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Religion Is Bull**** !!!

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Topic: Religion Is Bull**** !!!
Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Subject: Religion Is Bull**** !!!
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 2:20pm

I agree with all of this

Hope you enjoy this phantaci

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Posted By: BuMrUsH
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 2:27pm
no courtesy brah. thats fine that you dont believe but have respect for others beliefs man.


Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 2:29pm
This is kinda akeward bruh.. I agree with Bum..
Fine if you don't believe but have respect for other people's religions and beliefs.

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Posted By: danjel3+5
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 2:37pm
So.... if he wants to talk about his opinion of religion being bullsh1t that isn't fair.

But if someone wants to talk about religion being real then that's OK? Even though it might offend a non believer just as much as the opposite stance? Yeahhhh that makes sense.

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iAMgaming... where unimportant people come to feel important.

Posted By: BuMrUsH
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 2:51pm
Originally posted by danjel3+5

So.... if he wants to talk about his opinion of religion being bullsh1t that isn't fair.

But if someone wants to talk about religion being real then that's OK? Even though it might offend a non believer just as much as the opposite stance? Yeahhhh that makes sense.

dude..he's basically trying to troll phantaci. thats what i mean about respect. he didnt make this thread to give an opinion. hes trying f*** with people.


Posted By: Deadaim
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 2:54pm
Actually its him trying to piss phantaci off because he knows phantaci is deeply religious.
Correct me if im wrong.. I must of missed the AETHISM IS BULLL**** !!! thread and then specifically calling out someone who is deeply atheist rigth after it.
Gotta love religious tolerance.. these religion threads are what basically killed this site.. and to see one being brought back because someone is butthurt about their duel tier placement is sad.
I understand you guys are young.. and most jackasses (especially you english tarts) dont give a **** about anything other then what your liberal goofball progressive teacher shoved down your throat.. but let people believe in religion if they want to.. its amazing that atheists are the ones complaining they have religious opinion forced on them all the time.. I never see anything on any sort of debate on this other then extremely pissy atheists screaming about how fake religion is.
Believe what you want, let others believe what they want.. look at all the death in the world.. life can end in an instant.. I'd like to believe that theirs more to my concious thought then it just turning off and not existing whatsoever as soon as my body perishes.. For everyones sake, hopefully religion is right. But regardless enjoy your f'ing lives and stop crying about this **** on here.. I had to stop coming to this site for a solid 6 months because I was simply tired of listenin to people go off about how fake they thought religion was.


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 3:17pm
^^ applause applause! apart from the ref to "english tarts" cos I/we actually say live and let live, life is short its a lesson u learn as u mature and reflect on all ur fk ups. And yeah atheists are the new ideological zellots. Intolerance of others should not b tolerated lets burn the b4stardz........seriosly tho CS just chill no need to b so negative.

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 3:20pm
hahahaha you can all suck my di ck or gods IDC at all in any way what so ever.

danjel is right, you can preach about a one god but I cannot say that most christians are liars and fake.

this community is a complete joke and always has been so I have no fear or guilt treating it like one.

what the hell are you gonna do about it? phantaci is nothing to do with this although he is a good example of a fake and a liar.

@ worm, bro I have no prblem with you and you do talk sense most of the time but on this matter you are wrong, your saying I posted this because I was affended at my rank hahahahaha, I agreed to my rank and who cares anyway.

religion has been shoved down my throat all my life and I am very very very educated in the matter and its all lies. its my opinion and If I want to post about it I will and if you dont like it then dont read it or post and if you still wanna do that well shove it where the sun dont shine.

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Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 3:23pm
I am a cu nt to most people because I am treated that way, everyone insults me and rips me for no reason but non of you can take it back. your all a joke. Im gld so many people hate me. you can all die for all I care

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Posted By: Aquaknot
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 3:25pm
uhhhh.... yeah.  It's a video game site.  One of the rules used to be about leaving religion out of it entirely.  That was changed, and an area has been set aside so you can treat each other like sh1t all you want.

So, have your fill and have a blast I guess.

A government big enough to give you everything you want, is strong enough to take everything you have.
-- Thomas Jefferson

Posted By: Phenethylamine
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 3:31pm
Originally posted by WOPR

Respect each other - No personal attacks or abuse of character.  We have zero tolerance towards remarks targeting one's race, creed, religion, or sexual orientation.  We fully expect some heated debate but name calling is not a valid debate method.

I think this calls for a Ban    


Posted By: Phenethylamine
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 3:36pm
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer

I am a cu nt to most people because I am treated that way, everyone insults me and rips me for no reason but non of you can take it back. your all a joke. Im gld so many people hate me. you can all die for all I care

lmfao, everybody jokes with you because you make yourself out to be a fool with your "knowone can stop me" and "3-0 is my greatest achievement durrr". It's you own fault. Also, a direct quote from you....maybe?  (;

Originally posted by ColossusSlayer

I never b****ed at anyone in tRi, I loved playing with you guys and was generally pretty happy when we were playing UT3 so how was I b****ing at you, you cant take a joke and abit of friendly banter, well lets put it this way if you lived in England you wouldnt last very long coz everyone is like that in England and anyone from England will back me up on that.

LMFAO....looks like YOU can't take a bit of "mon"


Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 3:39pm
hahahahahaha if I got banned on this forum I would LOL so much, as if I would care. this forum is full of trolls that care about nothing but showing of and making themselves sound good.

I am not personally insulting anyone, I think most people on this site are a joke and I would tell you to your face if I could, at least I am honest.

If you think you are a god on this game or use this forum to be popular then you need to take a step back and realise how sad you are, thats just friendly advice from someone who lauhgs at you in the real and I honeslty cant describe how funny it really is.

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Posted By: Deadaim
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 3:55pm

just because your mummy and daddy told you not to grow up to be a transexual elf doesnt mean religion was being forced upon you.

for all we know, their reasons werent because its against christianity to be gay.. they simply might of just not wanted you to look like a fairy.
penguin: can you do a butthurt tier? I think collussus might finally be on the top of a tier in this game :)


Posted By: Phenethylamine
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 4:05pm
Originally posted by Deadaim

penguin: can you do a butthurt tier? I think collussus might finally be on the top of a tier in this game :)


Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 6:35pm
Originally posted by Deadaim

just because your mummy and daddy told you not to grow up to be a transexual elf doesnt mean religion was being forced upon you.

for all we know, their reasons werent because its against christianity to be gay.. they simply might of just not wanted you to look like a fairy.
penguin: can you do a butthurt tier? I think collussus might finally be on the top of a tier in this game :)

do it put me on the biggest cu nt in the game list, that is actually a a list worth making.

oh and work did I touch a nerve bro you seem pretty mad well if you think Im been a d*** now you havent seen nothing yet.

mad ???

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Posted By: YINYANG
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 6:39pm
To be fair Collosus really didnt do anything wrong, he just typed that last sentence in to be funny, the only problem is that religous jokes are never taken well by  EVERYONE, but it honestly looks like him just poking fun. However, all of his replies afterward made him look like a bitter goof. Shoulda just said it was a harmless ribbing and leave it at that.

P.S I dont know phantaci that well but im sure as a devote christian things like this probably wont affect him because he doesnt seem that vengeful, unless you prolly flak to the point that your just aiming at walls instead of people.


Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 6:50pm
True ying.. it's hard to find an angry Christian.. a true christian not one of those wackos, but angry Atheists? lol.. they're everywhere. 


Posted By: Heavenly_tRiNiTy
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 7:33pm
Well if you read his 1st post under the title its difficult to justify his intentions as being humourous, u would have to assume he is joking but without lol jk etc thats hard to say imo. Youre right that generally ppl get too fkn trigger happy about lots of things religion included but CS blatantly set out to stir the pot in choosing a topic like religion and throwing in a title to provoke a response, making a ref to 1 individual particularly. Its a no brainer! Hes pissed at the 'community' (lol as if there is a community wheres the care?) and maybe a couple of ppl directly. Too many contradictions in his post makes me think hes very emo atm.
BTW yes we can say what we want but expect to be challenged if u do, there are consequences. Its not just religion that folks get sh1tty about for instance consider if someone made a post "blacks are inferior to whites", "gays should be sterilised at birth", "The only thing Hitler should have been tried for was not killing enough jews", "People from US are lard arse$", "EU is full of inbreds", "atheists... blah blah blah".  Im sure we call all just post sh1t when were down but there are better ways of venting your anger imo. Besides which you cant have a proper debate on the virtues of religion with a statement like that with sweeping generalisations to follow it up - imo there arent many ppl on here intelligent and open minded enough to have a proper debate - many of u guys here are too biased/closed off u refuse to admit it or just dont realise.  

Cos I'm Wonderman...I'll take that knife and shove it up your a$$!

Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 7:38pm
I just watched the video and posted it. the title of the video is what I put as the title of the thread so to be fair it was a harmless post on my part but people just to like to cry like babies

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Posted By: ax412
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 7:50pm
Originally posted by YINYANG

To be fair Collosus really didnt do anything wrong, he just typed that last sentence in to be funny, the only problem is that religous jokes are never taken well by  EVERYONE, but it honestly looks like him just poking fun. However, all of his replies afterward made him look like a bitter goof. Shoulda just said it was a harmless ribbing and leave it at that.

P.S I dont know phantaci that well but im sure as a devote christian things like this probably wont affect him because he doesnt seem that vengeful, unless you prolly flak to the point that your just aiming at walls instead of people.


Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 8:34pm
If GOD is real? I got a pretty good idea where George Carlin is. xd

sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: ut3lve
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 9:13pm
Originally posted by Deadaim

just because your mummy and daddy told you not to grow up to be a transexual elf doesnt mean religion was being forced upon you.

for all we know, their reasons werent because its against christianity to be gay.. they simply might of just not wanted you to look like a fairy.
penguin: can you do a butthurt tier? I think collussus might finally be on the top of a tier in this game :)

Posted By: xander07306
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 10:32pm
do u pray 4 answers or do u google search? do u pray when u break a leg or do go 2 da hospital? do u pray 4 da storm 2 pass or do u check da weather channel? do u pray 4 a job or do send ur resume out? do u pray 2 lose weight or do u exercise and go on a diet? WHICH ONE ARE YOU?    religion for alot of ppl gives them hope. if no one had faith in a "higher power" we'd b acting like animals but its da same vice versa. what happens when da majority is influenced by supposedly "divine guidance" and are given power over society or even a community? check da history books .. religion and morality supposed 2 go hand in hand but as we all know dat isn't da case. we have a bloody history showing us what happens when religious faith is 'pushed onto' other ppl.. many of us don't fully understand what its like 2 b "punished" 4 even questioning religion. people 2 dis day in sum countries are severely punished in da name of GOD. And how would u live ur life if we knew 4 A FACT dat there is no afterlife and or "heaven". Or no "hell" if u stolel, ****d or murdered? Live ur life dats what everybody says... dats cuz no one is 100% positive dat we have another one after dis.

"I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It's ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm". -- Mike Tyson // Olympians_Hades // BF3 [Olym]xander07306

Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 11:23pm
Is it really that hard for you to type "that"  "this" "the" "you"?


Posted By: xander07306
Date Posted: 29 Oct 2011 at 11:45pm
its a habit when jus typing text when its not dat important to have proper spelling or grammar and im just trying to enter text a lil' faster .. as long as its not too confusing ,,, but u know dat already ... why u messing wit me JP??

"I could feel his muscle tissues collapse under my force. It's ludicrous these mortals even attempt to enter my realm". -- Mike Tyson // Olympians_Hades // BF3 [Olym]xander07306

Posted By: TX2k7
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2011 at 4:06am
Originally posted by JPINATOR

Is it really that hard for you to type "that"  "this" "the" "you"?

lol oh yes, target acquired hehehe

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Posted By: ut3lve
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2011 at 5:40am
has anyone ever wiped there ass on a q'uran??? it really a quality bit of paper

Posted By: danjel3+5
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2011 at 6:37am
Originally posted by Deadaim

Actually its him trying to piss phantaci off because he knows phantaci is deeply religious.
Correct me if im wrong.. I must of missed the AETHISM IS BULLL**** !!! thread and then specifically calling out someone who is deeply atheist rigth after it.
Gotta love religious tolerance.. these religion threads are what basically killed this site.. and to see one being brought back because someone is butthurt about their duel tier placement is sad.
I understand you guys are young.. and most jackasses (especially you english tarts) dont give a **** about anything other then what your liberal goofball progressive teacher shoved down your throat.. but let people believe in religion if they want to.. its amazing that atheists are the ones complaining they have religious opinion forced on them all the time.. I never see anything on any sort of debate on this other then extremely pissy atheists screaming about how fake religion is.
Believe what you want, let others believe what they want.. look at all the death in the world.. life can end in an instant.. I'd like to believe that theirs more to my concious thought then it just turning off and not existing whatsoever as soon as my body perishes.. For everyones sake, hopefully religion is right. But regardless enjoy your f'ing lives and stop crying about this **** on here.. I had to stop coming to this site for a solid 6 months because I was simply tired of listenin to people go off about how fake they thought religion was.

Awwww understanding as ever. 

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iAMgaming... where unimportant people come to feel important.

Posted By: Iuckshot
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2011 at 7:37am
Originally posted by Deadaim

I understand you guys are young.. and most jackasses (especially you english tarts) dont give a **** about anything other then what your liberal goofball progressive teacher shoved down your throat..

Thanks for the respect for beliefs right there then lol

I never see anything on any sort of debate on this other then extremely pissy atheists screaming about how fake religion is.

Well there's some pretty moot 'arguments' on both sides :P.
And there's plenty of times I've seen them outnumber any actual premises, and they got applauded for it. You probably just notice it sooner when it's against whatever idea you hold to be true

Also @ butthurt list suggestion, isn't that like, half of the definition of B-List in the first place?

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Posted By: ColossusSlayer
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2011 at 9:27am
it annoys me how people think they own UT3 and they can only make the rules and who can play and who cant. all games are free to play and people like phantaci just think that they call the shots and he calls people garbage and insults people daily, how the hell is that been a good christian person???

people use religion as an exscuse and think that if they use christ as there riot shield then they can get away with things or they will get more respect well Im saying this now I hope they all die of cancer.

Not all christian's are like this I know, my grandad loves christ and has done all his life and he is a good person and I know there are millions more like him but people like phantaci are fake and treat people like garbage over the internet, my grandad would never do anything like that because he is a true christian.

these thoughts got me suspended from school years ago because I wasnt scared to voice my opinion and I think most of christianity is a sham.

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Posted By: Darkn3ss
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2011 at 9:46am
Originally posted by ColossusSlayer

it annoys me how people think they own UT3 and they can only make the rules and who can play and who cant. all games are free to play and people like phantaci just think that they call the shots and he calls people garbage and insults people daily, how the hell is that been a good christian person???

people use religion as an exscuse and think that if they use christ as there riot shield then they can get away with things or they will get more respect well Im saying this now I hope they all die of cancer.

Not all christian's are like this I know, my grandad loves christ and has done all his life and he is a good person and I know there are millions more like him but people like phantaci are fake and treat people like garbage over the internet, my grandad would never do anything like that because he is a true christian.

these thoughts got me suspended from school years ago because I wasnt scared to voice my opinion and I think most of christianity is a sham.

I respect your opinion and how you think about things. But I think Phantaci is a true christian. Its just how you define him that he is not. How can you judge him if you have never ever met him in real life?

If he puts strength out of that then I see no crime in that. I respect that.
Also, I think if you would meet Phantaci in real life that you would have a completly different image about him. Im not trying to defend him, but alot of people that ARE christian put much strength out of that belief. And I respect that. You should too, especially since your grandpa is christian :) There is no reason to hate this all because of a game??? 

Anyway, I still respect you Colossus and you're opinion. you know that and I know that your an awesome and sound guy :) Just do the same too others. Dont go on a holy war.

PC Specs:

Intel i5-4960K 3.4GHz
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Antec 1100 Tower Case
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2x 256GB Samsung SSD

Posted By: SIZZLE
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2011 at 9:52am
CS you just need a thicker skin for this site my man. ) Your a tru gamer that plays different games, not just ut3, and your a real good ut3 player! One of the best ctf flag runners that i've seen on ps3! So you shouldn't let negativity from a small few on this site get to you this much! Rage'n against the whole site? Going postal on iam? Sounds like you flipped your lid for a moment? lol

Your ok in my book though CS!


sHoCkD_Yo_aSs is a novice bot

Posted By: BAIN
Date Posted: 30 Oct 2011 at 9:52am
Originally posted by Aquaknot

uhhhh.... yeah.  It's a video game site.  One of the rules used to be about leaving religion out of it entirely.  That was changed, and an area has been set aside so you can treat each other like sh1t all you want.

So, have your fill and have a blast I guess.
Aqua is correct. This is a gaming website. Go talk about games.


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