and stuff could be a pretty darn good deal.


Posted By: Dalsk
Date Posted: 03 Oct 2011 at 7:16pm
For my part, I can't stop playing the BF3 beta.
Usually it's not my kind of game, but after comparing the way BF et COD is played, I think I prefer the way shooting is handle in BF3.

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

William Butler Yeats

Posted By: Phenethylamine
Date Posted: 15 Oct 2011 at 9:53am
Originally posted by J_Rivers

I'm not going into great detail as I did on the A-R site... This game blows a mean ¢ock & EA is doin' real fu¢king bad if they honestly believe that this game is going to topple CoD.



Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 25 Oct 2011 at 6:51pm
Who got this $H!T & what do you think? I'll be collecting dog tags on Thursday.

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2011 at 12:54am
i do, crow, inc & oneman got it, love it...gameplay, ran into a few lag spots but not often enough to complain about...have not encountered any games yet that are camp-fests like people were claiming it would be. still waitn to hop in my F-18 but im lovn it so far

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Posted By: OneMan1Army
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2011 at 1:04am
Lunchy got it too.

"No words for my enemies yet I pray for them but I really have no energy"

Posted By: summ3rblink
Date Posted: 26 Oct 2011 at 7:56am
This is pure excellence LOL


Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 28 Oct 2011 at 2:25pm
So who's been having connection issues other than me?
Other than that & always being put on a team filled with dumb fvcks i like this game.

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 2:31am
ok, im finally gettn some flying time under my belt, n gotta say, while it doesn't always get alot of kills 4 u...especially in the beginning, dogfightin with other jets is hella fun. i have yet to be shot down by another jet, and the A-10 Warthog is my golden child lol

got some tank time with an A1 Abrams earlier & picked off a moving chopper from about 250m away in 1 shot, gotta admit that was fn hilarious.

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Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 3:39am
Got my first two eagle eyes tonight on Choppers on some Afgan looking map. Conquest all day.

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 4:46am
ahhhhhh its all about Rush! xD
i love that Damavand Peak map, u get past the 2nd set of MCOMS and u get to jump off a 500m+ cliff to the next objective, weeeeee

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Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 6:20am
Grrr.... I really like this game a lot, but the connection issues ruin it for me.  Can't wait for the patch.  TX isn't having problems so I wonder if it's isolated to a particular section of their network.  Time will tell.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Posted By: summ3rblink
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 7:16am
My friend in Finland told also, that mp was impossible at some phase on last weekend. Maybe due to heavy traffic in their servers the mp does some hiccups..


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 12:21pm
well they did server maintenance last night for an hour....gv it a shot today n see

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Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 1:23pm
Still sucks donkey d***.  Still dropping connection and splitting squads.  Damn.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 2:24pm
thats really strange bro, especially since im not exactly sure what sort of connection problems ur havn as i havent really had any...the worst i get is occasional lag spike in game but nvr been kicked or anything? is that wat ur getting or no?

and about the squad split up, have u tried making sure everyone in ur party selects the "no dont put me in a squad option"?

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Posted By: Do_Or_Die_420
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 4:33pm
Still getting lost connection. Squads are always broken up & we always have the No put me in a squad option checked. Other than that it's a good time.

Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 5:21pm
I'm going to double check my router settings to make sure I have the right ports open.  I think its them though.  My system freezes and then reboots, I get booted from the server, my squad gets split up, it can take over 20 minutes to find a game between the quick match and server browser.

Kind of stinks for me.  I was really looking forward to this game.  I'm diving in to my router settings right now...

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Posted By: Mr-Pa1n
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 5:34pm
i´ve been playin so far and i´m lovin it....other tha that rubber band lag sometimes it runs good...lovin rush,but the amount of retards in the game is astounding


Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 10:58pm
from Battlefield facebook page "Be advised! We are boosting the capacity of our Battlefield 3 servers tonight. As such, all platforms will be down for maintenance and performance upgrades at 2AM PDT for about an hour. Thank you for your patience!"

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 31 Oct 2011 at 11:02pm
@aqua thats really strange bro n ya thatd piss me off too...maybe its an east coast server thing? idk cuz wen i search a quick match, im in within 30 secs...i hvnt had much time ina squad so idk if itd *** up for me too but the couple times i played with the VOIP n such it worked fine. im sure they'll get it fixd soon, itd b a priority with mw3 launching

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Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2011 at 6:13am
TX, I opened the ports on my router per the following link..." rel="nofollow -

Was able to log in, load quickly and joined 3 A-R members within seconds.  Was only able to play for a short time last night so I don't know if it's a fluke or if the ports were blocking me.  Hopefully, between the open ports and their server upgrades it will smooth out.  If things go well today, I'll report back here.

FWIW - opening these ports failed to improve my game play.  I still suck.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2011 at 6:47am
I have not had a single connection issue from day 1.  I am however using a 22'' CRT tv while I get my tv fixed, so...

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: Dalsk
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2011 at 8:36am
I couldn't resist so I bought the game.
I received my copuy yesterday and loved every min of multiplayer I did :)
If people want to add me on the PSN, don't hesitate :)

But I, being poor, have only my dreams;

I have spread my dreams under your feet;

Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

William Butler Yeats

Posted By: SP61gTSupra
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2011 at 11:13am
Reminder people. if you're driving a tank, and your gunner hops out and heals the tank, don't take off and leave him/her in the middle of no where taking T-90 shells up their as s.  That is all.

Pepsi puppies get more puppy pussy.

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2011 at 11:31am
bahaha im guessn u got the raw end of that deal lunchy

went 9-0 in the F-18 last night :D i had like 0 xp for my Engineer Class but my jet leveled nicely

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Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2011 at 11:32am
@Aqua - ya i hope that fixes it, i know they did server maintenance about 6 hours ago so we'll see

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Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 01 Nov 2011 at 12:53pm
Played this morning with my Nephew.  He's in Saudi Arabia.  No issues at all.  Ran great and I actually shot a bad guy.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

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